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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Renekton's Ability Sequence?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Renekton 5,465

  • Janitsu

    Renekton's Ability Sequence?

    I've seen couple of pro players maxing Slice and Dice before Cull the Meek when they are against someone like Kennen, Rumble or Nidalee.

    What do you think about maxing Slice and Dice before Cull the Meek and if yes, against who should Renekton max it?
  • Answers (2)

    GrandmasterD (531) | September 2, 2013 8:11am
    The general sequence I see is Q > E > W
    Meiyjhe (539) | September 2, 2013 4:26am
    Slice and dice grants more mobility, Cull the Meek grants more sustain. Slice n dice allows sticking to your target, Cull of the Meek gives you more 1v1 survivability.

    Conclusion; Slice and Dice against kiters/high mobility enemies, Cull the Meek for the rest.
    DarkPercy (151) | September 4, 2013 2:36pm
    Also Slice and Dice gives +60 or even +75 (with fury) extra damage for EACH rank while Cull the Meek ''only'' gives +30 or +45 with Fury.

    So you get a lower cooldown escape/chasing ability and much higher burst. However, maxing Cull the Meek gives better AoE, better sustain, more sustained damage and imo better laning power because you can regularly zone the enemy by hitting them with Cull the Meek everytime they come in range to last hit (if the enemy champion is melee of course).

    And finally you will rarely get to use Slice and Dice twice in a top lane fight after popping your ult but you can quite easily use Cull the Meek twice. So there's another advantage for Cull the meek.
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