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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Z-Drive Resonance (PASSIVE)
Ekko Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Early game is turbo cancer if the ahri is good, as she can perma walk up and poke you for each minion you try to cs and you cant do anything since her charm fucks your combo. If you do walk up to cs, W the wave first so you have a shield for her poke. The only way you will die is if you get hit with E (charm) after 6 while your R is down. If you know she has R down and she recently missed her charm, go for a solo kill. Be wary, however, because her W does give her a burst of tiny MS to juke your Q skillshot. Mid-Late game you will never be able to kill her because of her R and Charm. Juke her charm and try to 1 shot the enemy backline. In teamfights, getting hit by the charm means you are 99% dead. Merc treads/tenacity runes are advised but not needed if you can dodge charm. Take Elec + Precision page
I personally ban this since the matchup is so hard to win. Dodge as much Q poke early as possible. If she is good, she will play around her shroud cooldown and take every trade that she wants when it is up. Due to her invisibility it is very hard to proc your passive and you have to get sweeper early to hit your Q in her shroud. As soon as she shrouds, W on top of it. This forces her to run or get stunned. Parallel convergence and shroud have very similar cooldowns, so you should be able to track her long CD easily. Only take short trades you think you can win, she can easily get 3-4 Q into empowered auto-attacks in a sustained fight. If she has Conqueror + Riftmaker, grab an early grievous wounds. Mid-Late game teamfights you will both be targeting the enemy team's squishies, so try to pop the enemy backline faster than Akali can do to yours. Even scaling. take Elec + Sorcery runepage
Use E to dodge her stun every time, it is not worth risking getting chunked for half of your HP and being forced out of lane. If for some reason she uses her stun on minions pre-6, don't be afraid to engage on her. For the most part it is a farm lane, but if she misplays you can put her behind and pop her revive. If she has no egg, clear vision, try to freeze it in front of your tower, and call for jungle to gank. In mid-late game, focus on popping Eggnivia or Zhonya's, and then 1 shot her in teamfights. Since most anivias build archangels, make sure to care for the shield that she gets when she's low. Anivia majorly outscales Ekko. Take Elec + Precison page or Hail of blades
Mostly a farm lane. In the early game, she will harass you for every minion you walk up to cs since her autoattack range is very long. Use W on the wave before walking up so you dont get chunked. Good Annie's will hold stun for as long as possible to disengage Ekko if you jump on her, but if she is playing past turret with no stun, try to abuse the small window and engage to force her out of lane or kill her. Be careful, however, because her shield gives her a burst of MS to dodge your Q. In mid-late game, don't stand close to your teammates or her crowd control with fuck you up. Look for a flank or she can easily shut you down with point click stuns. Even scaling but you win side lane. Take Elec + Precision page or hail of blades
Aurelion Sol
Free lane. He can never ever kill you unless you play like an idiot, and you can almost never kill him unless you land a good W stun. Your best oppurtunity to win lane is early, before he gets componenets for rod of ages/archangels that makes him tanky as fuck. Mid lane phase, asol will look to one shot wave and ignore you, so get enough AP so you can 1 shot casters and match his roams. Farm up and follow roams if he does leave lane. Late game, Asol will be very tanky due to his itemization, so look for W stuns while he is using his W (flame breath) for your team to follow up on since his path is telegraphed. Asol heavlily outscales ekko. take Elec + Sorcery page or hail of blades
Decent matchup for Ekko, but you will rarely, if ever, see him in most elo's. In the early levels play safe, Azir will poke you out for any CS you overextend for and he does a surprising amount of damage. Wait for first back at around level 6 or 7 and then try to kill him. If you farmed efficiently you should have enough AP to chunk him out of lane. If he R's to disengage, you can trade R and it is worth. His R is longer CD then yours. From then on he has to play way back or else you one shot him because he used nearly his only self peel. Late game, Azir turns into a monster and you have to try to 1 shot him or force his Zhonya's/R or he will pentakill you. If he ends up doing a W-E-Q-R combo/Shurima Shuffle into you and your team, instantly R back as you will risk getting CC chained and dying. Look for a flank as Azir can easily poke you out if you stand next to your team. Azir outscales Ekko. Take Elec + Sorcery page
