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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Runaan's Hurricane

Runaan's Hurricane
Total Price: 2600 | Recipe Price: 700 | Sell Price: 1820

LoL Item: Runaan's Hurricane
  • 40% Attack Speed
  • 25% Critical Strike Chance
  • 7% Movement Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks on-attack fire additional bolts at up to 2 enemies in front of you, each dealing 55% AD physical damage. Bolts apply on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness and are affected by critical strike modifiers.

The bolts will target the closest enemies to you that are not the main target. Can only be purchased on ranged champions.
  • 40% Attack Speed
  • 25% Critical Strike Chance
  • 7% Movement Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks on-attack fire additional bolts at up to 2 enemies in front of you, each dealing 55% AD physical damage. Bolts apply on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness and are affected by critical strike modifiers.

The bolts will target the closest enemies to you that are not the main target. Can only be purchased on ranged champions.

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Rogther (1) | November 16, 2014 12:42pm
Does this hit stealthed enemies?
Darkbloon | September 11, 2014 11:40am
Migho wrote:

Wow are you a fortune teller
Janitsu (569) | March 24, 2014 12:52pm
Yes, this does apply Twitch's passive but no, you shouldn't get it on him because there are way better items for him.
DaRealWario (2) | March 24, 2014 12:42pm
Does this work with Twitch's passive? I'm trying to make new strats since pure AS doesn't work...
DarkAkumaLord (61) | January 5, 2014 2:54am
Man. Some people here mustve been high when they posted ...
Mitharan | December 15, 2013 7:25pm
Since no one replied on Jinx's page. I'm reposting here

Trying to figure out what is most up to date about Runaan's Hurricane and Switcheroo (rocket mode). I've found posts on forums saying several different things and all are a month old at least.

Do all 3 bolts do splash damage?

Is the splash damage reduced by to the damage dealt by Runaan's or is it considered an "on hit effect" and so the damage is calculated to full?

Can a target be affected by all 3 splashes?
Migho | November 30, 2013 1:24am
Does the passive work with kayles E? Would be op...
Bludes (51) | November 17, 2013 5:57am
This item is CORE for every ADC :'D
KillerNeko (13) | November 17, 2013 5:56am
sirell wrote:

wtf no. I've played AD Lulu a LOT and I've never seen the need for this item.

Really ? I have seen many ADC Lulu player using this, and personally, I have use this item and it was good (but optional and conditional, my main core is Bloodthirster, Blade of the Ruined King, and Trinity Force)

I do not doubt your build, im sure you have a nice build, so could you share about what you build if you make something else than Runaan's Hurricane ?
sirell (400) | November 14, 2013 6:19am
KillerNeko wrote:

Still, Runaan's Hurricane is one of the most popular item for ADC Lulu, the on hit effect make it insane, and since the damage is based on your attack damage, it scale best with your AD item like Bloodthirster

wtf no. I've played AD Lulu a LOT and I've never seen the need for this item.
KillerNeko (13) | November 14, 2013 6:12am
Erikulum wrote:

too bad this doesn't work on Lulu's Pix, Faerie Companion

Still, Runaan's Hurricane is one of the most popular item for ADC Lulu, the on hit effect make it insane, and since the damage is based on your attack damage, it scale best with your AD item like Bloodthirster
NicknameMy (155) | August 20, 2013 11:24am
Kog'Maws home bow.
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