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Recommended Items
Runes: The Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Basic Sequencing
Reign of Anger (PASSIVE)
Renekton Passive Ability
Reign of Anger (PASSIVE)
Renekton Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This is a fun matchup. We get 2 dashes, he gets 1. Take conq and rush bramble. At level 6 if you have full bramble the all in should be majorly in your favor. If he gets an early kill on you this lane will be very rough. look to use E1 to get out of his W chain and E2 to dodge his Q3. Don't be afraid to use E2 with fury when trading with him, Aatrox has a high amount of base armor and is likely rushing steelcaps.
She literally can't do anything to us once we have hexdrinker. Take conq, swap to oracle lense early, and run her down at level 6. If she ever walks up to Q us we have free reign to E AA Q and sit in her wave. She does get scary around 2 items but by that time we are well out of laning phase. Keep in mind that our ult is a COMPLETE counter to her kit - it directly mitigates her R1 and R2 damage as well as showing us where she is in her shroud
This lane is hard, but taking PTA makes it a bit better. Akshan gets TWO shields from trading with us so empowered W isn't nearly as impactful as you would want it to be. Forcing an all in against this guy is also a pain since he just wall rides away, but his attack range is pretty low and that lets us E AA Q AA E trade with him freely throughout lane. Its important to make sure fury ONLY goes on Q if you aren't ulting, he will run you down the lane with ignite if you use fury on second dash accidentally. If you are forcing an all-in hold empowered W until his second shield comes up - if you can survive long enough to do that you will usually be able to kill him. Early steelcaps help a lot with this matchup so you should build them when you can, even if you are ahead
Take conq and this lane is pretty easy. Our empowered W breaks her AD shield before she can Q2 us. Standard trading pattern of E AA Q AA W AA E and you should win every trade in lane. Our dashes gives us great counterplay against her E and the health on our ult lets us beat her at 6 during an all in. Once she gets sheen she will start doing damage, but our Q is useful in mitigating most of it. If she ever uses W (the sweep thing in front of her) don't be afraid to dash in, even with an unempowered stun just to do a bit of damage. She's pretty squishy early so even a clipped trade of E W AA Q E will still do more than enough to win us the interaction
Take conq and build cleaver second, this matchup isn't too hard for us. He outscales Renekton super hard so its important to stretch a solid early lead. The key to this lane is using E1 to dodge his Q and E2 to get away from the silence. his level 1 is pretty gross so don't even try to trade until level 3. his ult is directly countered by the health on ours, so we can all in at level 6 without much difficulty. If you get hit by his Q, prepare to take a bad trade and possibly even need to flash, but its a super predictable ability and we have more than enough tools to beat it. The most important part to this lane is not wasting our E1 and using E2 with fury during ult later in the game to cut his armor. Cho'Gath is an immobile tank; something Renekton does very well against if he has a lead. HOWEVER, if Cho somehow gets ahead the lane becomes really hard, so try and get deep wards constantly to make sure their jungler doesn't make your game unplayable.
Take PTA here. There is no world where Renekton will ever beat Darius in an all in and this matchup is very rough if he gets the first kill. Look to use E1 to blank his Q, only dashing in if you have fury for empowered W. If you dash in without fury on W he can hook you out of E2 and you die on the spot. While his hook is down look to harass him as he is pretty weak compared to us. I'm not a fan of building heal cut in this matchup since if he hits us just once with his Q we lose, so there's no point to the item. If he gets super far ahead you have no choice and must build bramble otherwise you can't even ask for jungle help (he will 2v1 you and your jungler). If you get the first two kills the matchup becomes hilariously easy, but for the most part its all about the counterplay around his E. Whoever is last to land an ability will win the trade, you want to try and finish every trade with W. Your sustain is much better than his and your Q scales a lot harder in lane than his does, so at level 9 you are looking to fight him since his ult will be rather weak at that point. Do not ever try to all in him past level 11, he will win every time - even if he is behind. PTA helps us a lot here with the empowered W trades and doing damage through his bone plating after he whiffs hook or uses a naked Q and lets us dash in.
Dr. Mundo
This is a hard lane. Take Conq and you should be okay, but its rough to play through his spellshield. he does 20% of you current HP on a skillshot and has abilites that harass you through the wave so there isn't really a safe place for you to stand and trade with him. Look to use E1 to dodge cleaver and use an unempowered W to take off his spellshield. Make sure to go stand on the blob afterwards to put the passive on a long CD and deny him some health, now you have a window to really fight him. Mundo's healing at level 6 is insane so take ignite and rush healing cut if you don't get ahead early. The most important part to this matchup is making sure that you chip away at his HP with constant Q's through the wave and removing his spellshield whenever you can.
