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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Warpath (PASSIVE)
Hecarim Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
I personally permaban graves so idk what to tell u except that hes hecas biggest counter.He can invade,he gets insane amounts of armor from his E and he can dash over walls multiple times to escape and kite well.Hes also one of the most picked junglers rn.
Renata Glasc
Renatas W enables u to go in 1v5 despite being squishy and the ability to reset/heal up is like a zilean ulti.Also the utility from her R and pull can enable hecarim to go in last in a teamfight as a cleanup.
Renata Glasc
Renatas W enables u to go in 1v5 despite being squishy and the ability to reset/heal up is like a zilean ulti.Also the utility from her R and pull can enable hecarim to go in last in a teamfight as a cleanup.
Champion Build Guide

As Hecarim with this build ur primary goal is to acquire as much gold as possible. Since you should run

Tracking the enemy jungler as a jungler yourself is one of the most overlooked things a jungler can do. Almost all people are too focused on their lanes so they cant track the enemy jungler themselves,but if you do it for them you can potentially deny the enemy jungler a ton of gank opportunities. To do this,you need to either ward one of the enemies buffs to know which side they are starting at,or you can ask your mid laner to ward the enemy




If you are going to do a gank,and you know the enemy has flash up,try to run around them before you use your



Since you are building



In teamfights,you dont need to rush in as the primary engage. Your main focus before entering a teamfight is acquiring


I saw plenty of


A lot of players always use their

I will base threat levels from 1-10

-Hes slow at farming and generally weak,unless he gets an insane lead somehow early you shouldnt worry that much.
-Avoid his CC in teamfights if possible.

-She can farm as fast as u and is even with you early game even if you have

-She fullclears just like you so try to track her since its easy.
-Whoever gets first herald in this matchup will get a massive lead.
-She falls off after 25 minutes and you can avoid her in teamfights.

-She fullclears,has same speed as you,easily predictable.Early game without

-She falls off around 2-3 items,you win objective fights and skirmishes with

-This matchup is mostly played in lower elos,at the moment

-He can fullclear or look for early ganks,you stomp him early game especially with

-You can CC him so he cant get his

-Shes a spamganking jungler,with the raptor ward you can see to which side of the map she will attempt a level 3 gank or a tower dive.
-If she lands a

-She falls off hard,you farm faster than her and outscale her.

-She fullclears,easily trackable untill level 6.Try to match her side of the map and get a lead early game.You can force herald if you are even or ahead.
-You can

-He fullclears,his early game and ganks are weak but he can avoid you.
-Main problem with fiddle are the teamfights,his CC is very reliable and point and click.You will need to wait for him to

-His early game ganks are strong,but he himself is weak early.You farm faster than him and you can

-Hecarims biggest counters,both do the same job.Both can kite you extremely well,they can invade you early game,they can spamgank or powerfarm.Their scaling is just as good as yours,but they have an easier time accessing an early game lead.
-On a positive note,both champs are hard and if they missposition,your

-You can knock kindred or her allies out of her

-His early game is weak,but he can cheese your buff level 1.Be careful about taking 2 points

He can spamgank,fullclear or invade,you farm faster and beat him with

-You stomp him with

-Try to isolate kill him in teamfights or knock him away from your team before killing him so his passive doesnt do all the work.

-Weird matchup depending on the player,he can cheese you level 1 or invade you.He can also just fullclear,but if you keep track of him and delay his form you get a lead by forcing herald with

-He beats you if you are isolated,even with

-Hes weak at the moment,but hes decent into Hecarim.His early game is strong,clearing is slow and he will look to gank level 3 or invade.You beat him at levels 5 and 7 if you have

-He falls off hard if you are even,your fast clear can make you have 2 levels up on him.
-Be careful of engaging with your

-Shes strong at the moment,but

-In teamfights,try to save your

-Just like with

-You cant do much if you fall behind,and he also outscales you.
-Save atleast your

-He fullclears,his ganks are really bad pre 6 but he can absolutely stomp you at objective fights if you are not ahead by a mile.Try to abuse his team with your superior ganking and avoid him in fights like a plague,because if he

-You can


-Nidalee can spam gank or invade you,and shes slightly stronger than you early.Try to get to level 6 while being even and the matchup becomes much easier.You win herald fight with

-You win against him in all stages of the game with

-Hes weaker than you in all stages of the game,but he can get ahead through spamganking.Try to track him and ping your team the entire time of his position.
-Always save your

-Very slow at farming,weaker than you early game but he can spamgank.Try to avoid him in fights and go for his team.

-You need to track her,she will level 3 as soon as she can.You farm way faster,and win at all stages with

-You can

-Hes way stronger than you early game,post 6 he can match your

-If you can get ahead early by a gank or countergank,you will have a much easier time forcing fights against him with

-She can spamgank early game,farms slow and she is weaker than you untill around 12 minutes untill she gets her first armor item.After that try to avoid her CC in fights and go for her team.Be careful if she has melee champions with her because you will get CC chained and oneshot.

-Hes weaker than you at all stages of the game if you have

-At the moment hes very strong,he has very high damage early game and wins almost all skirmishes.Hes very slow at farming and takes a lot of damage from the jungle,so you can build a massive lead mid game with consistant farming.Try to dodge his abilities with your high movespeed.
-You can cancel his

-He stomps you at all stages of the game if you arent ahead,but you have a chance to kite him around with your

-Udyr fullclears,same speed as you and has stronger early game.You dont beat him unless you got a lead,but you can avoid him with your speed and

-You hard outscale him,around level 13 if you are both even you can ignore him and go for his team.

-You beat her at all stages if you are atleast even,but be careful of getting locked up with the CC.You farm faster and you win with

-You can

-You farm way faster,you stomp him early and midgame with

-His early game is annoying with how strong he is,but if you just space him between his autos and your

-Hes slightly weaker than you untill he gets

-You can track his clone with your

-Hes basically an unskilled

-You can space your

-Zac is a jack of all trades,he can powerfarm or he can spamgank.You farm faster than him,and you can interrupt his

-Insanely tanky + the revive passive,he can buy a lot of time for his team.
His early game is slightly weak,but he scales even with you.

Ty guys for reading the guide,hope you can stomp some noobs with it. As i said in the beginning i stream at https://www.twitch.tv/suki545. If you have any questions feel free to drop them on the stream or in the comment section of this guide. A thumbs up would be greatly appreciated cause i deserve it for sharing knowledge of the best

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