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Rakan Build Guide by Aerenax

Support [14.12] War is in the dance! - A comprehensive Rakan guide.

Support [14.12] War is in the dance! - A comprehensive Rakan guide.

Updated on June 19, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Aerenax Build Guide By Aerenax 569 39 919,155 Views 61 Comments
569 39 919,155 Views 61 Comments
League of Legends Build Guide Author Aerenax Rakan Build Guide By Aerenax Updated on June 19, 2024
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Tauricus2017 (120) | November 9, 2022 8:18am
Hello there, Aerenax!
Here is the guide review you applied for a few months ago. I am very sorry for the long delay >.< Usually we are trying to respond as soon as possible but sometimes things just won't work out :p

I split this review into 3 parts:

---- BUILD/CHEATSHEET - This part is all about your cheat sheet - runes, items, builds, and all that stuff at the top of your guide!
---- PRESENTATION - The visual side of your guide!
---- CONTENT - The actual amount & quality of the content in your guide!

BEFORE YOU READ THE REVIEW: It may sometimes sound like the "tone" I wrote this review in might be slightly harsh - but trust me - I was writing this review in the nicest and most light-hearted tone imaginable, even though it's hard to tell from something so emotion-less as a wall of text. Also, nothing in this review is an order or something you must do. It's just a collection of recommendations from a rando on the internet that you can but totally don't have to follow. It's your guide after all <3


SUMMARY: While I believe your guide has a few loose screws here and there (especially from the visual side of things), it absolutely shows potential. Your cheatsheet is near-perfect, some of your chapters look stellar and overall it's not a bad guide in the slightest. Keep up the good work and I don't doubt your guide will one day become the best Rakan guide this site has ever witnessed! <3

If you have any extra questions about anything, feel free to ask! :D
Have a ravishing rest of the day <3
Aerenax (5) | November 10, 2022 1:32pm
Hi Tauricus,

Thanks for the review! I'll look into it the coming days :)
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