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Akali Build Guide by Nitress

Middle [S14] Akali tutorial, basics and advanced techniques

Middle [S14] Akali tutorial, basics and advanced techniques

Updated on March 8, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nitress Build Guide By Nitress 242 18 617,441 Views 22 Comments
242 18 617,441 Views 22 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nitress Akali Build Guide By Nitress Updated on March 8, 2024
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Runes: Conqueror

1 2 3
Presence of Mind
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
First option
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[S14] Akali tutorial, basics and advanced techniques

By Nitress

NOTICE: The guide is still under development, but it is 100% ready for use and learning.

Welcome!! My name is Nitress I'm from Poland so I apologize in advance for any linguistic mistakes. In this tutorial I will teach you how to play akali. Here you will learn how to properly assemble Akali items and what runes will be appropriate. You will also learn simple and more advanced combos here.

-- See Changelog here --

-- Here you will find my streams --

If you have any questions, text to me: † Nitress「🖤」#7644

I have included my little experiment at the end of the tutorial




Assassin's Mark
Dealing spell damage to a champion creates a ring of energy around them for 5 seconds, granting her 35/40/45/50% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds while moving towards the edge of the ring.

Exiting that ring empowers Akali's next autoattack, gains 125 bonus range and deals 35 - 182 (+ 60% bonus Attack Damage) (+ 55% bonus Ability Power) magic damage.

Five Point Strike
Cooldown: 1.5
Cost: 130/115/100/85/70 energy
Range: 550
Slings kunai in an arc, dealing 30/55/80/105/130 (+65% bonus Attack Damage) (+60% bonus Ability Power) magic damage. Enemies at the tip are slowed by 50 for 0.5 seconds.

Twilight Shroud
Cooldown: 20
Range: 350
Akali drops a smoke bomb, unleashing a spreading cover of smoke lasting 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 seconds.
The smoke grants Akali invisibility and 30/35/40/45/50% decaying movement speed for 2 seconds.
Stealth - Invisible: Akali can only be revealed by nearby enemy Turrets or True Sight.
Akali increases her energy by 100 while the shroud is active.

Shuriken Flip
Cooldown: 16/14.5/13/11.5/10
Cost: 30 energy
Range: 825
Flip backward and fire a shuriken forward, dealing 30/56.25/82.5/108.75/135 (+85% Attack Damage) (+120% bonus Ability Power) magic damage and marking the first enemy or smoke cloud hit.
Re-cast: Dash to the marked target, dealing 70/131.25/192.5/253.75/315(+85% Attack Damage) (+120% bonus Ability Power).

Perfect Execution
Cooldown: 100/80/60
Range: 650
Two dashes: The first vaults over target enemy, dealing 80/220/360 (+50% bonus Attack Damage) (+30% bonus Ability Power) magic damage to all enemies Akali dashes over. Akali can dash again after 2.5 seconds.
The second is an untargeted piercing thrust that executes, dealing 60/130/200 (+30% bonus Ability Power) to 180/390/600 (+90% bonus Ability Power) magic damage based on missing health.









































Akali, The rogue assassin
Akali is a mid and top AP assassin
Akali pre level six is pretty hard, Her R is main damage source.
Overall Akali is a really hard and hard to master champion
You need to start dominating your opponent at level 6.
Overall akali have really good early and mid game but week late game.
You need to know, Twilight Shroud is really important skill, you need to know how to use it.


High mobility
Really high burst damage
Great engage
Good backline
High outplay potential
Akali can easily one-shot squishies
Easy escapes
Really powerfull mid-game


Hard to master
If you get cc you die
Low hp mr and armor
Hard to play vs tanks and range
Hard combos
Hard to comeback
Hard to get consistent high CS/m
Does not forgive mistakes

Early Game - Strong

In Early game (0-15 min), focus on farming and not losing hp. If the matchup is easy, you can look to play more aggressive.
Until you get R, try not to push the line. When you farm, hit them gradually so that you can kill them all at once with Q.
Akali has a really strong early game so use him well to get ahead of the 6th level.
Akali is a character that uses energy and her attacks consume a lot of energy, so use it well and don't waste all of it.
The first recall should be made with a minimum of 1150 gold, thanks to this, you will be able to buy shoes and blasting wand right away.
If you die without that amount of gold, you can also buy shoes and amplifying tome and only with the next recall, blasting wand.
Try not to fight under the tower without having R. Akali is really squishie before 6 level and first item.
Any mistake you make at this stage of the game can ruin the rest of the game.