Take PTA and build bramble after goredrinker. Fiora healing is really gross with her vitals, bramble does a lot of work in helping with her harass. The key to this lane is holding W until after her parry, if you dump it into the parry you are going to take an awful trade. Importantly, empowered Q does not provide healing if she parries it, so we really need to bait that ability out. If she ults you at level 6, look to hug a wall and prevent her from being able to hit the 4th vital, this will deny a lot of healing and win you the all in. Look to space away from her vitals and reset the easier ones (get out of her vision) and trade Q for Q with her; ours is flat damage and the trade will end up favoring us from level 5 onward.
This matchup is completely unwinnable; if GP has more than 2 braincells he will always have a barrel under him to win trades. He has the ability to proc grasp with range, apply healing cut with the same ability, and completely neuter our sustain on the wave. His own sustain completely removes the CC from our W, and his passive is TRUE DAMAGE on an auto every twenty seconds or so. Even if we get ahead, it doesn't stay that way for long. I tend to ban this champion or dodge the matchup, we have legitimately zero counterplay to a good Gangplank. Take conq and look to make an impact in teamfights/group with your team for objectives if he somehow gets through in your games
This is a pretty difficult matchup, take conq and hope for the best. We never beat this champion in lane since his W completely negates ours, his silence is obnoxious to say the least, and his execute damage scales with the HP we gain on our own R. Garen's biggest weakpoint is that he is pretty immobile without Q so its easy to constantly turn off his passive with E AA Q harass. Look to stand in minions waves during his spin to reduce the damage he does, and stick around after his Q silence ends to try and trade back into him. Don't eat to many Q's early or he can ignite dive you under turret early and the lane will quickly become disgusting and unplayable.
Gnar is another hard lane, take pta for this guy. When in mini form its almost impossible to punish this champion since his leap is a little more than double the distance of our dash with a similar CD. Rush steelcaps in this matchup even if ahead and look to all in at level six once he's almost transformed out of mega gnar. Use E1 to dodge the headbutt stun and E2 for the rock toss. In mini form, try and harass him with a double dash in after he throws out his Q and its on the way back to him while he is trying to catch it.
Its pretty hard to kill this guy if he plays well and a slow paced lane benefits Gragas in addition to his insane scaling. Look to hold E and Q harass him through the wave when he walks up for CS. Gragas hard outscales us, so make sure to get some jungle help early or the game will be miserable. I prefer conqeror in this lane since Gragas is a pretty weak duelist and the healh on our R allows us to all in him pretty much whenever we want
Easy matchup, either rune works well here. Wait out her W bubble or kite it out with our dashes and she is a sitting duck. Having E1 gives us strong counterplay to her fully stacked Q and can even dodge her ultimate, don't waste dashes and this matchup is pretty free. Keep in mind that Gwen scales super hard, so going even in lane/not killing her is NOT a good thing for us - she becomes a problem once she finishes riftmaker and steelcaps
100% unwinnable matchup. Must take PTA, use E1 to dodge the grenade and all trades will go even at best. Heimerdinger perma shoves waves which is something that is very problematic for us since it will destabilize and completely destroy our fury management. He outscales us and is more valuable to his team at all points in the game (except for maybe levels 6-9), Heimerdinger is one of our worst matchups; the lane sucks since he's bursty and a ranged mage, making the game hard to play and he can abuse us forever. Rush merc treads and pray you can hold weakside
Completely unwinnable. Take conqeror, TP, and accept the fact that you will NEVER kill her and will lose the 1v1 once she finishes hullbreaker. If she ever whiffs her spirit pull (E) before finishing hullbreaker, you have about 10-15 seconds to kill her. Keep an eye on her tentacles and use unempowered W to clear them quickly, this limits the damage she can deal to you through her passive. As a general tip against Illaoi, if she isn't capable of killing the spirit once ripped out, you can fight her on it and probably win, just be extra careful not to let her hit BOTH you and the spirit with an ability since it will effectively do double damage. Do not disrespect her Ultimate; she will completely destroy you, even if you have used your own AND had a large health gap in your favor going into the fight.