Dodge his pillar of flame as much as possible as it is his only substantial poke in lane. Same as Anivia, use your E to reposition and dodge his stun. If you manage to dodge it without your E go ham on him, you can easily 1 shot him mid-late game. In team fights, one shot him or force his Zhonya's or his AOE burns will melt your team. Even scaling. Take Elec + Sorcery page or hail of blades
The key factor in this matchup is tracking Cass Q. If you get hit by it and get grounded afterwards you are probably dead or atleast chunked for a lot. E or sidestep out of the way of her Q and look for trades when its down. After 6, she can disengage and kill you if you E onto her with her R. Try to predict when she will use her R and look away. If you do end up jumping on her, play around the Miasma (W) pool's long cooldown and try to trade when its down. If you E on her and you miss Q and can't proc passive you will get kited and killed. If you are struggling look to buy early mercury treads. The most important thing in this lane is maintaining equal farm to her, since allowing her to free farm and outscale is a recipe for disaster. In mid late game, don't stand to close to your teammates and look for a flank in team fights. Focus on 1 shotting her or popping her Zhonya's in teamfights when you know her R is on CD. Cassiopeia outscales Ekko. Take Elec + Sorcery page or hail of blades
You will nearly never die in this matchup until lv 8-9 or so when he gets item, so just focus on getting good CS. Even when he gets item its really hard to die to him. Cho'Gath has good gank set ups so make sure to ward river and track enemy jg. Use E to dodge his knockup. If he's building tank don't bother fighting him, you will deal no damage. If he built AP, care for his dmg since his burst can catch you offguard. 90% of the time its just a farm lane as Ekko and Cho'Gath don't have the tools to kill eachother. Grievous wounds is nice, but not necessary vs him. Mid-Late game look to match him in a side lane and TP to fights. In team fights, try to avoid/go around him and 1 shot the back line. Cho'Gath outscales Ekko. Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + precision otherwise.
Really simple matchup. Kind of impossible to die to him. Take trades whenever your CD's are up and you know you won't mess up the wave state. Be wary of his mythic (immortal shieldbow) as it can save him and put you in bad scenarios if you aren't expecting it. Ping your team when Corki has package and is missing after recalling. Mid-late game play in a side lane and 1 shot him if he comes to match you. Ekko slightly outscales. take Elec + Sorcery or Hail of blades
Darius mid is rare but a pocket pick for some. In this matchup you never want to take extended trades as he will beat your ass. Try to get early grievous wounds if possible. Focus on keeping your CS up and don't call for jg. Good Darius' can 1v2 jg + Ekko, especially when he has R. Eventually at mid-late game you won't have to deal with him that much and will have to instead focus on 1 shotting the enemy back line, not Darius. Ekko outscales. Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.
Very annoying matchup. Her Q is low CD and can chunk you for a lot if you don't get good at dodging them. If you do get hit by it, back up and wait for the mark to go away. If you get chunked low enough by her trades just back, she can burst you very quickly with electrocute + W + E + R combo and its not worth dying and giving her a chance to snowball the game. If she has wasted her dash or shield try to go in but be wary of her attack speed passive. It can bait you into engaging and just getting auto'd to death early. If enemy team has lots of AP or CC feel free to grab mercury treads or banshee's veil. Mid-late game you want to focus on 1 shotting enemy back line so they cant follow up on Diana's R engage. If you end up in a side lane against her you can solo kill her if you land a good stun with your full combo. Even scaling. Take Elec + Sorcery page
Nearly identical to Darius. Very rare to see in mid lane but some people pocket pick it. Focus on good CS and very short trades you know you can win. Invest in early grievous wounds. If she pops r dont be afraid to flash away, she can 100-0 very quickly. Try to freeze it under your tower and avoid pushing up too much. Mid-late game she will just stat check you in a side lane, your time to shine comes in team fights. Try to 1 shot enemy backline and squishies. Fiora outscales Ekko. Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.
