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Fizz Build Guide by Esrucnl



Updated on February 13, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Esrucnl Build Guide By Esrucnl 86 16 169,477 Views 0 Comments
86 16 169,477 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Esrucnl Fizz Build Guide By Esrucnl Updated on February 13, 2024
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1 2
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ingenious Hunter

Legend: Tenacity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite




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Champion Build Guide


By Esrucnl


I have over two million mastery points on Fizz
I'm consistently high elo on the EUW server the past years and my peak is Rank 120 Challenger
What's up guys, before we go in-depth with this guide I'd like to introduce myself: My name is EsrucNL but you can call me Esruc. The NL stands for the Country I'm from: The Netherlands. It definitely doesn't stand for something like ''No Life'' or anything.. just a heads up!

I have over two million mastery points on Fizz and I'm consistently high elo on the EUW server the past years and my peak is Rank 120 Challenger. I also did several unranked to master before and have gotten master with over 80% winrate several times. My highest peak was over 750 LP on EUW & 78% winrate 400+ LP on my smurf.

Fizz is my favourite champion in the entirety of League of Legends and i've been playing him for years because of his high outplay potential and mobility. I'd like to share my experience and secrets about Fizz over all these years that I played to make you guys a better player.

I do stream a lot on Twitch so if you want to see High Elo gameplay while we push for top 50 Challenger on EUW live and have more questions about Fizz for example what kind of sushi he likes or you just want to hang out with the
🦈Shark Nation community and talk about anime / gym related stuff / different games or anything really check it out and join our Discord server!
Reaction from top 10 Challenger EUW Player 'NoWay4u'
Reaction from known Challenger Twitch streamer 'TheBausffs'
If you want to play Fizz like this then keep reading the guide
(this is also master+ ELO)!
These are my achievements right now:
My goal is to grind at least top 50 Challenger EUW on stream!

First of all I'd like to introduce the slippery fish himself! Fizz is a high mobile AP melee assassin that excels at shutting down the enemy carries. He has 2 gapclosers with his Urchin Strike and his signature ability Playful / Trickster which also makes you UNTARGETABLE! He is hard to lock down during teamfights and has good flank abilities. Other than that he has high burst with his combos and ultimate Chum the Waters which throws a fish at the opponent and a shark rises from the water to eat him alive!
Fizz is literally known as a very annoying champion to face because of his E ability Playful / Trickster this makes him untargetable and he can soak a skillshot during it. For example if Syndra presses her ultimate ability Unleashed Power on Fizz you can just press Playful / Trickster to completely nullify her damage and make it so it never existed.. after all you are untargetable!

If you like to rely on your mechanics and reflexes to outplay opponents with your high mobility & burst down the enemy carries in the wink of an eye then Fizz is the champion for you!
Insane outplay potential
Very high burst
High mobility
One of the best divers in the game
Strong on sidelane
Hard to lock down in teamfights
Good flank abilities
Very frustrating to play against
Can snowball very well
Very low cooldowns later on the game
Strong early game dueling
Very decent mid-late game when having items
Good in low elo
Once snowballed VERY hard to stop will just run you over
Extreme good roams
Decent gank setup post 6
Is a fish with a big shark
Easy to pick up at first but very hard to master and make work in higher elo
Prone to early MR items
Pretty useless if you are behind
Not that great laning phase vs most champions
Easy to get bullied early
Enemies need to make mistakes for you to snowball early
Can get spaced out very badly against good players
Relies severely on matchup knowledge and how to exploit enemy weakness
Might need some jungle attention or resources when playing against hard/bad matchups
These are in most cases THE go to Fizz runes. Now let me explain why.
I've tried every single rune like Dark Harvest, Press the Attack, First Strike, Predator, Hail of Blades, Grasp of the Undying, Summon Aery to name a few and out of conclusion i've come to terms that Electrocute is THE best rune for Fizz by a long shot. It helps Fizz to burst down enemies quicker and it also helps with trading patterns, since it's easy to proc with your combos. In terms of damage it adds a decent amount aswell especially in the early game where trading and snowballing is key for Fizz to get strong in the mid to late game.
We take Sudden Impact over Cheap Shot and Taste of Blood since it makes the most damage and has the best scaling for Fizz
Now for the third row a lot of people discuss about which rune is better Zombie Ward or Eyeball Collection now let me put this discussion to rest since BOTH of them are good. It just depends on your playstyle and what elo you play in. Eyeball Collection will always be better in lower elo since there are a decent amount of kills that drop. Now in higher elo let's say Challenger or Grandmaster there could be games that not a lot of kills drop and you can get free AP with Zombie Ward by destroying wards. However it comes down to personal preference. For me Eyeball Collection works out since I always try to snowball early game. Which is the mindset you should have as Fizz always snowball, but in some games this is harder and Zombie Ward helps you collect AP from destroying wards.
For the last row of Domination the second option Ingenious Hunter is THE option to go for. This makes your Mythic Luden's Tempest and Zhonya's Hourglass lower cooldown making you basically deal MORE damage and higher uptime on the active of Zhonya's Hourglass which can help you a lot defensively and offensively. Ravenous Hunter used to be the rune to go for but right now it definitely gets overshadowed by Ingenious Hunter.

Treasure Hunter is worth considering it is a rune that lets u get to ur items faster and Fizz is a champion that is reliant on snowballing and getting his items faster. I still prefer Ingenious Hunter over Treasure Hunter because it outscales in the mid-late game, both viable options though. Especially Treasure Hunter in the early states of the game if u know the enemy has squishy champions that u can kill fast and early.
For the second tree you have a choice between Precision and Inspiration now let me say this it is player dependant unlike the first tree which is bound to be the best overall.

Let me explain Precision first. This is the rune page I personally run. Triumph and Legend: Tenacity are what works best for me. Triumph helps with turret diving and skirmishing. It will help you survive when you are extremely low in teamfights or dueling by giving you HP after a takedown. Also gives you a little bit of extra gold. Can't go wrong with that now can we?

Legend: Tenacity is extremely broken. I really think this is one of the best runes in the game. It literally makes it so you can get out of CC Crowd Control faster and this is key for a slippery AP assassin such as Fizzsince you don't want to get lockdowned and die.

Now let's talk about the other options: In the Precision tree there are two other viable rune choices like: Presence of Mind and Coup de Grace.

Presence of Mind gives you mana instead of health unlike Triumph. This comes down to personal preference, however it is a rune worth to consider running.

Coup de Grace gives you a boost in damage for enemies that are below 40% HP. Now this is worth picking up if the enemy has no Crowd Control and is squishy. Very much a viable option and a lot of Fizz players run this. Just bear in mind that it's very enemy team comp dependant. I personally think it's a bait rune in most cases Legend: Tenacity gives you so much more value. But if there is no heavy Crowd Control then this is a good second option for more damage.
Now that we talked about Precision let's talk about another rune choice: Inspiration

This is a good setup to run if you are new at Fizz or make too many mistakes during the laning phase.

Biscuit Delivery makes it so you have more sustain during laning phase and it gives you a small amount of mana combined with the HP you get upon consumption. Time Warp Tonic helps boosting your Corrupting Potion and Biscuit Delivery by making you restore faster. Good if you are against poke champions for example.

For the stats every single one is viable. It comes down to personal preference. I personally think Attack speed gives you the most value over Adaptive or Ability haste. This is because Fizz his W ability Seastone Trident makes on-hit damage. The more Attack speed you have the more you can attack the more DPS (damage per second). It also makes CSing down creeps a bit easier for the early game.
For the summoner spells there are 3 spells you can use properly as Fizz.
You always want to take Flash. It is way too good on Fizz. You can do several extra combos with this summoner spell. It is too good for many situations. Also in my opinion the most broken summoner spell with Exhaust.
Ignite is so valuable on Fizz. It gives you a lot of extra damage to kill your enemies and snowball and works with Electrocute. It is a very useful spell to have in general, since there is also so much healing in the current state of the game. Morellonomicon and Oblivion Orb are very situational items that I usually don't recommend building on Fizz unless there are some extreme cases. Ignite does give you that extra healing reducation that you much need.
The summoner spell Teleport is good to take when you are into extremely difficult matchups that will usually poke you out of lane very fast. A good example can be Lissandra she is one of your hardest matchups are unkillable when played well. So taking Teleport in these kind of cases can be a good replacer for Ignite HOWEVER if you play for your team and the enemy win condition is their ADC for example and need the extra damage from Ignite or the reach from Flash then this summoner is not worth taking over the other two.
A fast and quick overview about what Fizz abilities do.
Nimble Fighter
Fizz can move through units and takes a flat amount of reduced damage from all sources.

Fizz takes 4 (+ 1% AP) Damage reduction icon.png reduced damage from every instance of damage, up to a maximum of 50% reduction.
Urchin Strike
Fizz dashes through his target, dealing magic damage and applying on hit effects.

ACTIVE: Fizz dashes a fixed distance in the direction of the target enemy, and upon colliding with them or if they are still within 200 units when the dash ends, he deals them magic damage plus 100% AD physical damage and applies on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness.
Seastone Trident
Fizz's attacks bleed his enemies, dealing magic damage over several seconds. Fizz can empower his next attack to deal bonus damage and empower his further attacks for a short time.

PASSIVE: Fizz's basic attacks rend enemies On-hit icon.png on-hit, dealing magic damage every 0.5 seconds over 3 seconds, refreshing on-hit.

ACTIVE: Fizz's next basic attack within 4 seconds has an uncancelable windup, deals bonus magic damage and gains Range 50 bonus range.

