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Malzahar Build Guide by Baxterstein

Middle [S14] For the Void - Malzahar Mid build and playstyle guide

Middle [S14] For the Void - Malzahar Mid build and playstyle guide

Updated on April 24, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Baxterstein Build Guide By Baxterstein 5,411 Views 0 Comments
5,411 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Baxterstein Malzahar Build Guide By Baxterstein Updated on April 24, 2024
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Runes: Take these - see write-up for explanation

Cheap Shot
Ghost Poro
Ingenious Hunter

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health


Always take these
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
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Champion Build Guide

[S14] For the Void - Malzahar Mid build and playstyle guide

By Baxterstein
Why Lich Bane? And why rush it? Let's start from the beginning.

Malz has several weaknesses, namely: trading in lane without using ult, going OOM, and low mobility and squishiness. This build fixes it all.
  • Tear start means you never go OOM and can poke and push all you want.
  • Lich Bane gives you mobility, extra trading power and burst power (especially with Electrocute) to actually land you way more kills than going full AP or Liandry's.
  • Seraph's gives you a shield to survive, unlimited mana to spam CD's constantly (and proc Lich Bane on cooldown, even faster with Cosmic Insight and Ingenious Hunter) and huge CD reduction for this as well.
  • Rylai's gives survivability and the ability to perma-kite with your kit.
  • Cosmic Drive accentuates this even more with HP, CDR, and movespeed.
  • Cryptbloom gives even more CDR, a game-changing teamfight heal, and magic penetration for bulkier targets.

Our runes synergize extremely well:
  • Electrocute for trading and burst
  • Cheap Shot procs constantly
  • Ghost Poro lets you push sidelanes with more vision. All your item haste also reduces ward cooldowns!
  • Ingenious Hunter means Lich Bane procs constantly when spamming your spells (with your extremely high CDR and unlimited mana), Seraph's shield is up for every fight, and Cryptbloom's heal is up for every fight
  • Free boots help you get Lich Bane faster, and give you meaningfully more movespeed
  • Cosmic Insight gives even more item haste, and paired with Ionian Boots ensures Flash and Ghost are up as much as possible for every fight.

In fights, your goal is to pop Ghost and spam spam spam spells. Q keeps multiple enemies silenced 60% of the whole fight! Rylai's keeps everyone slow. E and voidlings shred--in fact, voidlings constitute half of our damage, so pumping as many out as possible while constantly kiting will absolutely turn fights. Ever notice how much less damage you do when you R without voidlings? Voidlings, frail as they are, do insane damage when ignored.

You shred towers with spell spam + Lich Bane + voidlings--don't be afraid to split push and run away; dump spells on a wave and immediately run to set up vision, then return to the lane for a fast shove. Rylai's + Cosmic Drive will have you 1v1ing anyone who comes to meet you; burst and kite. They'll ignore voidlings--your goal is to kite them while voidlings shred them apart, until they realize they're low and start running, at which point they can't get away.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Baxterstein
Baxterstein Malzahar Guide
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