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Here is the guide review you applied for a few months ago. I am very sorry for the long delay >.< Usually we are trying to respond as soon as possible but sometimes things just won't work out :p
I split this review into 3 parts:
----★ BUILD/CHEATSHEET - This part is all about your cheat sheet - runes, items, builds, and all that stuff at the top of your guide!
----★ PRESENTATION - The visual side of your guide!
----★ CONTENT - The actual amount & quality of the content in your guide!
BEFORE YOU READ THE REVIEW: It may sometimes sound like the "tone" I wrote this review in might be slightly harsh - but trust me - I was writing this review in the nicest and most light-hearted tone imaginable, even though it's hard to tell from something so emotion-less as a wall of text. Also, nothing in this review is an order or something you must do. It's just a collection of recommendations from a rando on the internet that you can but totally don't have to follow. It's your guide after all <3
SUMMARY: While I believe your guide has a few loose screws here and there (especially from the visual side of things), it absolutely shows potential. Your cheatsheet is near-perfect, some of your chapters look stellar and overall it's not a bad guide in the slightest. Keep up the good work and I don't doubt your guide will one day become the best
If you have any extra questions about anything, feel free to ask! :D
Have a ravishing rest of the day <3
Thanks for the review! I'll look into it the coming days :)