If Seastone Trident kills its target, its Cooldown reduction is reduced to 1 second and refunds mana. Otherwise, if Seastone Trident doesn't kill its target, Fizz's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage on-hit for the next 5 seconds.
Playful / Trickster
Fizz hops into the air, landing gracefully upon his spear and becoming untargetable. From this position, Fizz can either slam the ground or choose to jump again before smashing back down.

ACTIVE: Fizz dashes to the target location while becoming untargetable, balancing on his trident for 0.75 seconds, during which he can cast trickster after 0.15 seconds into the duration.

ACTIVE: Fizz dashes to the target location, hopping down and splashing onto the ground prematurely upon arrival to deal the same damage in a smaller radius but not applying the slow.
Chum the Waters
Fizz tosses a fish in a direction that attaches to any champion that touches it, slowing the target. After a short delay, a shark erupts from the ground, knocking up the target and knocking any nearby enemies aside. All enemies hit are dealt magic damage and slowed.

The larger the shark that is attracted; increasing Chum the Waters' damage, slow, eruption radius and knock back distance.

GUPPY (<455): 40% slow, 200 eruption radius and 150 unit knock back distance.

CHOMPER (455-910): 60% slow, 325 eruption radius and 250 unit knock back distance.

GIGALODON (>910): 80% slow, 450 eruption radius and 350 unit knock back distance.
Nimble Fighter
Fizz Passive Ability
Urchin Strike
Seastone Trident
Playful / Trickster
Chum The Waters
As Fizz you most of the time max your E Playful / Trickster ability. This is because it gives you more waveclear, damage and lowers the cooldown on it. Which means you can move faster on the map by clearing the wave faster and by having lower cooldown. The second ability you max is your W Seastone Trident this is because of the damage it provides. Lastly you max your Q Urchin Strike ability, since it does provide the lowest damage comparing it to the other two abilities and the cooldown doesn't get much lower.

For most games you will be maxing your abilities in this order, however there will be some matchups that will be harder to max your E Playful / Trickster against or simply your W Seastone Trident will give you more value during laning phase. I will now explain with what I mean.

For example you are fighting against a Vladimir or a pretty good Yasuo player that knows how to play around the wave. How the hell will you hit your E Playful / Trickster on them? Well let me answer that real quick: most of the time you won't. Now this is where putting some points in your W Seastone Trident comes in handy.

Putting 3-5 points in W Seastone Trident makes you do more damage to the opponent simply because they can't dodge the damage Seastone Trident is an on-hit ability meaning you basic attack them to get the damage off, pretty hard to dodge basic attacks right? I do recommend putting 3 points in W Seastone Trident if you struggle to get your E Playful / Trickster off. I personally think 5 points is too much, because it hinders your E Playful / Trickster ability, since it will be on a way too high cooldown in the mid game.
Nimble Fighter
Fizz Passive Ability
Urchin Strike
Seastone Trident
Playful / Trickster
Chum The Waters
After playing Fizz for YEARS and playing him from Iron to Challenger ELO these are ALL the basic and most advanced Fizz combos you can do. We'll go through them step by step starting from the most basic Fizz combos to the highest possible level of play.
With your W Seastone Trident you can auto attack reset. You do this by walking to your opponent and by autoattacking him first into pressing W Seastone Trident after. This helps in terms of damage and getting your Electrocute off faster.
You can also last hit minions with Seastone Trident making it reset. Same goes for champions. You last hit a champion with Seastone Trident it will reset the cooldown.
This is your bread and butter combo for trading during laning phase or to do most possible damage.

Q Urchin Strike to engage the enemy into auto atacking into W Seastone Trident. You do this because your W Seastone Trident is an autoattack reset making your Electrocute pop faster. Electrocute requires 3 attacks used on the enemy making this your trading pattern during the early game.

You use this combo when you want to trade with the enemy to make him low enough for a proper all in combo with your R Chum the Waters later on.
This is the same combo except you use your E Playful / Trickster to either engage or disengage. Engage meaning you go in for the kill after you used your combo OR disengage in terms of you use your (Q+AA+W) combo under enemy turret and E out to avoid taking turret damage or trading from the enemy.
This is almost the same as last combo except instead of engaging with Q Urchin Strike you use to either follow them if they have a dash or Flash up. Or you could use it to get away when you are close to them. You can only do this when you are very to them, since you use your Q to position yourself.
This is when you use your W+Q combined without getting an auto attack in and flash after the enemy. You do this when you are extremely ahead in terms of items/gold and you KNOW you can oneshot.
During your E Playful / Trickster animation you can flash at the last second to position yourself in a further spot. The damage of your E Playful / Trickster also goes through.
With the mythic item Hextech Rocketbelt you can move a little bit further when you use this before you land your E.

This is a combo that is good to use for enemies that are playing extremely back and you have your ultimate ability Chum the Waters
You get in close with your E at first and then use your AA + W + Q combo to get your damage/combo off. You use Q at the end because you position yourself in a good spot or if they have flash up you will follow them leading to a potential kill.
Fizz R Chum the Waters has a small animation, however you can cancel this animation with your Q or Flash.
This is also your gapcloser combo if the enemy is playing very back. A lot of uses for all stages of the game. For example using your Q Urchin Strike on a minion to get in range for your R Chum the Waters
When you use Zhonya's Hourglass during your Q Urchin Strike animation your Q will still go through and also deal the damage on the enemy. This is very useful if the enemy is low HP and you are for example under the turret and can avoid take further damage.
While in your E Playful / Trickster you can use Zhonya's Hourglass at the same time while in stasis effect, when you stasis effect wears off your E will continue afterwards.
This is the basic all in combo for when you hit your R Chum the Waters. You R into Q into AA into W into E. This makes your Electrocute pop very fast aswell.
Almost the same as last combo except you use your E Playful / Trickster earlier instead of the end. This could help if you lack the proper range to Q Urchin Strike in or when you know the enemy has no Flash or when the enemy has a stun for example Syndra her E Scatter the Weak can stun you during the wind-up of your R Chum the Waters. So you use E Playful / Trickster before using your Q Urchin Strike so you don't get it by it.
Quick oneshot combo without using your R Chum the Waters. You usually use this when you are against a fed carry and have no flank position or proper vision control, so getting your R Chum the Waters off is very hard. Especially if the enemy has a dash/flash or items like Galeforce. Just a quick fast combo before they can react.