The most skill reliant matchup on the list besides Zed. If you are good you can win. Play around Fizz's long playful/trickster (untargetable) CD and E + Q + AA passive proc to win short trades. If he hits 6 first he can 100-0 burst you, so pay attention to XP. Same thing on the flip side, however. If you hit 6 first try to engage and force his flash. If the Fizz is good he will save his R for after you used E, so make sure to keep that in mind. If you do end up getting hit by his R, W on top of where you are and prepare to R. After you R, run into your shield and run away. Flash if necessary, its not worth it to give Fizz the chance to snowball. If you get a lead on Fizz you can solo kill him 20 more times, but if he gets a lead on you he can solo kill you 20 times. Play really smart early and try to abuse his E CD. Fizz is a feast or famine champion, so you can try to freeze lane and ask for ganks to put Fizz really behind. If you are not confident in the matchup you can play safe and not fight him. In a side lane, you should win the 1v1, and if things go south you should be able to Zhonya's and R to live. Just like Akali your roles are to 1 shot the enemy back line. Try to pop the enemy squishies before Fizz can do the same to yours. Equal scaling. Elec + sorcery page
One of Ekko's counterpicks, there is little counterplay. If Galio has a brain he will just save his taunt for when you go on him. Dodge his Q poke as best as possible in lane. His E + W + Q + P-AA combo can chunk you for about half your HP at all stages of the game. In mid-late game teamfights it is really hard to assassinate anyone as Galio give everyone in a certain distance a giant magic shield + enemy knockup. If you go on the high priority squishies, odds are he will just peel them with his taunt and you will get CC chained. Look for fights when Galio has no R and you can catch an enemy squishy out. The one good thing about this matchup is that you will basically never get solo-killed by him, but that's where it stops. Even scaling Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + precision otherwise.
Mid GP is really annoying due to his sustain and constant poke. If you do end up landing a good stun in lane he can just Remove Scurvy (cleanse) and run away for free. Do your best to dodge barrels and play around their CD's if he ends up wasting them. Focus on CSing well and eventually in mid-late game you will nearly 1 shot him and the backline if he isnt too strong by then. Gangplank outscales Ekko take Elec + Sorcery page
You will never die to each other. If he Q runs at you, you can just slow him with Ekko's Q and E away. Focus on CSing and dont fight him that much, his passive and W keep him healthy in laning phase. He wins extended trades and can burst you with ignite + R if you are low enough. Play with a brain and eventually in mid-late game you will be able to 1 shot the backline. Ekko outscales garen Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.
Play around procing your passive and getting out, since sustained trades are horrible in this matchup. Never try to engage when she has 4 stacks on her Q up, its basically suicide. Early grievous wounds is valuable as she usually has conqueror and riftmaker. You never really want to fight her til you get 2 items so try to push the wave with Q and then roam to jg, top, or bot skirmishes to snowball them ahead. Equal scaling Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.
Never fight him, he will kite you and his turrets will slowly but surely kill you if you run into him. Focus on CSing and invest into early Verdant Barrier or merc treads if the enemy team has a lot of AP champions. Eventually you can come close to 1 shotting Heimer in the mid/late game. Look for a flank and do everything you can to not get hit by his E stun. Even scaling take Elec + precision page
You never win. Irelia is one of the best and most opressive laners in the game. Invest in early grievous wounds. Don't walk up when she has 5 stacks on her passive or you will end up taking an extremely bad trade. If you try to take short trades with her she will just heal up through Q and lifesteal. Your best shot in this lane is to survive and CS as best as you can. If possible, shove in the lane and roam jg, top. bot to try to enable them to snowball. Mid/late game you want to be teamfighting as much as possible as Irelia benefits heavily through splitting and stat checking her opponents. Try to flank and 1 shot the back line so they can't follow up on Irelia's R engage. Irelia outscales Ekko. Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.
Play very conservative in lane and farm back with your Q's. Play safe in the early levels and try not to get chunked but his Q. in levels 6-11, you can take risky trades to chunk him, but his E allows him to knock you away and disengage if its up. In teamfights you can just 1 shot this guy along with his backline buddies. Try to look for flanks and dont stand with your teams since his Q will 1 shot in late game. Even scaling, take Elec + sorcery page
Really, really annoying matchup but not too difficult after first back. Pre-6, focus on Q'ing the wave to avoid any poke and if you need to walk up to CS, W the wave first. If you E on top of her, she can shield herself and root you, losing you the trade. Play smart and wait til protobelt to start playing aggro. Late game you need a good flank to avoid CC chains and you can eventually 1 shot her and the others in the back line. In the late game you win the side lane split and she can't match you or you kill her. Ekko outscales take Elec + Sorcery page
His entire kit is designed to butt fuck you. Due to his passive of taking 15% less magic damage, you are playing a rigged hand the entire laning phase vs him. Try to freeze lane infront of your tower and call for jg before he gets 6. His Q will poke you out levels 1-6 and you will have to back or risk giving Kass an early lead to snowball with. Levels 6-11 you should try to push as much as possible to deny Kassadin roaming and killing your other lanes. Eventually try to force fights mid game and get a flank on the back line to 1 shot the AD and support. If you can do this your team should be able to kill Kass and close out the game fairly quickly. Kassadin heavily outscales Ekko. Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.