Take conqueror and this matchup is very easy. Her level 1 is really weak if she doesn't have stacks (make sure your minions are HEALTHY!!!) so you can look for an early fat trade into level 3 dive. Do not touch her when she has full stacks before level 6, you will die. Once both of you are level 6 and you have healing cut, every trade and fight will go in your favor. Our all-in is better until she finished BotRK and we have more sustain, armor, as well as base HP. Simply put, just play like a stat checker and it will work, just don't try it before level 6. Notably, if you do fall behind it becomes important to use E1 to dodge her E stun and to not dump our W stun into her W. When trading, use our W as a disengage tool and a little burst of damage on the way out - try to keep our stun up at all times to force the Irelia player to respect our damage
Very rough matchup, take PTA and ask for jungle help ASAP. If you dump w into his counterstrike, it counts as 2 or 3 autos into his damage amp and you will 100% lose that trade + die in lane. A singular kill against you on this champ makes your game unplayable, rush steelcaps and use Q to harass. In lane, our W and E are ALWAYS up for us to use - if they aren't, Jax has a window to get a really juicy trade on us. Do not contest the wave at level 1, wait for 2 and then try to keep trades as short as possible going forwards. He hard outscales us and is a better duelist, so look to make an impact on the game through teamfighting and being a massive presence at objective fights
Take conqueror and this lane is easy. Despite Jayce being known for solid scaling/becoming a carry, we MASSIVELY outscale him if played correctly. Lane is very easy, turn on w BEFORE E1 and right click on him - that's literally it. If w is on while we dash, the stun will come out even if he knocks us away and the trade will be even at worst. Early armor is great against Jayce if you fall behind and Renekton is a much greater teamfight impact as well as a more dominant splitpusher. Simply put, all facets of our gameplan are more valuable or better than Jayce's, its pretty hard to lose this matchup if we don't int the lane.
Take conq and play for splitpush presence. Yes, this lane is annoying (however it is not particularly hard to win), but we are much more valuable than she is due to our large health pool. Additionally, we have far more agency over midgame skirmishes/objective fights than she does - this is another champion that we outscale pretty hard in sidelane with our splitpush dominance. Late in the game (2.5 or 3+ items), she begins to become more impactful in teamfights and this is when/where our strength in sidelane shines. On 3 items, Karma is completely incapable of matching a Renekton splitpush which will win the game for our team (they either send her and Karma dies + we get turret OR they send 2 people and our team wins the 4v3 teamfight and gets objective)
This matchup is hard. It doesnt really matter how hard you stomp her in lane, she ALWAYS scales to relevance in midgame. Take conq and play for the team, you are a far more useful teamfighter, splitpusher, and overall general threat for the first 25 minutes of the game. Start W level 1 and E level 2, look to generate as much kill pressure as you can asap. Its even okay to take a turret shot in exchange for full combo in this matchup, that's how useless Kayle is before level 6. Respect her passive at level 1 by not blindly going all in and early lane is completely free
Super free matchup. Kennen is a much better teamfighter than us and his poke in lane can be annoying, but our sustain is more than enough to balance out his harass and we should look to transition into a major duelist/splitpusher in midgame since he is COMPLETELY incapable of answering us by himself. Take conq, don't do anything crazy, and you will be in a position to take over the game by yourself on 2 items after turret plates have fallen.
Very rough matchup, we have almost no kill pressure on Kled unless he already recently lost Skaarl and has overstayed. Take conq and TP, do your best to match this midgame menace, and play as frontline peel for the main damage source on your team. The lane isn't completely AWFUL purely since we can e out of his bear-trap on a rope and use our w to disengage any fight he picks. Importantly, do NOT dump any abilities into Kled when he's about to lose Skaarl because it will mitigate/reduce the damage dealt. Try to get him dismounted purely through auto Q poke and hold W for once Skaarl is gone, only then is there a legitimate chance of killing him. Do not underestimate his dismounted damage, the pocket pistol slaps and he WILL murder you if your fighting gets sloppy.
I see a lot of people saying this matchup is hard but I've never really had any difficulty with it. Take conq and rush merc treads if possible, Lilia is not too hard to deal with if you don't let her gain advantage before level 3 and dictate the spacing/pace of the lane. At level 2 you can look for a short trade, but 3 is where we really shine with W. I'd consider taking ghost in this matchup if it helps you match her tempo. Use E1 to dodge the massive bonk thing she does and this lane should be no trouble for you. Her midgame and scaling is better than ours, but if we play lane correctly we should be able to match her scaling pretty well for most of the game.
Very easy lane. Take conq, build cleaver second and you will shred him. Initiate trades with empowered W to completely mitigate his passive and you will never lose a trade. He is super mana intensive and has no sustain so play at a VERY slow tempo and just slowly choke him out of lane with incidental auto Q chip damage. Over time you will steadily build a health gap on him and potentially even be able to threaten a dive if Malphite isn't careful. If you fall behind this matchup is pretty disasterous, but Malphite needs time to scale and absolutely cannot fight you any time you have R up, even if you are 0/3/0 and down a full level early you will STILL win that all-in.
One of the easiest matchups in the game for Renekton. Take conq, build cleaver at some point, and you never need to worry about this guy. If the Maokai is cracked he can W our Q, but even then we still win the trade with E aa W aa E; it's 100% unlosable. Maokai scales super well, so make sure to lock in an early freeze between levels 3-9 and maintain your dominance into midgame.