Also note that Ignite counts as an ability so you can get your Electrocute off without weaving an extra Auto attack in there. For example when want to oneshot the enemy carry as fast as possible and you are fed enough you use: W + Q + Flash + Ignite.
Corrupting Potion
First back
Dark Seal
Amplifying Tome
Rush Item
Lost Chapter
First back when not enough gold
Dark Seal
Boots of Speed
Luden's Tempest
Zhonya's hourglass
Sorcerer's Shoes
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Mercury's Treads
Corrupting Potion
Must starter item. Gives you a good amount of sustain during laning phase and this is what Fizz needs since he is prone to harass. Especially a lot of ranged opponents will try to poke you down. This item makes sure you can handle more harass and stay in lane longer for more gold & experience from minions.
Doran's Ring
Used to be a decent item in season 9,10,11 to rush after first back, however they changed the passive a bit and now it's less good for Fizz to build. Most of the time Doran's is not worth building on Fizz. It is better to go Amplifying Tome and rush your mythic item. Doran's also doesn't build into anything and gets overshadowed by Corrupting Potion as a starting item.
Dark Seal
Must buy for Fizz just like Corrupting Potion gives you too much value and you are a snowball champion. You want to make use off this, since you plan to play for kills anyway. Also gives you the chance to upgrade to Mejai's Soulstealer which is arguably one of the strongest AP items in terms of raw damage and value.
Zhonya's Hourglass
This is one of the best if not best item for Fizz. It gives so much value because of the stasis active and the Ability Haste it provides. These are such good stats for Fizz since it not only lowers your Ability cooldowns but also gives you another usage of your E Playful / Trickster. You use you full combo and after that you use the stasis effect from Zhonya's Hourglass and before you know it most of your cooldowns are back up again so you can do another combo or escape from that teamfight that you are in after killing their carries. Must have item.
Lich Bane
One of the better items for Fizz since it gives you a nice additional movement speed, extra ability haste and more burst to your combos, because of the AP and UNIQUE Passive it provides. It's a good item to snowball even more if the enemy doesn't heavily stack MR. Now that Fiendish Codex is in the build path it's a must go item over Aether Wisp in most cases because of the ability power it provides.
Void Staff
One of the best AP items in general you can buy. Can never go wrong with this item since it provides so much additional damage especially when enemies build MR. It's good to think off this item and building it third sometimes when the enemy has very tanky champions or you have several AP champions in your team draft. Void Staff is sometimes worth building even over Lich Bane as a third item. When building Void Staff I recommend going Blighting Jewel 90% of the time since it will help with your penetration.
Rabadon's Deathcap
O Fizz is arguably top 3 AP champions in the entire game that utilizes insane well from Rabadon's. It gives you so much raw AP that it's almost a must buy as a fourth item. The moment you get this item your damage will LITERALLY skyrocket to the MOON. Unironically and literally. Enemy carries will be forced to buy MR items.
Nashor's Tooth
Personally not a big fan of Nashor's Tooth on Fizz however in terms of damage it does rival Lich Bane. The build path of Nashor's is kind of an hassle for Fizz though. Not the best components to build and also in most situations items like Lich Bane just overshadow Nashor's since it provides a little bit more for Fizz his kit. Not a bad item though.
Cosmic Drive
Did a lot of testing with Cosmic Drive since it does look good on paper however compared to some of the other items it just feels ''lacking''. The build path is nice for Fizz a lot of ability haste and movement speed but again it just feels a bit lacking when compared to items like Rabadon's Deathcap or Lich Bane atleast on Fizz.
This item is a bit weird it gives you a lot of straight up ability power and it is a good item, however on Fizz it feels clunky compared to having Void Staff or Lich Bane as a third item. Might need more testing but I usually do not recommend going Shadowflame
Banshee's Veil
Bit of a strange item to build on a champion like Fizz that wants to burst enemies down, however if the enemies do have a lot of AP champions this could give you A LOT of value. Very dependant on enemy draft.
Okay now listen here upcoming/existing Fizz mains this item right here is in general a BAD item for Fizz since you want to burst enemies down before they heal right? You want to oneshot them. But if they have a lot of healing this can make it hard or as the finishing touch so they don't heal back up for example: Sylas now if ANYONE in your team can build an anti-heal item you will never ever build this. If somehow they don't then you COULD but in most cases your support should have Chemtech Putrifier if not anyone else needs Mortal Reminder anti-heal is not your job as Fizz.
Mejai's Soulstealer
Super good item once you are snowballed or you are snowballing and have 6-8+ stacks on your Dark Seal basically provides you with a second Rabadon's Deathcap If you are fed early in the game I do recommend building this super good value. Just be careful this item does bring the Soulstealer curse with it meaning your odds of dying will increase after purchasing this item Kappa
Luden's Tempest
Luden's Tempest by far the best mythic item to build on Fizz gives you so much mana, burst and ability haste. The scaling on it is also very good because the mythic passive gives you more magic penetration the more items you build. Also with the rune Ingenious Hunter it gives you even more damage because it lowers the cooldown of the UNIQUE passive meaning you will proc it again. The most value mythic.
Liandry's Anguish
Not a bad choice it gives you a lot of ability haste and mana and mana is usually a weakness for Fizz since you run out quick. Now it doesn't give you as much burst as Luden's Tempest but it does provide a good amount of damage when the enemy consists of a lot of beefy champions. Very much viable item to build on Fizz just bear in mind that you will make less burst damage and the mythic passive gives you more ability haste not magic penetration so it scales worse in terms of damage. If you don't need any burst because the enemy team has a 4-5 beefy champions this is the mythic to go.
Hextech Rocketbelt
Comparable with Luden's Tempest gives you health instead of mana. It does scale a bit worse since the passive on Luden's gives you more damage in the end. However Hextech Rocketbelt could be worth to build if you are against enemies that build Crown of the Shattered Queen and you need to proc it before you use your combos otherwise it will completely neglect most of your damage since Fizz doesn't have a ranged way of procing Crown of the Shattered Queen. Usually you will have no mana after two rotations so keep that in mind. Good alternative to Luden's Tempest
Has some decent stats for Fizz but lacking in terms of burst damage and doesn't scale as well as Luden's Tempest or Hextech Rocketbelt just in general not a good AP assassin item.
Crown of the Shattered Queen
Did try to make this item work but again very lacking in terms of burst damage and the passive is easily proced since you are melee. Decent item on for example Kassadin but not so much on Fizz.
Night Harvester
This is literally the most BAIT item in the entire game. Do not build this item ever! Doesn't give a lot of value and gets completely overshadowed by other mythic items. The worst AP mythic item currently in the game. If people build this on Fizz help them out and link this guide and tell them ''stop it. get some help''.
Riftmaker In general not a great item for Fizz the mythic passive isn't that good for him and the UNIQUE passive just doesn't really work out a lot. Don't recommend building this.
Sorcerer's Shoes
The best for damage / burst gives you additional magic penetration. Can't ever go wrong with these boots.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Gives you a lot of ability haste, which is nice for Fizz since you can use your E more often. Also reduces summoner spell cooldowns.
Mercury's Treads
Good if enemy has a lot of MR let's say 3-4 AP champions and a lot of Crowd control.
Now that you know everything about Fizz his runes, summoners, items and combos I will NOT only explain how to PLAY Fizz properly but also how to manage the wave and how to use macro: Macro is a very general term but in league, most macro revolves around an understanding of objectives and pressure. This is so you can snowball your way to victory. I will explain not only how to become a better Fizz player but also how to become a better player in general.

The first thing to understand is your goal as Fizz is to outplay your opponents with your high mobility and high burst damage. Your objective is to deal with the squishy damage dealers in the enemy team. You will do this by knowing how and when to combo, using vision to your advantage and when to flank. Other than mechanics, macro/vision plays a very vital role for Fizz especially at higher levels.

Before we dive in on how to play Fizz properly I will be using terms like: freezing, slow pushing, hard push etc. I will first explain what this means before we continue so you can get a proper understanding of wave management which is a vital key to know as not only a Fizz player but also as a player in general no matter what role you play knowing this will ALWAYS help.

In League of Legends minions play a very important role in the game since you get gold and experience for your champion so you can get stronger. The minions spawn at the Nexus and walk to eachother in either top, mid or the bottom lane where the your minion wave meets the enemy minion wave from the opposite side.

By CONTROLLING where and how the waves meet is what we call wave management. There's a lot of benefits and disadvantages to it. Proper wave management can literally change the results of games and win you the game. Let's find out about some terms and strats.

Let's start with the most basic concepts:
You hit minions with auto attacks or abilities and push the wave in if you do this more than your opponent. Very simple right?
You do this:
To get a level advantage for trading
To pressure the enemy under the turret
To get priority while pushing so you can follow up for fights faster than the enemy mid laner
To prevent the enemy from recalling to base if they are low HP - if they do recall they lose the entire wave which means gold and experience. You create a small lead like this
To recall and create tempo over the enemy. With tempo I mean to keep the pressure and not the let opponent catch up. By pushing in the wave and recalling you can also setup for the next wave which means the cycle can continue. If you push your wave(s) to the enemy turret and recall, the minion wave will be in front of your turret when you get back to lane, which means you will lose less minions
The best way to pull waves is to only last hit minions and not attack them otherwise unlike pushing. You can also draw the enemy minions' aggro to gather them closer to the enemy turret and the moment you lose aggro, the minion wave will all focus one minion letting it push in faster to your turret.
You do this:
Because you have a weak early game and want to play safe
Because you want to be safe from ganks or you want the enemy champion to be vulnerable to ganks
You can also use the minion wave to see if the bush is warded or not by pulling them in and if they don't aggro you it means the bush is not warded, if they do it is warded. If you takedown a ward at the start of the game its one less minion!
If you want to take complete advantage of the minion wave you need to know how to hold the wave in front of your turret. This concept we call ''Freezing''
Keep the enemy minion wave out of your turret range
Sometimes you will need to hold the wave to keep them from crashing under the turret making you wave bounce back
The amount of enemy minions depends on how big your own wave is. I advice to keep it 3 minions more then your own wave. If you do this you can easily freeze the wave
If the enemy attacks and wants to push the wave in to your turret to break the freeze you do the same thing to the enemy minion wave to keep the difference
Be careful however because the enemy mid laner can roam. This is where pinging and vision come in
You do this:
So the enemy is forced to go near your turret making them very easy to gank or to all in
So you are safe from ganks since the enemies are forced to dive you making it harder for them
Push slowly while only last hitting enemy minions and push the last wave fast right before the enemy turret
You do this:
To setup a lot of minions under the enemy turret so your teammates can help you dive the enemy and he loses all the minions under the turret denying him all the gold and experience
TIP: Top and Mid lane require the first wave and one melee minion from the second wave to reach level 2, 7 minions total. For level 3, they require two waves and two melee minions from the third wave, 14 minions total.

Bottom/support require the first wave and three melee minions from the second wave to reach level 2, 9 minions total. For level 3, they require three waves and three melee minions from the fourth wave to reach level 3, 22 minions total.
After laning phase you still use all these wave management concepts so you can pressure the enemy objectives and join in teamfights before your opponent does. It is all situational and depends if you are ahead or behind. That is the fun thing about League of Legends it is always a different type of game even though it's always on the same map.
Another thing to note is Spacing.

Spacing is when you stand just out of ability range or auto attack range of your opponent. This is important for most champions but especially Fizz because if you have telegraphed movement your opponent WILL harass you and be in proper position so you can't engage.

By properly spacing(moving) according to the enemy's ability range you can take less harass. This is why matchup knowledge is key. Knowing your enemy's ability range and auto attack range will change the way you positioned. If you master this you will see a drastic improvement in how much you get poked during lane.
These are the most important wave management tactics, however there are a few more wave control tricks you can use but it is harder to explain. I recommend checking out wave management guides on Youtube or by asking me on Discord or on Twitch I'd love to help out!
This is where the game has started. Not when you hear ''minions have spawned'' no the game starts the moment you are loading into the game. This is where you can get free information and make a game plan for yourself.
I'd say that the MAJORITY of the League players do NOT do this.

Now what do I mean with ''Free information''? This means you see who your allies and enemies are. You see who you are playing against but also who your allies are playing against. This is important to know because off this information you make a game plan Now a game plan is very important to create since a game plan will be your ideal road map that you must follow to maximize your chances at winning that is tailored to your individual circumstances that you start the game with, and that develop as the game progresses.
It sounds a bit complicated but you will get used to it.
Good question. This is what i'd like to hear! If you have asked yourself this while reading this guide you are already on your way to become a better League of Legends player, if not.. it doesn't really matter since I will help you either way ;).