Abuse her early game and long CD's. After 6 try to push the wave and roam to other lanes to snowball. If she takes a poor fight with you, you can freeze and force to to back and deny her lots of resources. Remember that Katarina's R applies 60% grievous wounds on hit, so your R will heal significantly less than normal. If she gets a kill early, she can snowball the lane and make it unplayable by 100-0ing you off cooldown, so play smart with you W shield. Make sure to ping if she is roaming. Mid/late game you win the side lane split push. Try to fight her and force more than 1 to come stop you. take Elec + Sorcery page
Abuse her early. If she walks up for a creep you can deny, heavily trade with her and run away with your passive. With lethal tempo, she wants to take extended trades, so W in, burst her, and run out before she has the chance. Even in levels 6-11 you can win 1v1 vs Kayle if you are good enough. If she is building blade of the ruined king or riftmaker early make sure to pick up a grievous wounds. Mid late game you are looking to flank and 1 shot enemy back line like always. You dont win side lane split so you want to force as many fights as you can before Kayle lv 16. Kayle heavily outscales Ekko. take Elec + sorcery page
She hard wins levels 1-5 and you can't really do anything about it. Do your best to get good CS as well as dodging her ethereal chains. They do lots of damage and are a pretty long root as well. Mid/Late game you can catch her out and 1 shot her, but she can do the same to you so be wary. Whoever has farmed/done better wins the side lane but you should win most of the time, especially with your R up. Ekko slightly outscales LeBlanc. take Elec + sorcery page
Lee Sin
Play relatively safe early and you will outscale him later on. At level 6 you can start trade with him and kill him if he plays really poorly. Mid/late game you can look for side lane but you won't really be able to kill eachother as you both don't have the dmg; Lee will be to tanky and we have 2 lives. In teamfights, focus on 1 shotting enemy squishies through a flank angle. Ekko outscales. If the enemy team has 2 more tanks/bruisers take Conqueror
Nobody will ever die. She doesn't have the dmg and you don't have the mobility to catch up to her. If you engage on her she can just root you and drift away. If she attacks you, you can just R back and live. Try to shove lane and rotate for jg, top, and mid. Late game look for a flank or Lisandra will just R you and you will get CC chained. Ekko outscales. take Elec + precision page
Annoying, but playable. Levels 1-5 just play passive, don't force any plays that can possibly back fire. You will be able to 1 shot him soon enough. Once you get hextech rocketbelt you can kill Lucian on cooldown. In teamfights its the same thing. Squishies that have little mobility are Ekko's favorite. Ekko outscales. take Elec + sorcery page
Free lane. dodge as many skillshots as you can early and at level 6-11 just kill her on cooldown with your full rocketbelt combo. Shove waves mid and look for roams jg/top/bot. In the late game you can look to 1 shot Lux and other squishies through flanks. Be careful to not get CC chained. Ekko outscales Lux. take Elec + precision page
Just really really annoying. Shove in the wave as fast as possible and look for roams. Pick up merc treads and run as much tenacity as possible since post-6 malz will look to set up ganks with his R. Late game look for flank routes and do not get CC chained cause this shit is so cancer. Easy lane, just annoying. Malzahar outscales Ekko. take Elec + precision page
Never fight him. He wins levels 1-18. Shove lane in and look for roams around the map. Mid/Late you can't split. Look for flanks and try to 1 shot back line squishies. Equal scaling. Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.
