League of Legends (LoL) Question: Rylais on Azir
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Rylai's Crystal Scep

Rylais on Azir
Currently i build Athene/Nashor on Azir to get 40% cdr, mana regen and atk speed. Then i build Rylais because slowing people from behind the frontline is a great addition for the team. It wasts Azir Q slow but is obviously a better slow. So what do you guys think? Is it still a worth item on him or should i be happy enough with his Q and another item? Also which item would you suggest as a alternativ. Rushing Deathcab or going defensive with abysall/zhonya?
If you're going Damage over Time (DoT)
You can ask the guide maker, not sure if he'll respond though. He probably knows a lot about Azir.