Now explaining ''Game plan'' will be very hard on paper and it will be an entire essay so for the sake of this guide I will keep it very strict and short and we focus on a few key points for Fizz. If you guys do like to see more of this Youtube has free game plan videos, if there are enough requests I am open to make a long video on it aswell if enough people want it. Let me know!
Now that you know who your allies (teammates) and enemies are you have to ask yourself the most important questions as Fizz: who is my jungler?, who is the enemy jungler?, what lanes have priority?, what lane is the win condition? The more you play League of Legends (and you have watched multiple guides on this) the more you will start to recognize this.

Based off the jungle question: You ask yourself this because you need to know whether you can win 2v2.

For example you have a powerfarmer like Shyvana and the enemy has a ganker and strong skirmisher like Xin Zhao and the enemy mid laner is Zed which is an AD assassin and has priority over Fizz in the early levels. Who will win? Shyvana and Fizz or Xin Zhao and Zed. In most cases Xin Zhao and Zed would win right? Knowing this beforehand - Before the game starts you know if you should freeze or push in the wave at start right or whether you should even fight at level 3 in river for a small scuttle. This all again is matchup dependant. League is a variant game meaning it is everchanging. But the fact you asked this question before you are in the game you KNOW what to do already before it even happend. This alone increases your chances of winning.

For the lane question: You ask yourself this because you need to know where to roam and what your best odds are. For example you have a Nautilus and Draven on the bottom lane and the enemy has Yuumi and Ezreal it is pretty free to dive them all the time and to snowball off those kills or snowball our Draven all these short questions will add up during the game hence it is important to make a short (early) game plan for yourself atleast so you have a sketch of what to do.

There are way more questions you can ask yourself especially for the mid-late game but this is a good start for the early game; knowing if you win skirmishes / 1 on 1 / where to roam. Proper gameplay will snowball you further and improve you as a player while securing that juicy victory screen.
Straight up: your first few levels (1,2) are extremely weak I'd even say one of the weakest level 1,2 in the game. Keep that in your head. For example do not fight a Yasuo or Yone during these levels you will lose a lot of health for no reason or even die to them meaning before you can even play the game you will be at a huge disadvantage. Do not 'ego' it and RESPECT 90% of the mid matchups.

NOTE: There are a few exceptions for example during an assassin vs assassin matchup. Usually whoever gets level 2 or 3 first will have priority during the first few waves for example Katarina, Ekko or Qiyana. Against these champions it can be okay to push the wave in at first, however in most matchups you will let the wave push towards you.

In general you do want to get the first 3 melee minions this is also easy to pick up because you started the game with your E Playful / Trickster if you are against ranged do not randomly walk up and lose your HP for no reason. Again a lot of these matchups are about respecting the enemy and knowing when to fight. Patience will catch you a lot of kills later on.

Usually you do give up a small amount of CS if you are playing against a ranged like Orianna or Azir since they have a big range advantage. Do not GREED for a few CS if you lose more than half your HP. It is very inefficient especially since you want to hit atleast level 3 first before trading. Staying healthy comes first!

The more you play these matchups especially vs melee champions you will notice you can tend an auto attack or two here and there, this is all about knowing your limit and how the enemy moves. The more you play the game the better you will get at this. Just bear in mind that again your first two levels just aren't that great.

Use Corrupting Potion if you made some mistakes. This is also the starter item you will always build as told in ''Items'' chapter.

Now combining from what you have learned from all of the above you would do something like this with the wave:
Let the 1st wave push into you. You should not push the wave and should only look to last hit minions when it is safe to do so (it’s okay to give up cs early)
This is because if you push the lane, your lane opponent will harass you for every cs you go for which will get you low and the wave will be on their side of this lane which means you are vulnerable to ganks and you will have a harder time trading.
When the 2nd wave arrives, you should continue to let the wave push into your tower while farming safely, the key is to conserve your HP as you will need it for when you hit level 3
On the 3rd wave (cannon wave) if the 2nd wave crashed into your tower you should try to rush level 3 when the 3rd wave arrives, but if wave 2 did not crash into your tower you should continue to farm safely and wait for level 3 then you can start effectively trading
If you haven't lost a lot of HP because of your weak level 1-2 you did great! Now that you have 3 abilities (Q,W,E) after you hit level 3 you can start looking for some trades. Now this is usually matchup dependant; the more you play the more you will understand about trading patterns. The basic trade combo as in the chapter ''combos'' is Q + AA + W on the enemy and either E out or in depending on how low he is and what champion he is playing.

I recommend playing off enemy abilities. For example if the enemy Syndra used her E Scatter the Weak on the minion wave or missed it on you, this is THE time to look for a proper trade since it he is an ability down on you. Abuse this and take a short trade or even a proper all-in depending on how tanky the opponent is. This will be clear towards you once you have some games on Fizz and understand your damage more.
This is also where wave management comes in. Knowing when to freeze or push is very important here; it depends on a few key factors like: what champion you are playing against, is he/she melee/ranged?, who your jungler is, who the enemy jungler is, what side of the map did my jungler start? So many questions you need to ask yourself before you decide what you want to do. This is where the game plan comes in.

If the enemy is playing extremely safe for example a Lux or Veigar that is playing under turret. It is fine to push in the wave and look for skirmishes with your jungler to kill the enemy jungle 2v1 and create a lead off it. If not you can always reset for more items = more damage = more kill pressure.

At this and most stages you also want to make sure you press the ''tab'' button for more free information for example what did the enemy buy from the Shopkeeper or you can see what they will be building: if the enemy Corki bought a Null-Magic Mantle and a Long Sword is it assumable they are building Hexdrinker. It doesn't always have to end up like that but the odds are a higher %.
Fizz is now ONLINE and the Shark hasn't had a good meal in a long time. Level 6 is where you can look to start hard snowballing. Immobile champions should be playing under their turret now and be scared off you; if this does happen you can do the Q + R combo (Q the minion into R enemy champion to close the gap). If the enemy mid does not respect you it can lead to very easy kills.

Level 6 is also where you can setup the wave for very easy kills for you and your jungler. Freezing the wave can be key here especially against immobile mages. The moment they step forward is the moment you ult and your jungler comes and you pick up a free kill.
IF the enemy is still respecting you and clearing the wave from a very long distance or it's close to impossible to kill him it is good to look for roams. This is where you push the wave in and look for roams.

Level 6 is also where Fizz his skirmishing power is very strong. As Fizz you 'd love to fight 2v2 or 3v3 most of the time depending on the team/enemy draft. Playing with Crowd control champions benefits you a lot, since you can hit your entire combo easily. Zac uses E Elastic Slingshot on enemy Orianna? You press R, into a full combo and nuke them with the SHARK!

Now that we talked about Wave Management & a Game plan above in the chapter, which means you have a fair idea how it goes now. If you did everything correct and you made a small game plan for yourself in your head you have identified the win condition This means who can/will carry the game if this champion has resources.

A good example is the enemy team has 4 tanks Zac top, Sejuani jungle, Malphite mid, Leona support it is very hard to kill them as Fizz HOWEVER! you have a Vayne in your team meaning she can use her true damage from her W Silver Bolts and her kiting to kill every single tank very quickly. If Vayne has enough resources she can completely carry the game. This is where you roam to her lane and make sure she does get enough resources.

Preferable you do want to roam with your jungler to add more odds to a succesful roam/gank so make sure you communicate properly with pings or by chatting.
Fizz is an AP assassin that excels at roaming. Now knowing when to roam plays a very important factor. Successful roams will allow you to get kills and snowball even further, but not only that it also helps your allies. Playing together as a team is the ultimate way to victory. After all League of Legends is a team game.

Most of the time you roam after you push the minion wave in the enemy turret. This will make you not lose minions since you already pushed the wave in and remember minions are gold and experience. They are a valuable resource after all so you can get your powerspikes.

Roaming is always good when you pushed the wave in. Whether you want to ward, check where the enemy jungler is or get kills from other lanes. After all you pushed the wave in, so there won't be a huge loss in terms of XP or gold. Even if you don't get a lot from just roaming you are not standing still or watching the enemy mid lane take his CS. Roaming will always help in terms of pressure aswell. Don't just stand still on mid lane doing NOTHING. Either Roam or reset always be moving and planning ahead.
Good times to consider roaming is:
You killed the enemy laner which leads into a free roam or reset for you
The enemy laner is playing extremely safe under the turret and you can't kill them
You pushed the minion wave in
You are in a very hard matchup and can't solo kill the enemy
Lane priority so you can help your jungler out in a skirmish
Enemy top / jungle / bot are very squishy and it's easy to get kills off
Deep warding
Denying enemy vision by clearing Wards
Now there is also a thing that I call ''Fake roaming'' basically what you do is you place a Control Ward in a bush and even though you can't roam any lane or want to reset you just sit in that bush. The enemy won't know where you are and be worried this ALONE pressures the enemy team. Yes just standing still in the bush will make them feel pressured, also it will make your enemy laner spam ping like crazy. Try it yourself and look how the enemy bot / top fall back after you are missing for 10 seconds.
I cannot stress this enough but VISION is so important for a champion like Fizz or just in general vision literally wins games.

In most games as Fizz you want to swap out your Stealth Ward for a Oracle Lens early on so you can look for roams and deny vision for the enemy team.

Buying a Control Ward is very important make sure you always have 1 in your pocket or even 2 during the mid-late game if you can. These Control Ward will literally bait enemies and make their life a hell, since with proper vision denial the enemy is like a headless chicken on the map with no idea where anyone is. Meaning they will be constantly pressured.

Placing these Control Ward are situational and depends where which side of the map you play; you know this by playing for the objective. For example: Infernal Dragon is up in 30 seconds and Baron is down for another 3 minutes. Then you want to play at the botside off the map meaning you will use your Control Ward for botside.
On this picture it shows you the best warding spots in general.
Deep warding is when you use your support item or in our case a Stealth Ward to know where the enemy jungle is. You do this so you can track the enemy jungle and know where they path to.