Play around her long early E and W CD's. If she procs phase rush through poke, wait for her to W and then go in on her. She will have no speed boost because both W and phase rush are on CD. Proc electrocute and passive and run. Try to this as much as possible. Otherwise, farm up. Look for flanks and don't group in a pile on your team. Try to 1 shot her as she is a monster late game if not taken care of. Orianna outscales Ekko. take Elec + sorcery page
Dodge her root and you win. If she ever engages on you with R, you can time your R to dodge the pop of hers. During laning, move back and forth as much as possible while CSing to juke out Neeko's skillshots, as they are her main source of damage. If she misses her root you can E on to her but she will just W run away. Late game look for flanks as she will look to engage on your team with R. You can one shot her in side lanes as well. take Elec + precision page
Never without W shield. You lose levels 1-6 but if you get Zhonya's + healing reduction you can win in side lane. In team fights he will either peel the squishies or try to engage with his ult on your team. If he does the latter, try to 1 shot the backline so they can't follow up. If he does the former, fish for a stun for your team to engage on the high priority targets with. Ekko outscales. Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.
Just like Fizz, Talon, and Zed, Qiyana is a very skill and mechanics dependent matchup. If you are better than the enemy, you should win. Abuse Qiyana's long early cooldowns. She wins short, bursty trades but you can use W to win longer trades, running away with passive afterwards. At level 6 don't stand next to and you wont get solo'd since you have R insurance. In team fights don't stand next to your team and focus on targeting the enemy squishies. Ekko slightly outscales her. take Elec + sorcery page
Never walk up or fight him. Just like with some other bruisers, like Darius and Fiora, you lose every single trade, short and long. CS safely and look to roam if you can shove your wave in. Mid/Late game try to ignore him and focus on diving the back line. Even scaling Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.
You can consistently take good trades when you know his W is down. Levels 1-3 play safe and then start to combo him from there. Play around his phase rush cooldown. If he is playing safe just match his shove and look to roam. Late game you can still 1 shot him and other squishies. Ryze outscales. take Elec + sorcery page
Really easy, just dodge her ult and you will never die. If she walks up without full stacks pre -6 you can try to kill her. She will most likely build support item and play around her team, so do your best to find a good flank angle and stun + 1 shot the backline, including her. Ekko outscales. take Elec + precision page
Sylas has insanely long early cooldowns but will absolutely smack you in short trades. Make sure to always trade with your W shield. His full E1 + E2 + AA + W + AA + Q + AA + AA fully stacks conqueror and can chunk about 2/3 of your HP if he lands everything. At level 6 its almost impossible to kill him solo because of his R. In side lanes you can solo kill him if you have grievous wounds. Everyone can see Sylas' echo, as well. Sylas outscales Ekko. Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.
levels 1-5 can be rough if you have a problem dodging skillshots. After level 6 it becomes impossible to get solo'd by her if you have your R up. If she uses scatter the weak (the force pulse) and misses her stun you should all in her and try to kill her as she has no self peel after that. In teamfights and mid/late game she is an easy 1 shot. Even scaling take Elec + sorcery page
Do everything in your power to get level 2 first. Talon's level 2 spike can kill you 100-0, so if he gets it first he can deny you a lot of farm that you have to use Q and mess up the wave to get. at level 3 you win BUT only if you trade using your W shield. Play smart and trade when he misses his 2nd hit on Rake (W). Try to remember which walls he has vaulted recently as well. After 6 neither of you can kill each other as you both have built in get-out-of-jail free card ultimates. Match his roams as best as possible. Zhonya's is a good buy here. Even scaling take Elec + sorcery page
Respect her range advantage levels 1-5. Once you have ult you can play a bit more aggro and farm safer. Reaching your hextech rocketbelt spike is huge here as it allows you to reach her once she immediately jumps away. Kill her on repeat when her flash is down. In team fights don't let her play the game. Even scaling. take Elec + sorcery page
Twisted Fate
He can never solo you unless you dont dodge a single Q. What you have to worry about is his roaming. Tell your team where TF is at all times so they don't get caught offguard by his roams. Shove in mid wave as hard as you can and hover which lane you think is going to be roamed to. Also, in lane if he uses gold/red/blue card on minions you can go in and burst him in a short trade, possibly killing him or blowing a flash if you have enough AP. Late game play safe in side lanes cause you can get collapsed on easily. Ekko outscales take Elec + precision page
