Nocturne is nuts in the current meta, he will kill you at all times, he has better ganks than you, his ultimate can easily disable your entire kit.
This should be your perma-ban until he gets nerfed or something
Bel'Veth is tricky, she can destroy you, but you can also destroy her - it's up to who plays better, you never beat her in early game, but later you can oneshot her with your ult
The key to winning is to dodge her CC
I'm doing these champions the way I see them, and I see Amumu as an extreme matchup for Fiddle. The amount of CC makes the game unplayable so just try to avoid him at all times. - rush shadowflame
The Briar matchup is easy you just need to gang up on her with your teammates. Your ultimate oneshots her most of the times, be careful of her CC abilities, don't use W if she has the CC up.
Diana has a better early game than you and can easily kill you, but you have way better clearing and even ganks. Play for your team against Diana and you'll win.
I don't think you'll have much problems against Ekko unless you do a mistake, his only way to kill you is if he lands his stun, so just avoid that.
This champion is rarely played but whenever you run into her you'll have a hard time, she can cc and then oneshot you - avoid 1v1's early on.
If you land your ultimate on her she's dead in 3 seconds, however she can do the same to you. Try to kill her first, early game you beat her hard.
Gragas is rarely played too but he disables you with his E so just don't run into him
I find the Graves matchup very easy, we have way better clear, way better ganks and your ultimate obliterates him. Be careful of his smoke and just gank more than him
Hecarim is very hard to play against too because he has very good 1v1's, he has better ganks than you and a clear almost as fast as us. You need to get a lead on him otherwise you can't do anything. If you ult him the fear will make him run very fast so only fight him with your team
You beat him at all times just avoid his q and daisy's stun
Jarvan IV
Jarvan is another hard champ you will face, it's unplayable for you the only way to kill him is to full combo him with your ultimate - rush shadowflame
He's weak early game, if your team is good early game go and invade him it'll put him behind for a long time, avoid 1v1'ing him he will melt you.
I love playing against Kayn you win all 1v1's before level 6, if you catch him in the river you can beat him.
The only reason why I put him Minor and not Tiny is because if he goes red Kayn it'll be slightly harder due to the cc he gains.
Kha'Zix will kill you at all times of the game, you have way better clear and ganks tho just so just focus on helping your team - rush malignance and you can oneshot him with your ultimate, make sure he used his e first before you ult.
Use your wards to remove his isolation
Lee Sin
A good Lee Sin will destroy you, but they are rarely seen and most people who play Lee Sin are not that good. Lee Sin is a pretty weak champion in the current meta so once you get a few items you can 1shot him. Obviously avoid him early game.
Very hard to kill her due to the insane move-speed she has, her teamfighting is good too. Rush Zhonya so you avoid her sleep.
Maokai is hell, he doesn't have enough damage to kill you but every ability has some kind of cc so you will never be able to use your W - rush shadowflame
To counter Kindred with Fiddlesticks, prioritize early vision control, control objectives better than her and once she reaches level 6 try to silence her when she gets low, so your team can kill her before she ults.
Master Yi
Always avoid him, only fight him with your team. - rush stormsurge and you can burst him with your ult
Nunu & Willump
Nunu outganks you hard, so just focus on farming and scaling up, in teamfights you destroy her. - rush shadowflame
You're lucky Olaf is not played because he destroys you all game, only fight with your team.
She's not a threat at all she just has better 1v1's than you, focus on farming and scaling up, dodge her Unburrow ability, and use your crowd control to disrupt her tunnels and prevent her from engaging successfully.
You have better teamfighting so just focus on teamfights, rush shadowflame.
A good Zac will destroy you, avoid his CC's (it's pretty hard) and focus on scaling up - rush shadowflame
She's too tanky to be killed however you have way better clearing and vision control - rush shadowflame
Xin Zhao
Rarely seen since early game champions are not good in this current meta - just focus on farming and ignore him
I never play against this champ so I don't know what to say about her
Just scale up and ignore him, you can steal dragon with your ultimate he gets one-shot - it's an easy game once you've got 2-3 items
Avoid him early game and later on one-shot him with your ult before he does it to you. - don't place too many wards in bushes he can jump to them
Skarner is a fun matchup, try to take his crystals when he's not around. Don't fight him - rush shadowflame
He runs you down like you're nothing, farm up and kill his teammates. - Avoid this champ at all times, don't even run into him
Self-explanatory, stay away from him and rush shadowflame
I rarely play against her so idk
Viego is a skill match-up if you farm better than him you win, if he kills you and takes your body your teammates can kill him most viego players don't know what Fiddle does.
Warwick is a nightmare, you only win in teamfights against him. - run away and rush shadowflame
Nothing you can do to him, it's hard to kill him even with your ultimate, just get your team ahead and let them kill him. - rush shadowflame
If you have a Pyke on your team pick Fiddle, this combo is insanely good. You deal the damage he needs to finish off.
If someone plays Nocturne top you'll have a really good synergy with him, your fear will give him bonus move speed and his ultimate guarantees that your ult fears the enemies.
The classic Kennen + Fiddle combo, teamfights are won instantly.
Same as Kennen, teamfights are won instantly.
Again, good teamfighting.
If you have a Pyke on your team pick Fiddle, this combo is insanely good. You deal the damage he needs to finish off.
If someone plays Nocturne top you'll have a really good synergy with him, your fear will give him bonus move speed and his ultimate guarantees that your ult fears the enemies.
The classic Kennen + Fiddle combo, teamfights are won instantly.
I am thrilled to present to you a comprehensive guide to mastering Fiddlesticks, one of the deadliest and spookiest champions in League of Legends. As a die-hard fiddlesticks player I've peaked Diamond 4, and was rank 1 Fiddlesticks on the EUNE region.
In this guide, we will delve deep into the mechanics, strategies, and tactics that make Fiddlesticks a force to be reckoned with on the Summoner's Rift. Whether you are a beginner looking to understand the basics of this champion or an experienced player seeking to fine-tune your techniques, this guide aims to provide valuable insights for all skill levels.
But why Fiddlesticks, you may ask? Well, Fiddlesticks offers a unique playstyle and brings a ton of tools to the summoners rift. With his crowd control, devastating burst damage, and an ultimate that can turn teamfights on their head, Fiddlesticks can easily become a nightmare to deal with. In the right hands, he can be the best champion in the whole game.
Throughout this guide, I will share my extensive knowledge of Fiddlesticks, covering topics such as champion abilities, optimal item builds, effective jungle routes, vision control strategies, and ways to maximize your impact during teamfights. Moreover, I will provide you with tips and tricks that will give you the edge on the sr, allowing you to dominate your opponents and secure the LP.
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