Jungle tracking uses a ton of game knowledge and can be very confusing for newer players. However if you do want to learn it I recommend checking out Skillcapped & Coach Curtis on Youtube. The moment you master how to track the enemy jungle you will be impossible to gank; a lot of Challenger players; like Faker know how to jungle track at a high level. This is also why Faker is almost ''ungankable'' for the enemy jungler.

The best warding spot for early game is the infamous ''Raptor ward'
If the enemy jungler is near this ward you can check what buff he has Red Brambleback or Blue Sentinel knowing this you can look what lane he is pathing to while keeping this in mind you can use this to your advantage and ping your allies and setup a countergank or just in general ping so your teammate won't get ganked.

Also if you think the enemy jungler will gank mid lane and you see him at his red buff at 2;30 you can play the other side of the map making ganking you extremely hard.
After Laning phase ends you get the mid game. The mid game is usually when the first turret has fallen and most champions have completed their first and/or second item (usually 15-20 minutes into the game give or take) This means objectives will be a very important key for you to focus on.
This is where a lot of Fizz players get confused and don't farm a lot or are just completely lost on the map without having an idea what to do.

Your job as Fizz is to push out waves on either top/bot, look for solo kills and
deny vision. These 3 points are the way to play Fizz during mid game. I will now explain with what I mean with these 3 points.

Push out waves This is when you push waves on a sidelane(top/bot) so you pressure the enemy team to go and clear these minions. If the enemy does not do this they will LOSE gold and experience aswell as potentially losing a turret which opens the map for you and your team even more.

When do I know what lane to go to?
Now this has a quick and easy answer to: Which objective is up next or which does your team want to contest.

As an example: Rift Herald is up (which is on the topside of the map) and Infernal Dragon is up in 2 minutes. Which means you should be on the topside of the map. There is little to no reason for you to be on bottom lane, since the objective is up on the topside of the map.

Now... There are cases where both Rift Herald and Infernal Dragon are up on the same time. What do I do then? Another good question fellow fish enjoyer! And there are two answers to this question:whatever has most value to you and your team or Which objective you can get for ''free''

For example if you are behind in the game and you know the enemy wants to go for Infernal Dragon you go topside and take a free Rift Herald. If you do try to contest with the enemy team make sure you go for picks / solo kills first before contesting if you know you lose a proper 5v5. It is not worth dying and losing both objectives. Play it smart.
Solo Kills This is where you want to look for kills in the enemy jungle or on a sidelane. You get solo kills by playing smart and rotating on the proper times. For example you are stronger than the enemy Veigar on a sidelane and you know you can kill him you go towards him and try to finish him off as fast as possible for objective control. Bear in mind it's important to know where the enemies are before you do. Don't blindy go in as you can get baited and die.


1 minute before Infernal Dragon is up the enemy support Janna will try to ward botside or around the Dragon pit. This is where you can deny vision and try to kill her. Which leads us to our next point; denying vision.

Denying Vision At this time you have swapped your Stealth Ward for a Oracle Lens to deny the vision on the enemy and look for solo kills. If the enemy has no vision you can easily hit your entire oneshot combo on them and kill them for more map/objective control which leads for more pressure and makes it easier for your team to do plays or to take objectives like Baron or Infernal Dragon.
When the time hits 25-30+ minutes and most champions have 3-4 if not more items. This is where the late game starts and Baron, Dragon Soul and Elder Dragon are highly contested objectives.
At this point you arguably have your strongest items and have a high chance of oneshotting the enemy carry in the blink of an eye. This is almost the same as mid game where you look for solo kills, deny vision and play for objective control while pushing in waves. A single decision can either win or lose you the game which is why I will give you some tips in order for you not to make mistakes that a lot of people do tend to make.
A few question you can ask yourself is:
Do we win 5v5?
If yes you can look to team up on mid lane or to deny enemy vision at objectives like Baron or Elder Dragon and force the objective or bait the enemy into a fight where they have no vision.

If no you look for solo kills on a sidelane if your team is behind to make it a 5v4 so you have a higher chance of winning. (Do this again by denying vision and playing for the squishy enemy champion(s) )
Do I win sidelane?
If yes Go to a sidelane and try to play smart and around vision to push waves in to get objectives like Turrets or solo kills.

If no if you do not win sidelane 1 on 1 against the enemy mid or top than it might be smart to push in waves so you can pressure the enemy team a little bit by doing that and play with your jungler to create a 2v1 situation so you can shut your opponent down.

If you still can't win even with a 2v1 situation let's say you are against a very fed Jax as a Fizz and Xin Zhao then it might be a good idea to deny vision and look for picks in the enemy jungle. Get that squishy Sivir.
What do I do when I'm fighting for Baron or Elder Dragon?
As Fizz is it important to know that you don't have a lot of damage on objectives and it is more important to ZONE the enemy jungler than to make damage on the objective that you are contesting for.

Also do not hit normal wards Stealth Ward in the pit when the Control Ward is disabling it since it will give the enemy vision.
It allows you to rotate faster and pressures the enemy
Don't try to play ARAM as Fizz when side lane towers are still up
Sidelane is your best friend try to push waves and get turrets or picks instead of mindlessly playing ARAM on mid (All random all mid) also known as when people just group on mid and do nothing.
Don't randomly overstay on a sidelane
After shoving waves don't randomly overstay in that sidelane. Look for rotations on other lanes, enemy jungle or get a reset off for objective timers.
Don't randomly use your flash for a ''useless'' kill
Flash is such an important summoner later on since it will land you free kills by closing in the range gap. Use flash for smart kills. Don't flash for a random kill on Orianna if that kill will do nothing since Baron will be up in 2 minutes meaning you will NOT have flash up for that fight.
Flash for kills that are going to allow you to take more objectives
Teamfighting as Fizz can be a bit tricky, however teamfighting is a big factor in League of Legends. Bear in mind that Fizz is a melee AP assassin so positioning plays a very important role for us.

This is where I bring up the ''Free information'' point again like in the last chapter. By pressing ''Tab'' on your keyboard you can see what the enemy is building or has build.
Planning before a teamfight is very important again ask yourself these following questions:
Does the enemy have Crown of the Shattered Queen?
Does the enemy have Stopwatch?
Does the enemy have Exhaust
Does the enemy have their Flash up?
Who as Fizz can I oneshot in the enemy team?
Who is the win condition of the enemy and can I kill this person?
Do I play for stalling / peel for my team or kill the enemy carry?
Do I have Void Staff when the enemy carry has a lot of MR (Magic Resist)?
These are some of the questions you ask yourself before you want to commit to a teamfight to get that TAB key and brain ready!

Again like in the last chapter you could look for solo kills / picks before a teamfight so you and your team have a number advantage.

If a pick is not possible you will need to look for flanks by denying vision and looking for the right side of the map (can be either top- or botside). Always start the teamfight with a third range ultimate Chum the Waters for most disruption.
Using vision to get clear flank angles
Getting a pick because you denied the enemy vision in that bush
Playing with patience is very important if you engage hastily or at the wrong time you will blow your cooldowns and potentially die.
Most of the games you will try to flank from behind instead of doing a direct approach from the front. This is for more pressure since the enemy doesn't know where you are
As Fizz you can start the teamfight by engaging with your R Chum the Waters this will cause for a lot of disruption for the enemy team and you can try to land a kill before your allies engage
You can also wait for your team to engage if you have good setup for example a good Rakan ultimate The Quickness can make your life way easier by hitting several people with a big Chum the Waters - Same goes for a Jarvan IV or Nautilus as an example
Look for enemy cooldowns like their CC tools so you won't get hard CC'd by for example a Malzahar ultimate Nether Grasp this can ruin everything for you and you can easily die out without making a lot of damage
If you play for a more peeling approach instead of an engaging approach try to ult Chum the Waters towards whoever your carry is. As weird as it sounds it does help a lot and it does zone the enemy from engaging. After that you will try to go in and stall as much as you can with your E Playful / Trickster and Zhonya's Hourglass after using Zhonya's you will be able to use your E again most of the time
Post teamfight be careful that enemies can hide a bush to finish you off when you are lower HP make sure to use your Oracle Lens if you have it up to see the enemies in a bush so you can avoid getting killed
Flanking with your R Chum the Waters examples:
When your early game didn't go well and you are behind in terms of gold and experience Fizz starts to struggle a lot.

Now let me tell you this straight up: The moment you make a lot of mistakes in the early game and you start the game being 0-3-0. It is over for you. With this I mean there isn't a magical way for you to do this and that; and than come back in the game. However it is always possible to come back and secure a win even when you are behind, but you do this by punishing and abusing the enemy mistakes. After all this is SoloQ and a ton of people make mistakes in terms of vision, macro, wave management and even mechanics. If the enemy would have a 3 kill lead on you and play it ''perfect'' it would usually be over.