Shove and roam. Veigar has a hard time stacking under tower. Also, your E2 blinks past his E/cage. Use this to your advantage to catch him off guard and 1 shot him while he is trying to combo you. Late game do your best to get a flank angle vs him and avoid CC. Veigar heavily outscales Ekko. take Elec + precision page
Play around his cage and empowered auto. He gets a speed boost and shield from the empowered auto, so make sure to trade with your W when that is down. On the other hand, whenever he cages disengage immediately. The slow and stun are extremely long and you can die if you are unwary of them. It has a long cooldown, however, so use that to your advantage. Late game you want to flank and try to get a stun off to 1 shot Viktor. Late game Viktor is basically god so trading 1 for 1 against him is usually worth. Viktor heavily outscales Ekko. take Elec + sorcery page
Abuse his early game weakness. His Q is about 8 seconds tier 1, so trade and try to bait his W (pool). Once that is down try to all in and kill him before he can sustain up from his Q again. Be careful of his R as he can bait you into all inning him and then heal for half his HP with R + empowered Q. Grievous wounds is a good buy here. Mid game you can match him but he will eventually be able to solo you in the late game. You need to finish the game out before that can happen. Vladimir heavily outscales Ekko. take Elec + sorcery page
Buy early boots and spam W's on the wave so you dont get chunked by his spells when you cs. Getting Protobelt allows you to constantly take trades and harass him, so focus on buying that as soon as possible. E him when his stun is down and you can 100 to 0 him mid-late game. Late game you 1 shot him. Equal scaling. take Elec + sorcery page
If the Yasuo is good this matchup is borderline unwinnable for you. You can go next to even in lane if you play safe and farm under tower with Q. Just dont fuck up the wave with constant Q's since he can freeze it and make your game hell. Do your best to match his roams to jg and top/bot skirmishes and try to have lane priority. Although you win short trades, he can usually heal back up so its more worth to shove the lane and look for plays on the map. Late game you can't match him and you should look to buy grievous wounds. Yasuo outscales Ekko. take Elec + sorcery page
Take note of Yone's E cooldown since it allows him to fully 100-0 you anytime in lane if you are not careful. Use your W on the wave since he has to walk up in order to get Q stacks for his dash. If he uses E to chase you after you proc passive, quickly run away since he has ramping movespeed. Mid game you want to stop trading with him unless you know you can finish him since his items give him crazy vamp and sustain. Yone outscales take Elec + sorcery page
Play levels 1-5 smart. Taking to much poke can lead you to losing lots of resources and being poked out of lane. If he uses W to clear minions, E onto him and all in him. When he r's you. W on top of yourself and continue to fight. When the damage is about to snap press R and run into your W field for a shield. If he has no W you should win nearly every single trade. You scale about evenly so whoever has better macro/mechanics will win. In teamfights you both are looking to one shot the back lines. Even scaling. take Elec + sorcery page
Laning phase is turbo cancer since zoe can poke you out and if you try to trade back, she can just run away with her built in MS that she gets from W and he self peel with sleep bubble. Spam W on the wave so you can CS and tank her spells. consider buying early merc treads if you have an issue dodging skillshots and if the enemy team drafted lots of CC. If you come out of laning phase even in CS its a huge victory for you. Even in side lane its hard to kill her since she can steal rocketbelt and one shot you if you get slept. If she has no spell in W and has recently used sleep bubble, all in her. She has no built in escape if these circumstances are met and you should be able to kill her. take Elec + precision page
His bonus MS on canceled autos easily allows him to kite away from you if you dont land a W stun or Q on him before trades. He has suprising burst early and often builds items such as wits end which cucks ekko. Play safe and farm up, try to match his roams so he doesnt snowball off side lane kills. take Elec + sorcery page
its extremely hard to kill him early due to his built in sustain. constantly W the wave since he has to walk up early to CS. you can trade with your shield, just watch out for his E because it will stun you when you blink onto him. Late game you can oneshot him so its important to farm well and scale up for late. Even scaling, but you win the 1v1 side lane with protobelt take Elec + sorcery page
While Hwei's early poke can be annoying early, you can consistently chunk him out of lane after first back if he uses his fleeing spell on the wave. Eventually he will be able to 1 shot the wave from under tower so match his shove and look for plays around the map. Late game you wanna get rocketbelt and find flanks to 1 shot him and other squishies. take Elec + sorcery page
Mid Kog is extremely easy for ekko since he will mostly go AP and not build tanky hybrid like he can for AD builds (titanic). respect his poke early but look for trades when you have W up. After protobelt you can consistently jump on him and chunk him out of lane. Late game look for flanks and assassinate him before he can poke you out with his R's.