Mid game - Strong

Try to roam as much as possible in this phase of the game. R akali I give a huge potential for very aggressive fights.
in mid game you can splitpush a lot.
in this game phase you need to know, you have really low damage vs objectives but you have to fight for them. Your job in fights is to staj behind, flank and kill most important targrts.
Your teamfight potential increases dramatically at this stage of the game, use it.
Try not to make too many mistakes because your late game is really difficult

Late game - Average

At this point in the game, your aggressive playstyle must disappear, any mistake can cost you the game and your ult doesn't hit that much damage anymore
Your positioning becomes even more important than in the previous stages of the game, every entry into your opponent's vision can cost you your life.
Analyze the risk taken in each fight and consider whether it is worth it.
Play around objectives, but analyze whether the fight for them is profitable.
Splitpush is as important here as it is in the mid game.
you need to know how to get out of the fight quickly.

IMPORTANT: In fact, at any stage of the game, the worst you can do is idiotically use your W

Starting Items

Doran's Shield
In difficult machups I recommend building a doran's Shield, this item makes you more poke resistant. Its healing passive allows you a better lane sustain and faster return from bad trade. In my opinion, this is by far the best option for new players. Buy it for 450 gold
Doran's Ring
Aggressive option, Doran's Ring is good against easy matchups. This item gives you AP, thanks to which you deal more damage from passives and skills. By playing with this item you can last hit the minions easier. Buy it for 400 gold
Dark Seal
Its really risky option. You need to play really good. Buy this only if you 100% sure you win lane. if you play with Dark seal you need to snowball and buy Refillable Potion. Buy it for 350gold

First Back

Blasting Wand
Personally, I start to build all and most of the items from a Blasting Wand. Buy it for 850 gold
Control Ward
Buy Control ward if you need good vision against gank. Is always good option. Buy it for 75 gold
Dark Seal
If you have big early gold advantage Dark seal for 350gold is really good option
Just shoes, nothing more to add
Amplifying Tome
If you have 1150 gold+ than recall and buy Blasting wond and boots.
If you die or you need to recall and you dont have 1150gold than buy boots and Amplifying tome.


Sorcerer's Shoes > Magic Penetration
You'll build in most matches Sorcerer's boots.
Mercury's Treads > Tenacity
Build Mercury's treads only when the enemy team has the majority of ap team, or when your enemy lane has really strong ap damage (for example teemo top).

Core Items


Very mobility and good for advanced combos.
Hextech Rocketbelt is really good for advanced mobility combos,
You can cancel your second e animation using them.
Rocketbelt is also good for getting into teamfights quickly
Rocketbelt gives you an additional 5 magic penetration for each legendary item.
Good for long fights
The Riftmaker makes you really strong in long fights, but you have less mobility than if you were to play rocketbelt.
Personally, I don't build it because I think Hextech Rocketbelt will always be better.

Night Harvester is really good option if you play electrocute.
Its oneshot item. In my opinion, it is not profitable to build it for other runes. Personally, I never buy it, but I recommend trying it. Currently, this item is not working as well as it used to be.


Rabadon's Deathcap
Rabadon's Deathcap is the item that you will build fourth or last most of the time, this is the item you almost always want to have. This item gives you a gigantic amount of ap
Zhonya's Hourglass
Zhonya's Hourglass is also a very useful item in most matches, I recommend building it after Shadowflame or in the end game phase, if you don't know how to use zhonya well I recommend you to practice playing with this item it can significantly extend your combat life or even win this fight.