Now how do you exploit the enemy their mistakes? You do this by managing the wave properly, setting up ganks, looking for roam timers and creating situations that benefit you: for example a 2v1 or 3v1 situation where you can take the enemy shutdown. As explained in the chapter before this is where wave management, jungle tracking, vision and roaming come in. By playing around these key factors you can come back even when you are behind as Fizz. Playing smart and punishing enemy mistakes will get you back in the game.
Take a big deep breath and have the right mindset. Focus on what you need to do instead of mindlessly raging that you died 3 times over. It happend. Get it over and focus on how you can secure a win. If chat/pings get too toxic because of your team spamming type ''/mute all''
Your main focus is to keep an eye out on the minimap and track the enemy team. You need to know the enemy's pattern and what they do next on the map
Use vision to your advantage; either use your Stealth Ward to ward places where the enemy could be or use your Oracle's Lens to deny enemy vision for potential picks
Use smart pings to alert your allies about any potential threats on the map. If you see the enemy Shaco pathing to top lane because of a deep ward then ping it!
Keep an eye on the timers of each objective so you know when it’s safe to ward or deny vision
Remember that numbers matter and you can always find a way to overpower a fed Champion with teamwork
Check out this video I found it shows how the Fizz is playing against Sylas by starting the game 0-2. Explain the basics very well pay attention! (9:22 minutes in the video)


The matchup sheet is in the in-built system of Mobafire on this guide aswell, however I will put them here aswell with some tweaking so you have an idea of how to play against certain matchups. Matchup and Game knowledge are crucial for a champion like Fizz

I have covered around ~60 champions at the moment, however I will expand this the older this guide gets and the more the meta adjusts.

There will be ''Good matchups - Even matchups - Bad matchups''

These are matchups that are overall pretty easy for Fizz to win and snowball off 1 on 1. If you do see these champions picked feel free to lock in Fizz and show them a watery grave!

Not that big of an issue aside from some poke + movement speed buff.
Not mobile too. Easy to gank and setup a wave.
Stay out of her binding (E) range before you burst and use your E to either engage on her after you hit R or to dodge her Q (or at the same time to flex)

Trade with her after lvl 4-5+ don't fall for the lvl 1-2 fight when she has conqueror you will lose.
Use R on her when there is no minion wave or other players so she can't shunpo/dash anywhere and then just full burst and EZ win.
When you don't have enough damage to shut her down make sure you save your E to avoid her R damage (since you go untargetable)

Press R and just win bro lol.
The shark is a bit bigger than Tibbers :^)
But for real make sure you engage properly with R when her shield(e) is down or before she uses it and it should be free. Just remember you can cancel her Q and dodge her W+R with your E.

Honestly very easy. You will always outtrade if you dodge his Q and can easily follow him when he tries to run.
Don't fight him first few levels though since he will win because of Hail of Blades (rune)
Just make sure you ward or ping properly for your team, since Pyke mid players always roam.

"I will swallow your soul." This is actually not a quote by Veigar but by the SHARK from Fizz his ultimate :^)
You can dodge EVERY SINGLE ABILITY: yes even his ultimate! So it's pretty easy. You can also just E out of his cage just make sure you don't q to it since it will stun you.
Should also be easy to gank because he has no mobility.

Moment you hit your ult this guy is usually DEAD.
Can dodge every ability aswell, so it should be free right?
However this guy will stay under turret and use his Q to clear the waves. Try to freeze whenever he does this and press Q on a minion and R to him to finish him. Should also be easy to gank because he has no mobility.

Very easy. You hit R? He dead.
He doesn't have a lot of range aswell unlike Xerath.
You can dodge his passive damage+Q+W+R with your E so make good use off it!

Pretty easy. You can dodge every single ability with your E or just move out of it if you have spiderman reflexes.
Tip: save your E for either his E or R to avoid a lot of damage you can take. His Q+W should be dodge by movement. If you mess up your E and he hits a combo you are dead.

She has no mobility at all so hitting your combo on her should be easy.
Make sure you dodge her Q though or else she can burst you down. Moment u dodge her Q with movement or E you should be fine though.
If she does the ''i will stay under turret all game and just clear wave'' you either roam to get kills and leave her there or freeze and ask your jungler to come and abuse the no mobility mage!

Easy to burst. You can dodge his R with your E aswell. Just make sure you don't get hit by 20 Q's.

Twisted Fate
Easy to burst, no mobility. You can dodge his Q+W and technically his E aswell.
Tip: Ward and ping properly against Twisted Fate, since he will just try to soak waves on mid and roam other lanes.

Very squishy and easy to kill. Can dodge every ability with your E, since it's a skillshot. You hit R he is probably dead.
However a small tip: you should ult before him after he used his explosive jump (W) since it makes him easier to kill. Try baiting it out with your combo's before you all in. Not needed though if you ult at the proper spot. (let's say close to your turret)

Every ability is dodgeable and she has little mobility. Dodge her W and you should be fine.

Pretty easy you can dodge every ability and outtrade her. She also has no mobility, so free gank setups for you. Her range isn't super long like Xerath and Vel'koz so abuse it!

Use your passive(ghosted) so she can't hit her Q on you while you are on the minion wave and take small trades. Once she is low enough just all in and kill her. Should be easy, however she does have a dash so be mindful of that.

AP Malphite = easy to kill and u can dodge his R with your E. Don't get poked too much by his Q.
Tank Malphite = Ditch lane and roam :D lol!

He will permanently push the wave with his E. Is however easy to gank and kill once you land your ultimate.
If you struggle vs AP Kog'Maw you can ditch the lane and roam and get free kills from other lanes, however you should be able to kill him when you play it properly.

You can dodge both his Q+W, however he will outsustain you if you don't kill him. He also makes pretty tanky later on. Super easy to gank and abuse though.

Pretty easy level 3-5 you should outtrade. Just don't fall for the lvl 1 Kayle bait after she has stacks.

Post level 6 it's annoying, since she has her ultimate ability to counter your burst and she has range. Should still be fine though if you play it smart and make sure to dodge her Q so you don't get get the debuff on you.
She does scale very hard so make sure you get some stuff done pre 3 items (ish) by roaming and helping other lanes etc.

Pretty easy. Q+E is dodgeable and her R does not much to you unless you screw it up.
Make sure you use your E to dodge her bubble (E) and use R after or before she ults (the portal) so you can get a free kill from it.
Tip: Make sure you do this when she doesn't have a strong active on her W (for example exhaust etc..) that can counter you.

Aurelion Sol
Can permanently shove waves and just move. Similar to Twisted Fate. He won't lane against you and just move to other lanes.

However when you have your ultimate try to freeze the wave in a proper position so you can hit your ult on him and run him down.
Use your Q & E to dodge his Q & R.
Should be win for Fizz, however I've played against enough very good Sol players and become more of an ''even'' matchup

Wins against you early, but it becomes very easy the moment you have some items / press R on him and E his barrels and he is always dead. Make sure you ignite him before he uses his orange (W) to heal.

Super gankable for your jungler aswell. No mobility.

Can poke you while moving so she can space you whenever you want to walk up and use your Q on her. Usually wait till level 6 unless she messes up.
You want to always save your E for her ultimate (R) because you can completely soak it, however if you know you can kill her by all means go for it.
If are ahead you can just use your E to dodge her stun and run at her with R and kill her easily.

Annoying early game, but same as most of these matchups moment you have level 6 you can usually kill him with your entire combo.
Don't take too much damage early from his Q+E. His Lazer is also dodgeable and you can use your E for his ult to avoid some of the damage.

Easy to lane against and very killable, however the moment he hits level 6 and has his ult is it annoying to face him.

This old man has decent waveclear and good mid-late game aswell. Make sure you abuse him early by trading a lot (you will win all the time unless he hits double bomb but use your E to dodge that)
Tip for mid-late game aswell is: Try ulting the Zilean so he forces the ult on himself instead of a teammate and after that u can either go for the ADC or peel for your team. You trade ults however in most cases this is worth it.

I want to say completely free, but a decent Ryze can be a bit annoying early game. He should be free to kill when you have ultimate and have some AP. It's also easy to gank for your jungler when he doesn't get the movement speed off.
However late game he becomes a bit tanky so make sure you destroy him early.

Bit annoying early game especially pre 6, since she can poke you all the time. Make sure you stay healthy it's okay to give a few cs.
After level 6 it should be pretty easy to kill her when you hit your R. Make sure you don't use E till you 100% know you can kill her or use it to dodge her ultimate.

I don't know who still plays this champion, but should be free if you ult her and dodge her E/R with your E.
Just be careful because she can clone herself (W) and soak your ult with it.
Make sure you don't get too poked before you do.

Pretty easy to kill you will win most trades if you dodge his blast (Q) and play around his E.
He can dodge your ult with his dash (w) so be careful about your timing.
Most Corki players also build Hexdrinker so that is pretty annoying, but other than that you should be fine most stages of the game.

Now this should be very easy for a DECENT Fizz player. You can dodge all her abilities... HOWEVER she can do the same to you with her ultimate. Better player will win this. Timing on ur E is KEY to avoid her charm. When you avoid her charm you basically win at that point.
She's just annoying in terms of she has 3 in-built dashes and assumable flash as summoner spell so it's hard to completely kill her when she plays it decent.

Ekko uses Q on wave? You go in and trade with him you will always win. Moment he uses W (the shield) u E out.

These are the even matchups for Fizz it is winnable, however some lanes are pretty hard to pull off early and most of the time it will be the more experienced player that will win.

Pre 6 on you won't be able to do much, since she outpushes you and has quite a bit of damage, however moment you have your ultimate and play it smart and hit it you should be able to win 1 on 1. Just bear in mind she has her W which is a jump (=mobility).
Tip: Use vision to your advantage to hit your ult and chase down with your Q, use E when she uses her R animation to knock u back - if u do this her R will go on a cooldown and you won't get take the damage + CC.

She literally makes you depressed by punishing you when you use your Q or E.. Skill matchup but i'd say a bit favourable towards Vex. Better player will usually win.
Make sure you engage when she doesn't have a red bar under her HP bar (aka her fear ability)
And obviously don't take too much damage from her basic attacks and abilities. Again it is winnable but might be a bit more challenging than let's say a Lux.
She has little mobility so it is abusable for your jungler too.