Rare pick but extremely simple lane. karthus cant peel himself asides for the minimal slow that his W gets. Early game you can harass him with trades while your W is up and make his life hell, and after you get rocketbelt you can jump on him and chunk him outta lane perma. Late game when he gets items he hurts bad so look for oppurtunities to 1 shot or pop his zhonyas. Karthus outscales take Elec + sorcery page
His poke can easily chunk you out of lane at any stage of the game, so buy early boots if you are getting ran down or have a hard time dodging his Q's. If you do initiate trades, he can E away and Q+W to stun you and chunk you out. Only go in if his E is down, since thats his only MS to get out of Ekko combo. After 6, kennen will r you if you jump on him so nobody will ever be dying. Trading r for r is worth since it opens up kill windows for you after. If enemy team has a lot of CC along with kennen, consider taking merc treads. take Elec + precision page
His pull makes it really hard to take trades and proc passive on him during laning phase. Spam W on the wave when you're last hitting and if he misses his pull, use E to blink on and take a trade. After 6 he will never die since he is so tanky and his R gives him vamp, so ignite or grevious is advised. While your full combo mid-late game chunks him for a solid amount, you will need your team or multiple passive procs to kill him. The reason why this matchup is so hard is because he has a relatively safe laning phase and can farm up to outscale you mid-late. Find oppurtunities to snowball and it shouldnt be a problem. Take Conq if lots of tanks, or electrocute + sorcery otherwise.
Since Ekko initiates trades by using his E, vex will always be able to build fear and bonus dmg on you during trades. Spam W waves so you can tank her spells with your shield. If her meter isnt full and doesnt have fear up, you can W where you think she'll be and try to trade. The safest option is to simply farm up to rocketbelt and then start snowballing from there. If enemy team has lots of cc or you have trouble in this lane specifically, pick up an early null-magic mantle and merc treads. take Elec + precision page or Hail of Blades
While Vel'koz poke can be annoying early, by the time you get hextech alternator you can consistently chunk him out of lane. When you E, he will knock up the ground ontop of him, so only initiate trades if you're sure you can dodge it or if its down. After rocketbelt you can consistently one shot or atleast chunk him out of lane. In team fights, look for flanks to one shot him so you don't eat poke while standing with your team. take Elec + sorcery page or Hail of Blades
Ziggs can be difficult due to his early poke and suprising damage at all stages of the game. If you E on top of him, he can W away from you and kite you, winning the trade. Only go in if your W lands on top of him or you manage to get 2 passive stacks from Q poke. After rocketbelt this becomes more more playable and you can be more aggro to chunk him and kill him with. Just farm up to that point and you'll be fine mid-late game. In team fights, look for flanks to one shot him so you don't eat poke while standing with your team. take Elec + sorcery page or Hail of blades
Zilean can be annoying primarily due to his slows and self speed up that he can use to avoid trades and kite you. In early laning phase, W the wave and farm up to first back. After this, you can try to start trading with him but make sure to bait out his bombs first so you dont eat a stun as soon as you E. If you struggle dodging skillshots or the enemy team has lots of AP/crowd control, buy merc treads. take Elec + precision page or Hail of Blades
Zyra is a free lane since all of her attacks are very telegraphed and Ekko can consistently take trades to chunk her out of lane. If her E is down (root) jump on her immediately. After 6, you can use your R to dodge the knockup of her R. By the time you get rocketbelt you can snowball the game by trading with her and looking for solo kills. take Elec + sorcery or Hail of blades
In this guide, I will tell you what rune page to take vs every champ, what items, and generally how to play out the lane. Take every matchup rating with a grain of salt, however, as I've played a majority of them many many times. New Ekko players may have more trouble with matchups rated as moderate or minor threats than veteran Ekko mains, and there is a definite level of error for even the simplest matchups.
As a feast or famine champ, Ekko thrives on early kills to snowball and take over the game. You generally want to lock him in when the enemy team is full of squishies or lacks crowd control to shut you down. He is decent in early jungle skirmishes and has strong roams and wave clear mid-late game. His gameplay loop is also very fun, and learning all the ins and outs of his gameplay can be addicitng.
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