Defensive Items

Banshee's veil
Banshee's Veil, build this item if your line or a large part of the enemy team has cc, this item is also good against teemo because his mushrooms do not deal damege. it gives you a spell shield.
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel its good option vs full AD team. It gives you the opportunity to endure the fight longer. However, this is an item that you will rarely build
Maw Of Malmortius
Maw of Malmortius its good option vs full AP team. A rarely built item which, however, has enormous potential. It gives you 50 magic resist which is a great choice in ap machups. it is also a great complement due to its ability haste
Hexdrinker is good vs hard AP machups. The advantage of this item is the price. it gives a really large amount of magic resist

Situational Items

Morellonomicon, it is an anti heal item. Always build a morellonomicon when the enemy has 2-3 or more powerful healing characters
Void staff
Void Staff, This item is the perfect choice if the enemy team has a lot of magic resists. he gives you 45 magic penetration.
Mejai's Soulstealer
Mejai's Soulstealer is really risky item, you can lose a lot but also can get a lot of ap. Its good option if you're fed and need to be fed more.
Quicksilver sash
Quicksilver Sash its almost must have item vs Mordekaiser and Malzahar, Just buy it when you need anty cc

The Most universal AP Mid build

| Presence of Mind | Legend: Tenacity | Last Stand
| Second Wind or Bone Plating | Overgrowth or Unflinching
The safest choice, good for matches with long fights.
You can also choose "Bone plating" or "unflinching" in the second runs, you have to change them for a given machup.
Small runes, if the enemy team has only or most of the ad characters change magic resist to armor

| Sudden Impact | Eyeball Collection | Relentless Hunter
| Second Wind or Bone Plating | Overgrowth or Unflinching
Good runes in simple matches and short fights.
You can also use "Bone planting", "Revitalize" or "Overgrowth", you have to change them for a given machup.
Small runes, if the enemy team has only or most of the ad characters change magic resist to armor

| Presence of Mind | Legend: Tenacity | Coup de Grace
| Second Wind or Bone Plating | Overgrowth or Unflinching
Lane Sustain, Good for long trade matchups such as Mordekaiser

Basic Combos

Basic Early Combo



Basic Out Combo



Basic Poke



Basic All-In



Basic All-In 2



Basic All-In 3



Advanced Combos

My own combo #1



My own combo #2



By playing akali you can make combos really easy



Rocketbelt combos

My own combo #1



My own combo #2



Akali Tips and Tricks

Did you know your e can be canceled using rocketbelt?

You can flash your R1 and R2

You can cancel your R2 move using flash

Did you know you can use walls to your combo?

You can use other and even minions for your combo


In brief:
・Don't recall if enemy wave is under your tower.
・The first recall should be around 1150-1500gold.
・Don't recall if enemy see you.
・Recall before objectives fights, the exception is when you cannot afford the item.
・Recall when you can afford item, unless you have a free farm on the line.
・If you have that option push the line before recall.

Contrary to appearances, recalling is not so simple, whether or not you should go back is influenced by a multitude of factors.
It is certainly obvious that you should recall to minimize the loss of gold and xp, but apart from that, you should also pay attention to aspects such as wave position or enemy position.
This is another reason why you should learn wave control.
Try to analyze the map all the time, you want to know where the enemy jungler is or if any of the lines will be looking for a roam.
Try to recall in safe places, finding out where it is safe can be used, for example, by map control.
When you recall you need to know what the situation looks like, for example around herald, it is logical that when enemy jungler takes a herald and you are not on the line, he will use it to create an advantage for your opponent over you.


In brief
Akali has really powerful flanks and a back to front. It is very mobile, which allows you to enter fights with a massive impact. Teleport giving you so much flank potential. Your W is basically your the most important skill in teamfights, dont use it if you not 100% sure its profitable to use.
As akali, your role in teamfights is actually sticking back and doing massive burst damage.
Your w is really important, as Akali you are very prone to dying in fights, your Twilight Shroud allows you to stay in fights longer. You have to watch out for all kinds of CC, when your opponent manages to hit you with any kind of CC you are practically dead. A good way to avoid death by cc is to use Twilight Shroud when you know that cc will hit you.
Summarizing the above few sentences, Twilight Shroud is your main skill in teamfight and akali is very squishie.