Bruiser/Tank Nasus mid. Basically impossible to kill if he plays it smart and just outsustains you and builds some MR + Divine Sunderer.
You can easily gank him with your jungler though or roam to other lanes.
He outscales you so you will never 1 on 1 kill him be mindful of that.

(Yes I have played against this several times in Challenger/Grandmaster ELO)

Pretty tanky and can E your Q and get most of his combo off. Other than that he also has sustain from his passive.
Favourable towards Gragas for sure but he won't kill you if you play it decently. You can dodge all of his abilities aswell. Best is to play it smart this one and E his Q+E if possible and Q out of his R (very hard but can be done)
Can always leave lane this matchup and roam he won't push too fast.

NOW: some might say hey Esruc why the hell did you put Azir on ''Even'' and not ''Easy matchup!?''

Now for low elo: yes he is easy he press R and run him down, you can dodge his R too with your E.

However in higher elo this sand man is very annoying to deal with since he will poke you A LOT and has insane amount of range and dps to do it. He can also dodge your E+R with his E.
In my opinion a good azir is annoying to face against and its more of a skill matchup. However if the Azir has no idea what he is doing it should be pretty easy.

Very annoying early.

Make sure you dodge his poke and don't take too much damage it's okay to give up a few CS.

Once you have ult you should be able to nuke him down when you have enough HP, however when you hit 6 a good Jayce will keep his distance. When this happen i'd recommend you freeze the wave and Q + R the minion wave to hit your ult on him. He's not super mobile aswell aside from some movement speed so it should be easy to gank for your jungler.

If you get hit by her Q she can run you down so make sure you either dodge it or E out when she does.

Before nuking her with your combo you want to make sure you either have 1. enough damage to kill her when you hit everything or 2. she used her W (the miasma).

Use your E to dodge her R. Make sure you do this before she uses her W ability where you get grounded and can't use your Q+E. You want to go for a BURST kill. Moment you can't kill her she will finish you off with her insane DPS.

It should be a fine matchup. Annoying because of his passive shield, pop it before you all in with your R and you will win. (for example q in and then go out and you have a small window (25-30 seconds) to ult and kill him. Once your ult is on him he can't press R on you aswell so it should be free. Just make sure you get his passive and press E when he has a lot of voidlings.

Akshan is very annoying, because of his passive (he gets a shield, movement speed and can attack you twice in 1 click)

You will get poked out of lane if you go for CS so just try to take it easy the moment you are level 6 and have ult you can win against him if you hit your ult. If you don't its very hard to kill him after. He will literally click you to death even when you dodge his Q+E.

Tip: You can cancel his ultimate when you press E.

On paper it should be free for Fizz right? You can press E to jump over her Wall, dodge her Q/E.

However in reality a decent Anivia is very annoying to face especially early game when she has her passive it's hard to kill her (or well kill her twice)

Should be easy to gank because she has no mobility. So ping ping jungler. Show up!

Skill matchup. The better player will usually win this, more favourable towards Qiyana early game but Fizz shines after getting zhonya's.

You have TRUE VISION on your ultimate so you can see her when you hit it and she has her green Q on her (the stealth).

Tip: use your E to dodge her R and use vision to your advantage. With this I mean make sure you go in a bush and deny vision and she doesn't know where you are so you can get an easy ult off and kill her from there.

Once you have zhonya you can use your E to dodge her Q or for burst and time your Zhonya for her ult. Should be doable.. right?

Fizz loses early, but same as Zed you win after you have zhonya and your ultimate ability.

Make sure to use your E to dodge his W or Q so he won't get the passive bleed off on you.

Your ultimate ability (shark) also gives TRUE VISION so you will be able to see him after he ults when you land your R.

Skill matchup. Favourable towards Zed early game, however Fizz should be fine/win after level 6 and when you have stopwatch / zhonya (rush it btw)

Also don't forget you can E his ultimate. The moment he presses R on you press E and you avoid the entire damage of it. (BE SURE TO USE YOUR E WHEN HE IS USING HIS R ON YOU - IF YOU USE IT AFTER HE GOT THE MARK ON YOU THE DAMAGE IS UNAVOIDABLE EVEN WITH E)

I swear this champion is so annoying because she can nullify so much of your burst with her W ability. You need to play around her stacks and the minion wave if she has no stacks you will win - if she does you won't. Moment she used her W you all in her and will usually win if you are equal in terms of gold.

Pre 6 use your E to dodge her stuns -- after level 6 when she has ult you need to use your E to dodge her R or else its a bit doomed.

However 90% of the Irelia players always push fast/hard so you are able to freeze and call your homie (jungler) and EASILY kill her. Good setup and Irelia mid is free kills for your jungler.

I'd say skill matchup. But favourable towards Fizz. Don't fight him the first few levels, since you will lose most of the time because of his passive + lethal tempo.

Make sure you pop his boneplating before you want to combo (Auto attack him)

Pre level 6: Use your E after he used E so you can always hit it similar to Yasuo/Ekko and try to dodge all of his Q's with movement. If he W's you in a minion wave he will get a bigger shield so be careful of that.
You should usually win these if you play it properly.

After level 6: you most of the time save your E for his ultimate (R) so you can dodge it. This depends on how the Yone plays it obviously and in what situation you are in, but typically you want to avoid his R by dodging it with your E if you can dodge it with movement even better!

Unlike Yasuo you can actually hit your R on this edgy guy if you time it properly with either vision or play around his E so he can't dash out of it. (god bless no windwall)

Even matchup. Better player will win.

Don't play too much into the minion wave since he will just permanently dash. Also make sure you pop his passive shield (+bone plating rune) before you all in.

You will never be able to R2 or R3 ult so just Q into R instantly (he has windwall)

Super annoying early game because of her Q spam and W, but once u hit 6 and you hit your R on her you can win it. Just make sure you have a lot of HP before you do.

Don't engage on her with Q since she will just press E and dodge the damage and get out of range. You need to bait it out.

Your ultimate ability (shark) also gives TRUE VISION so you will be able to see her after she uses her cloud ability (W) when you land your R.

These are the bad matchups for Fizz where you can struggle for the first 15 minutes of the game or the entire game for. Usually they are good picks to deny you from snowballing the game/lane.

(My personal go to ban champion.)

Ahh Kassadin. The Late game monster right...?

Kassadin is Strong into AP champions in general and outscales most champions hence the ''Kassadin is level 16. Just surrender'' meme.

He does outscale you hard, however he also wins earlier before he gets his level 16 spike.

Laning phase is rough for Fizz aswell, since he gets stacks on his E ability whenever you last hit minions with your W. His first few levels aren't the strongest but neither is yours.

Can always dodge your E + R with his dash ability (R). Has a magic shield that makes sure the trades go equal early or he even wins.


''The Ultimate Assassin counter'' In my own words.

Lissandra pokes you down in lane and makes sure you can't engage with her root ability. The moment you manage to hit your ultimate she will ult herself making her invulnerable. She's a good teamfighter aswell and has good point and click shutdown ability with mobility.

In general considered THE strongest counter.

Leave lane and get kills from other lanes :^)

Almost unkillable. Outsustains you forever. AD Vladimir on mid. Very good against most assassins including Fizz.

Even if you ditch the lane and roam he will take your turret at 8 minutes in the game.

Tip: Try to use E before you use Zhonya's Hourglass so you can kite out the duration his R Undying Rage


VERY HARD - 1 on 1 you usually will never win. This guy has a shield for trades, can poke you down with Q + E when you go for farm and because of his passive you won't outtrade him.

Best you can do is CS and try to stay healthy so your jungler can gank this guy he is pretty immobile after all. Once you are a bit ahead it can be won because of sheer number gap (aka gold difference and items)

Now let me start off by saying: The better player will win this. However it is very Leblanc favored.

She will poke you down all the time because of her range and the moment you all in she will use her chain ability and you can not escape from it with your E and it will go through in terms of root and damage.

She can also just EASILY dodge your E+R and potentially your Q aswell.. as i said very favourable towards Leblanc, but if she makes mistakes like missing her chain or using her W in a bad spot u can win it for sure.

Good tip for this lane is: you can build Mercury's Treads (boots) for this matchup especially if enemy has another AP in their team lets say Evelynn/Diana jungle.
Also don't show yourself when Leblanc wants to push in the wave; they usually use their W on the wave and if you are in the bush you can ult and kill IT (mindgames baby)

Will win trades 1 on 1. Can dodge your ult and e easily with his dash. Also he is just too tanky because of the items he builds.

Good tip is to just push in the wave and roam.


Completely unkillable because of his W and item build path. He wins 1 on 1 aswell.

Good tip is to just push in the wave and roam.

Early game bit unplayable. She is WAY tankier and has as much burst as you except she can soak Fizz burst with her shield. Also wins the longer u fight against her, because of her on-hit passive.

However easy to punish if you have a decent jungler and setup a good wave for him.

Very hard to kill because of his W ability making him tankier and getting a in-built magic shield from it. It is possible to kill Galio the very first levels during laning phase if you manage to outplay him and dodge his abilities and all in him with ignite.

Later the game goes he becomes too tanky to kill and an insane good frontline for the enemy team making your life hell mid-late game.

So Sylas is a bit weird, since Sylas wins early vs Fizz because of his W, however he is killable when you ignite him.

I'd say its favourable towards Sylas, but Fizz can win this.

Make sure you press E or R after he used his dash (e) ability or else its too easy to dodge.

Also when he tries to ult you: you can use your E mid animation and he won't get your ultimate ability, while his goes on cooldown because of the untargetability on Fizz E.

I recommend going Oblivion Orb very early after Dark Seal as a build. It will help you.

