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Recommended Items
Runes: ONLY
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
Actually, all mage that has Immobilizing effect is annoying as they can land it while you are casting Q. But you can still crush them after you build up
Champion Build Guide
Welcome to the Support Aatrox Guide
Do you like playing
Aatrox? Sometimes when you can't get top role to play Aatrox in draft, how about consider playing him as Support? I've got a solution for this!
We will be only using
Glacial Augment as the main rune, with cash back to compensate the low income from Support Role, and
Biscuit Delivery to sustain in early lanes.
And MOST IMPORTANTLY, we are utilizing
Jack of all Trades(JoAT) to gain extra haste and AD when building items.
Why JoAT? Because the support item already gives you 3 stacks, building into 10 unique stats is therefore not difficult.
At 5 stacks it provide 10AD and 5 Haste (Worth 350G of Stats!) ,and at 10 stacks it gives 25AD + 10 Haste.(Worth over 1000G of stats!)
It will help a lot to catch up in the Support Role.
And why Glacial Augment? Well, it provides more pressure in lane and fights when you hit Q, and it also reduces the damage from enemies (to Your ADC) when fight happens in lane.
The slow also allows you to hit your Q more easily and the slowness scales with your Bonus AD/HP.
Last Stand- if you played Aatrox you know his health bar is always like riding a rollercoaster, bring Last Stand to let you maximize damage while low health
Triumph- good synergy with Ult, helps to reset.

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, we are utilizing

Why JoAT? Because the support item already gives you 3 stacks, building into 10 unique stats is therefore not difficult.
At 5 stacks it provide 10AD and 5 Haste (Worth 350G of Stats!) ,and at 10 stacks it gives 25AD + 10 Haste.(Worth over 1000G of stats!)
It will help a lot to catch up in the Support Role.
And why Glacial Augment? Well, it provides more pressure in lane and fights when you hit Q, and it also reduces the damage from enemies (to Your ADC) when fight happens in lane.
The slow also allows you to hit your Q more easily and the slowness scales with your Bonus AD/HP.
Last Stand- if you played Aatrox you know his health bar is always like riding a rollercoaster, bring Last Stand to let you maximize damage while low health
Triumph- good synergy with Ult, helps to reset.
As I have said, we are bulding items to maximize JoAT as quickly as possible.

ONLY upgrade into

You would want at least 550G minimum to buy


Both costs 1100G and gets you over the first 5 different stats needed, hence you will receive +10 AD from JoAT.
You will eventually needed to buy both items for the build but you can choose which to buy first depending on the situation.





From buying the Items stated (Eclipse, Merc Boots& World Atlas), we already has 8 Unique stats gained from items.
Buying either of these can help you to reach 10 stacks. Choose the item depending on the situation.



Then just buy any item suitable.

Support Item + 2 Items, Total 7000G= 255AD

Normal 2 Items + Long Sword, Total 7650G= 255AD

Normal 3 Items, Total 10100G= 295AD
While in lane, you won't have to worry about cs anymore so just focus on landing abilities, poke with QE, and ESPECIALLY YOUR W (
Infernal Chains ). W give a lot of pressure because:
-If he (ADC) is pulled back, it gives a lot of window for you and your ADC to poke.
-If he tries to escape, he might lose some CS while running.
So cast your W wisely.
When to use ULT (
ONLY PRESS R when you are sure you can make a kill happen (or get flash), and in team fights. (Or to save your life and run away.)

-If he (ADC) is pulled back, it gives a lot of window for you and your ADC to poke.
-If he tries to escape, he might lose some CS while running.
So cast your W wisely.
When to use ULT (
World Ender)in early game?
ONLY PRESS R when you are sure you can make a kill happen (or get flash), and in team fights. (Or to save your life and run away.)
Post-Laneing Phase
Next, we are going to talk about things you should do after laneing phase.
Aatrox has high mobility thanks to his E,
Farm until you feel like you can solo carry the game, then just play like Top Aatrox.
Hope you will have fun!
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