Your participation in teamfights can change dramatically in relation to the stage of the game. The early teamfights are really strong, but not as strong as the mid game. Mid game is the place where Akali can show off the most, your Perfect Execution allows for really gigantic damage that you can use to eliminate main enemy carry.
Unfortunately, the teamfights in the Akali late game are really tough. You don't have that much damage anymore and every mistake you make will result in your death due to enemy damage. In short, you have to be really careful in the late game.


In brief:
・Do not get your opponent Level 2 first.
・Remember that your skills use a lot of energy, try not to obscure your skills.
・Pay attention to the opponent's cd, mana or energy, use this advantage as soon as possible to deprive your opponent of the possibility of winning such a trade.
・try to use passives between skills.

Akali trading is very complex. One of the techniques you should definitely use is attacking the opponent when he is trying to last hit the minion, try not to use everything, Q Five Point Strike or a single auto attack is enough, even such a small amount of extra damage on the line is really important. Another thing this tactic gives you is easier to build an advantage in cs.
Remember about your passive Assassin's Mark, sometimes killing minions with q Five Point Strike allows you to hit your opponent, always try to take advantage of such opportunities, it allows you to use your passive, which beats a lot of damage.
In fact, winning early traders on akali can make a difference to whether or not you win the game. Try to enter only well-thought-out and certain trades if you do not feel confident in it. In fact, everything is based on the dominance of the opponent, your task is to make the opponent feel respect for you, it causes stress on the opponent that you have to take advantage of. It sounds pretty cliche, but it's a common tactic, ask yourself how many times have you lost a fight because you felt insecure and partially panicked?
Panic is the worst thing you can do while playing akali, every single mistake you make can end in death immediately. Hitting an E Shuriken Flip can be equal to winning a fight, but not hitting an E Shuriken Flip can also lose that fight.

Q:What Summoner Spells should I take?
A: Flash, Ignite, these two summoner spells are the most versatile. B: Flash, Teleport or Ignite, Teleport, A good option for top and mid, teleport gives you the advantage of a powerful flank.

Q:Why should I play akali?
A: First see Pros and cons B: Akali is a character who pays for the time invested in learning. With each passing hour your skills will get better and better and when you get to a certain point the game will become really simple.

Q:What build you abuse?
A: Im also adding ,

Q:Do you have any advice for the new akali player?
A: Of course I have. Try to use your passive between abilities to maximize damage. Dont use your R2 only to execute, you can also use it for dash to someone or you can use r1 and than r2 to escape. Try to not spam, you have really small amount of energy, dont waste it. If you dont have energy, be more careful. Dont use your shroud for movespeed. Try to use shroud in low energy, but if you need to use it in full energy still use it. Do not give up!! Akali is a character that requires a lot of time to learn, but if you devote enough time to her, it will pay off.


・1/06/2022・Removed character stats section.
・1/06/2022・Item Section Update.
・22/05/2022・Remove Turbo Chemtank build(It doesn't work anymore).
・22/05/2022・Remove Essence Reaver build(It doesn't work anymore).
・25/02/2022・Add Another Experimental build Here.
・19/02/2022・Add Trading chapter.
・17/02/2022・Teamfight chapter update.
・17/02/2022・Little starting items update.
・17/02/2022・New FAQ section(worth checking out)
・16/02/2022・Updating the graphics sphere.
・16/02/2022・Add Back buttons.
・15/02/2022・Add Recall chapter.
・15/02/2022・Add Teamfight chapter (not finished).
・15/02/2022・Add New FAQ Point.
・15/02/2022・Little Champion introduction update.
・15/02/2022・little mistakes fix.
・12/02/2022・Publish date
NOTICE: This build is my experiment, if you decide to play like this, please write me your feelings

In this build nashor and lich bane is must have item
the intent of this build is to maximize the damage from akali's passive.
Nashor gives us a huge amount of AP to start, which is 100ap and 50% attack speed. Passive gives 15 + 20% ap magic damage.
Lich bane gives us 75ap and an extra 15 ability haste.
Passive: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with an additional (75% base Attack Damage + 50% Ability Power) magic damage On-Hit (1.5s cooldown).
When playing this build, it is important that you use your passive and auto attacks as often as possible.
this build can really do a huge job when used wel.
I tested it for a short time, but it worked very well. for this I need your opinions

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