Very boring lane the Vladimir will always outsustain you and his W is a pool which makes him untargetable like Fizz E. So hitting your ult is basically impossible.

Best thing to do is just ditch lane and roam top/bot all the time and soak waves on mid while helping your jungler out. He will outscale you.

I recommend going Oblivion Orb very early after Dark Seal as a build. It will help you.

Very annoying, can't really kill him and his Q goes through your E so he LITERALLY pull you out of your E (yes he actually does lol)

>More matchups will be added in this guide if there are more requests towards certain champions; also in the future I will add more information to some of the matchups to help you guys more.



If I somehow haven't answered your question I did a Reddit AMA a while ago; so I will be posting the most frequently asked questions here:

Q: I hover between d3 and d4. What are the main things u notice in that elo that can be changed to climb above it?

A: I think wave manipulation and knowing when to roam is the most crucial point if u compare low diamond fizz players vs low master fizz players for example. I recommend checking out a youtube channel called ''skillcapped'' they have were good guides on how how to wave manipulate properly during laning phase and roaming guides super effective I'm a Challenger player and I still watch youtube videos on how to improve.. knowledge is POWER my friend

Q: What is your opinion on Fizz in high elo?

A: I think Fizz in high elo is in general not so great because he can easily get counterpicked especially in this current meta. Also I always say Fizz is a champion made to punish enemies their mistakes. In very high elo (challenger) they don't make a lot of mistakes! So it's harder to punish since their wave manipulation is also very good (When I played vs Magifelix / Nemesis / Perkz etc..) They were all very good and knew how to play around Fizz

Q: What could possibly be changed to make him less a noobstomper, better for higher ranks?

A: Hmm This one is a very hard question. I feel like Fizz is one of those champions that are perfect for soloQ but not so great for competitive. But hypothetically speaking u could maybe lower his damage on W? and make his R damage higher? (for example) So it's more skillshot relient burst so to speak

Q: Diamond Fizz main here. I have a hard time against champs like Galio and Diana, what’s your tip for laning against tanky-ish champs that you can’t kill?

A: So I think for Diana in particular shes very prone to ganks so setting up a good wave for your jungler and asking him to come one of the best things u can do against her. Snowball her and kill her a few times and u slowly get more items than her so u can try to solo kill her later.

For Galio it's best to dodge his E with ur movement and use ur E when he tries to ''W'' (his taunt) once u dodge both these abilities means Galio has not enough damage + no aftershock proc to kill you. Also engaging while he just used his passive is the best u can do. In general Galio is a very hard counter for Fizz, BECAUSE of his aftershock proc u can't burst him so if u make sure he doesn't get it off u pretty much win the 1v1. Outroaming / outpushing a galio is very hard for a Fizz though. Because of his passive + Q + R.

Q: How do you deal with tanky top laners when your team is feeding?

Every time I’ve asked this I just get told that they’re not my job

A: How do I deal with tanky top laners? Well first of all if my team isn't doing well I try to make a choice and analyse the situation. For example if the enemy team has let's say a fed maokai/ornn right. Most tanks are very good at teamfighting so if that tank is fed and there is no way for you to kill him it's best to focus on the squishier targets like for example their mage mid or adc. Making picks is crucial in these scenarios. When you cut off their damage playing as a team against a tank isn't that hard right, since he won't 1v5 your team (unless is he literally 7k gold ahead somehow?)

So tldr; try to avoid teamfighting and try to make picks in the jungle (buy oracle the red trinket) and scan the area and try to play around their tank just keep avoiding it. Worst case u could go for a Liandry's / Void staff those 2 items help a lot with tanks but bear in mind that it would cut your damage a bit on the squishier target (compared to when u buy lich bane, rabadon etc)

After making picks try to go for objectives and close out the game that way. U'd be surprised how many people just keep on getting caught even in high elo so abuse that !

Q: Are there any champions or teamcomps where Fizz shouldnt be picked?

A: So first of all blind picking Fizz is not good, since he does have quite a bit of counters this meta (in terms of tanks, Deaths dance bruisers, and ofcourse the summoner spell exhaust)

But if we are talking about our own teamcomp then I would say Fizz is a bad pick when your team already has a lot of damage. Like a very strong top laner, jungler, bot laners instead u can pick a tank mid (actually happens btw lmao)

Against the enemy teamcomp Fizz is bad when they have a lot of targets that can stack health and survive ur one shot burst. If you can't one shot most targets in the enemy teamcomp it's pretty much a dodge in champselect so let's say ur against (Ornn top, Elise Jungle, Galio mid, Xayah(or any self peeling adc), Nautilus) None of these targets can u instant oneshot since they have some self peel compared to champions like let's say xerath / lux etc. immobile squishy mages that u can just one shot.

Q: How do you feel about Dark Harvest on Fizz? I had a tremendous sucess on gold elo with it.
A: I personally don't like Dark Harvest on Fizz, I think the only runes for now that are viable on him are Elec/PTA/Grasp.

Elec in general the best rune for Fizz and the easiest to get off.

PTA for cheesy laning phase against some champions this works (but PTA doesn't scale good compared to Elec)

Grasp against VERY hard matchups like Kassadin etc.. That u don't wanna let scale and destroy in the early game, although i don't recommend using Grasp of the undying on Fizz, since u need to be very experienced in order to get it off and it's a more laning phase oriented

Q: What are some of the easiest mistakes to punish when you make a mistake? Especially in low elo where I am right now, I feel like fizz gets mostly punished for misusing his e. What do you think are the most punishable offenses?

A: Misusing E is a HUGE deal yes, I see so many Fizz players be 5% HP and solo kill the enemy mid laner or force them out of lane and stay to push the wave in with E without having any proper vision, Guess what happens. The enemy jungler is behind you and you don't have your E up. Dead. Enemy gets a freeze. Lane becomes 2 times harder. So misusing ur E is probably the biggest mistakes what general Fizz players tend to make.

Other then that I feel like so many people Q in AA , W for the elec proc and then E out which is a good thing is to for trading but again you don't know where the enemy jungler is if you didn't ward properly. So I think u can misuse combo's aswell if you do it at the wrong timing.

Ultimate wise a lot of people try to get the 3rd range (the most damage and biggest shark ult) but always use it in lane without closing the gap (for example q'ing on a minion then R instant so enemy mid has less time to react) or out the fog out war and guess what u miss the shark. Which is ur biggest kill pressure ability during laning phase. Which means u missed a shot at a free kill / force out of lane.

The most punishable offenses is misusing ur E & Q. If u misuse ur Q u can be at a position u don't want to be at (since u launch urself to the target) and then ur forced to E out which means a very big cooldown early game and ur prone to ganks and all ins.

Q: how do you decide when to roam?

A: So I mostly decide to roam when I know my top/jungle/bot have kill pressure/CC champions. For example If i have Ezreal Soraka on my bot. Honestly I'm not touching that UNLESS its a very free kill like; the enemy bot is hard pushing my bot under turret and they are 20% hp without any wards. But Ezreal and soraka don't have a lot of reliable CC so why would I gank a lane like that, When I for example can gank my top laner which is a Camille with a nice stun slow and strong ultimate. Or Maybe next game I get a Draven nautilus bot lane. Lots of kill pressure and CC that's very free to gank, no?

So it depends on your teamcomp & enemy teamcomp. During laning phase I decide to roam when my waves are pushed in or if it's a cannon wave (third wave) so I lose less CS when I roam.

Q: very important question: what's your favorite skin?

A: Favorite skin? HANDS DOWN.... FISHERMAN!!! Come on man there is no other choice! This skin is just TOO good! But other then Fisherman, Void Fizz also a great one! But I don't think Fizz has ''bad'' skins even the old ones like Tundra Fizz are cute.

Fuzz Fizz? What is that? I have no idea what that skin is sorry? I don't think that skin exists in my mind .. ;)

Q: Any tips for dealing with Leblanc and Zoe?

A: Leblanc is very hard to deal with u need to bait out her W and hit your R if you do that you'll win. So vision is very important go to a bush and control ward it and fake recall if she thinks u recalled she will use her W on the wave the moment she does that u have an opening to all in.

Zoe should be kinda free the moment u hit lvl 3-4+ u can dodge her E and if you dodge her E shes just easy to kill not much to say about this matchup i always win it even if the zoe is 1000 lp challenger fizz is just too good vs her. Just don't get hit by her E and hit ur R that's how easy it is. u have ur Q + E to dodge her I mostly use Q on her and zoe players tend to instantly use their bubble so I predict it and use my E.


I really hope this Fizz guide helps you guys improve not only as a Fizz player but as a player in general. That was my goal while writing this guide: I want people to know how ward, roam, use vision, wave management etc.. So you can use this on every champion that you play and not just Fizz Ofcourse there are some things that Fizz can do that an Orianna can't do however this is why I kept it a bit more seperate and at the start of the chapter(s) so its more general knowledge, what you do with the knowledge is up to you!

A big thank you for everyone that read the guide, commented or even voted it helps a lot and I really do appreciate it!

I will be updating this guide from time to time so don't worry if there are some things that aren't in it (yet) or you have unanswered questions that aren't in the ''FAQ'' section. You can always hop on my Twitch page and I'll answer it live for you or hop on our Discord server.

Any feedback is welcome and very much appreciated, this is my first MobaFire guide I've ever created so there might be a mistake or two in terms of lay-out or some spelling mistakes. Again I will be updating this guide frequently so let me know!

Do your best and never give up! You can hit any ELO you desire by putting in enough time and effort. If I got Challenger and do well against pro players and other Challenger players then you can aswell.

The last part of the guide is still in work and will get a lay-out + information update over time.
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