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Recommended Items
Runes: Comet
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
Although janna is always strong no matter the meta she can be countered by hook supports pretty easly since she can't disengage against them. Another class of supports that she's gonna be struggling against are ranged bullies a.k.a zyra, senna, brand, ashe
Janna is an omega versatile champion therefore it's almost impossible to make a bad 2v2 lane. Having said that some marksmen are worse with her than others. Since jannas engage is unreliable all-in adcs don't make the most ideal lane partner.
Janna is an omega versatile champion therefore it's almost impossible to make a bad 2v2 lane. Having said that some marksmen are worse with her than others. Since jannas engage is unreliable all-in adcs don't make the most ideal lane partner.
Champion Build Guide
I have just recently reached diamond playing only

people who want to rank up as well as casual Janna enjoyers. I'll be sharing everything that goes through
my mind during the game and all the concepts/strategies that increase the likelyhood of your team winning.
Keep in mind that items and runes are not hyper optimised. They are simply a matter of preference.
You can absolutely climb with most builds that are available since she is so versatile.
With that being said, I shall wish you good luck in season 14 and have fun improving at League.
I'll also be streaming my smurf climb so feel free to ask any questions here: https://www.twitch.tv/viciulol (COMING IN SPLIT 2)

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W - Used to slow enemies/proc mandate. Deals big damage if you have max mejais. Refunds 20% of E cooldown. |
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E - Use it at the start of a fight or on turrets to deny plates. Remember your Q/W/R all partially refund its cooldown so spam it! Use alt + E to self cast. |
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R - Use it to peel for your carries/yourself or heal them. Also remember to pay attention if enemy assassins bought ![]() |
Early game
Before laning even begins we want to make sure to block potential invade angle by standing
in one of the entrances to our jungle (we want to do this even when enemy is not playing a hook champ).
Then take a quick look at the minimap so that we can see which laners arrived to lane late and based on that
safely deduct where jungler started. There are 2 timers that we have to remember; 3:00 ~ 3:30 and 6:50 1st
one is possible gank usually at the end of full clear/scuttle crab spawn and the 2nd is respawn
timer of the 1st buff they started at(mind control your jg by pinging to invade around those timers).
Our main goal for early game laning is to survive, get to 500 gold on support item and keep the wave state
depending on support matchup:
vs. enchanter/caster we want to constantly push so enemy bot is overwhelmed with minions and vs. engager
wave should be positioned near our tower/frozen that way we give enemy support least amount of room
to engage and chase us.
Roaming window tips: If there are objectives available you can generate a roaming window by shoving minions
to their tower. Don't spend too much time roaming tho as it will increase the risk of them diving your ADC.
For grubs you only want to help with 1 of them from each spawn (1 grub from 1st and 1 grub from 2nd spawn)
since they are worth bonus xp. Also before pulling them put some vision around and make sure your jg
wants to do them in the first place. After helping you want to safely come back to bot while avoiding
enemy vision.
Mid-late game
Mid game starts when turret plates fall (14:00min) and this is when we want to communicate to our ADC
to move to mid lane so they can be closer to whatever objective is spawning also it's the safest lane
to continue farming.
What is our job then? If we came out ahead we can continue babysitting our ADC by warding common flank
angles, denying vision and baiting fights. If we are not ahead we still want to babysit whoever is most fed
on our team. Press tab often to check objective spawn timer and ward around that upcoming objective
ahead of time (usually 45-30s to spawn you want to ward). Mid game is very hard since there is gonna
be a lot of chaos but ideally you want to take mid tower and put a ward behind that fallen tower so it
covers both entrances to enemy jungle. From there either continue (supporting) pressuring tier 1 towers
and don't forget to ping all-in if the enemy team tries to defend or if there is nobody worth hovering
(again check tab) then resort to just defending/joining your team.
Late game
Late game is a period when people make the most mistakes in my opinion thats why it's going to be easy
for us to punish: for example overpushing or finding random opponents warding in our jungle and collapsing
on them. Main thing to keep in mind is to stick together and commit to a play as a unit even if it's
technically wrong. Baron is the most important objective at that time so always remember to have wards
around it.
Warding for lane is important if you have an ADC who doesn't have mobility. You might be able to track enemy
jungler perfectly but let's not fool ourselves our ADC will int even if we let him know jungle is bot side.
That's why placing wards beforehand isn't something we should overlook.
In the midgame warding mid is priceless since we can spot rotations easier also if we have a splitpusher
warding for them shouldn't hurt nobody. In short the plan is: communicate to push mid into deep wards
(pick a side closest to neutral objective spawning)
Teamfights / skirimishes
Do not just take neutral objectives instead use them as a bait to start teamfights. Channel a nado from fog,

Back timings
Lane phase back timings are all about wave states. Ideally you would always want to shove before pressing B
but that's not always the case. Prioritise safety of your ADC (wave proximity to your turret) when they are
farming and try to match recalls. Tip: Try to disrupt enemy ADC back timing with full channelled

Mid/late game b timings on the other hand are not about wave states anymore. They are about pressure points
that your teammates create, e.g., invading enemy jg camp, pressuring tier 1 tower. Ping your recall if
you think your teammate is overstaying. Refill your wards before neutral objectives (1min - 45s before spawn)
and always remember to synchronize with your team.
2. Form a gameplan based on who you are playing against. For example you don't want to push too much
against engage champions (ofc we still want lvl 2 1st) and against enchanters you often want to overwhelm
them with your own minions.
3. Pay attention to mid lane. If they are playing champs that trade heavy or have no mobility
you can plan potential roams especially if you can coordinate them with your jungle. Same can be said
about top lane.
4. Look at ADC keystones and play around them. If your adc has a stacking keystone and theirs does not
you will most likely win an all in 2v2. On the other hand if you see Hail of blades for example you want to
avoid long trades.

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