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Garen Build Guide by FlopyWeiner

Middle ⚔️[S14] ADVANCED GAREN MID PLAYSTYLE (Updated as of Patch 14.3)

Middle ⚔️[S14] ADVANCED GAREN MID PLAYSTYLE (Updated as of Patch 14.3)

Updated on February 21, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FlopyWeiner Build Guide By FlopyWeiner 36,971 Views 0 Comments
36,971 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FlopyWeiner Garen Build Guide By FlopyWeiner Updated on February 21, 2024
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Runes: Runes

Unsealed Spellbook
Triple Tonic
Minion Dematerializer
Cosmic Insight

Nimbus Cloak

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Table of contents

Guide Details
x About me

x Pros / Cons
x Why Garen?
x Combos
x Patch changes
x How to play Garen
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About Me

Hello, my name is Isaac I'm currently a 2 million Mastery point Garen one trick and I've been playing him for 5 years. Overall I have played around 3-4 thousand games on Garen across different accounts.

(One of my accounts)
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Pros and Cons


Great Sustain

Good Duel


Lots of damage


Very passive early game

Difficult to master high elo

Ult takes practice

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Why Garen?

Garen is a great top laner. He definitely hasn't always, but he is now. Garen's sustain and decent trading makes him an amazing beginner top. Also, he is very alike other top laners which means you can utilize a lot of your skill on other champs. Regardless, he isn't brain dead like Vayne or Teemo. Garen is entirely dependent on wave management and smart trades. Besides that his mechanical skill is little to none compared to other champs.

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Flash Q R Ignite
Q Flash R Ignite
AA Q E away
Q-E-R (but as you're ulting click away) (ult animation cancel)

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Patch changes

So, in patch 13.1b with the new change of Mortal Reminder now having no movement speed or attack speed it has been essentially gutted for normal Garen. Crit Garen likes it more than ever now because LDR was never exactly optimal with his high health but normal Garen got screwed over.However, there is a item that has been slipping by undercover through every single patch. Black cleaver, this item has had constant buffing since the item rework pushing it to the point that the old Season 10 Tri BC Garen build is now actually optimal.
In the new meta Riot has pushed tower gold and split power a lot meaning the value of teleport has gone up substantially run this always with Unsealed Spellbook.

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How to play Garen

So many of you pick up this champion and are like ohhh he's brainless this is gonna be a breeze. Then you end up going 0/5 and wonder what did I do wrong?? Now, I'm not saying that Garen is hard by any means. But Garen has a very simple mechanical tool kit. People know what you're going to do and with all simple champs in order to over come that you have to focus on wave management/micro. Garen plays a lot like Nasus early game. With the difference of if someone walks up to you, you can trade. But you really want to prio farm. You outscale almost every matchup in the game. Even playing vs Nasus I don't shove, but I do trade a lot. Garen is immobile so don't try to shove and expect to escape a gank. One thing to note is DO NOT FARM THE WAVE WITH E UNTIL 3 POINTS Also If you play passively early, get item leads and use optimal recalls you will carry every game.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author FlopyWeiner
FlopyWeiner Garen Guide
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⚔️[S14] ADVANCED GAREN MID PLAYSTYLE (Updated as of Patch 14.3)

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