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Recommended Items
Runes: Main Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order ABILITIES
A Harmless Scarecrow (PASSIVE)
Fiddlesticks Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Elise is a very bad match up for Fiddle.Her E can avoid his ult which means he lost this for sure even if she is behind
If she lands her Q and puts a R in teamfight...its gg for the other team.You just go in with R and deal so much global dmg its insane
If she lands her Q and puts a R in teamfight...its gg for the other team.You just go in with R and deal so much global dmg its insane

+ Very fun to play + Easy to learn + Can solo objectives + Very good Ult + Lots of Gloval DMG + Jungle sustain and clear + Has CC + Low ban rate + Can give heart attacks |
- He is squishy - Cannot do much DMG without R - Cannot take objectives quick - Has no escape if caught - Big CD on Ult - Needs lots of vision |
All in all Fiddle has as many advantages and disadvantages as any other champ picking him or not depends on your play style and your team
These are the core items for Fiddlesticks!You will find these items in most if not all Jungle guides about him.However you must there some things you should know to make your gameplay better with Fiddlesticks.Lets start with ![]() ![]() ![]() |
First thing to do when spawning is to buy your items.If your buy includes a control ward place it in the bush near river at your blue side(as shown in the map image) so you know you wont get invaded.If the enemy team has a gank potential place the ward in the lane where they have the more danger of getting ganked.
As for the jungle path there 2 options with the first one #1 focusing on farm till lvl 3-4 and the other which #2 leans in early ganks for your team if you find a lvl 2 gank.
For both paths we will be using an map image inorder to make the paths easier to understand.Both paths work at both sides(obvious but we need to mention for new players).The first path which is the main path will use the red markers and the other side will use the blue markers
As for the first jungle path you should raptors #1 and then go to take your Red #2

The second option doesn't have any differences from the first one at the start.Same as before you start from raptors #1 and the head to your Red #2

As for your ganks try to use your ult only when you know you can get a kill out of the gank or else it will not be worth it.Remember that enemy jungle could also counter gank any moment so have vision at lane entrances and objectives so your team can rotate to a drake if needed
Furthermore if there no available objectives at the time or you cannot take an objective(low health exp.),if the enemy ganks a lane you can invade his jungle for free cs.
In general dont overstay at your jungle.You may have sustain but an item more could make the difference in a gank or drake retake
Last but not least Vision.Vision is very important with

Lets start:
As mentioned aboved the u should lvl up the abilities this way :





If you gank a lane without R

On the other hand if you use R

If a teamfight is about to happen make sure all enemies or at least the most important members are gathered so they are in range of your R

Last but not least be ready to use flash after you R

The best positions at the map to use your Ultimate (R

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