This matchup is pretty hard. Neither pta or conq is particularly good here since morde is a better extended fighter than us AND burst resilient with his massive shield/heal. I like to take conqueror and W level 1 here as well as ignite to cheese kill him at level 2 with a full all-in. If we fall behind, quicksilver sash is a solid buy if he isn't the only ap on their team as it completely mitigates his ult and allows us to fight skirmishes over objectives more effectively. It is important to note that Mordekaiser outscsles us pretty hard as a frontliner, trade with this guy like you would Darius in lane - no aggressively dashing in unless his E is down or you are 100% sure you kill him during stun in combo
Very easy matchup. Nasus struggles a lot against early game high damage champions and Renekton has some of the highest base damage in the game. Rush Steelcaps and you beat this guy handily all the way up through level 13. Once Nasus finishes second item AND has E maxed, we begin to lose all-ins, but at that point in the game you should generally be so much stronger than him that it doesn't matter. Take conqueror and ignite to completely suffocate the dog out of lane. It's important to note that at level 6 Nasus does have a little kill pressure on us (but it's not a whole lot), just don't disrespect his ultimate's armor and the first 20-25 minutes of the game are easy.
Take pta and ignite here. Respect his level 1 stupidity with the axes and passive and you should flat-out win trades from level 3 onwards. Olaf is pretty immobile, so our E really shines during the early laning phase as a completely unbeatable tool at our disposal. With ignite, early heal cut isn't necessary, so build BotRK first to shred this guy. Even while Olaf is ulted, if our W breaks his W shield while fighting we will absolutely one-shot him. This is another similar matchup to Darius in the laning phase - don't be aggressive with E, only take what he gives you, and the matchup should be pretty favorable for us overall.
Take conqueror, rush cleaver second, and this matchup is pretty good for us in lane. Ornn is a tank that does an obscene amount of damage if you don't utilize dashes properly, but has no sustain in lane aside from his passive allowing him to build armor items. There is no point where this champion can ever beat us in a 1v1 so long as we don't dump our W into his flame breath, but he is VERY capable of short trading with us effectively. Use E1 to bait out his Q and E2 to dodge the final tick of his flame breath (which applies his brittle - a % max hp dmg passive if he autos us afterwards) and we should win every trade. This is one of the few matchups where I tend to look for longer trades where we can utilize 2 casts of our Q. He does massively outscale us in teamfights (as do most pure tanks), so we need to look to group on 2/2.5 items before Ornn starts to become unfairly difficult to kill. Spear third item is generally good here too as it does a LOT of work in letting us spam all our abilities.
Take conqueror, TP, and build Cleaver in this matchup. Poppy is a difficult champion for us to beat due to her solid all-in as well as ability to keep us engaged in trades longer than we wanted to be there. She builds divine sunderer (which is a very good item against our HP scaling) and has an ability that completely neuters our dash if used properly. It is very hard to trade with the champion in lane unless it begins with empowered W; She scales harder than we do in teamfights but does NOT offer the pure skirmishing potential Renekton has from levels 6 to 13, so look to use that 7 level window to your advantage. During lane, use empowered W to break her buckle shield (if you didn't already step on it) and you should be fine - your kill pressure against this champion is rather low, so look for jungle assistance when attempting to all-in her. Try not to hug walls too much (you give her a FAT stun if she knocks you into a wall) - I generally look at this matchup as an exact opposite to Fiora; longer trades are better for us (although still not great here) and use empowered W basically whenever you can (again, ideally on her passive shield) for free trades.
Horrendous matchup. Take Conqueror and TP, just try and survive through laning phase. This champion has just about a complete counter to ours in every single aspect of her kit - a dash that cancels our own, a blind that stops us from landing W, and she's ranged so we can never effectively poke her or sustain with Q. Once Quinn hits level 6 she will permanently roam, so look to take plates and farm up a ton for midgame. Your utility in this matchup is completely dependent on the rest of your team, you have almost no agency over gamestate in this matchup. Quinn is my second most banned champion behind Gangplank.
One of the classic champions Renekton is used to counterpick. Take PTA, ignite, and concede any/all waves until level 3. Take W at level 1 in this matchup so she can't just 100 to 0 you at level 2 and you should be fine. Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, fight this champion before level 3 OR attempt to turret dive her. Our kit is so much stronger than hers since we are one of the few champions capable of rivaling her mobility in lane - use this fact to our advantage and you will win every trade. Even in a worst-case scenario where we trade our full combo for hers, the trade STILL ends up slightly in our favor. If you can use E1 to dodge her Q3 your kill pressure on her goes through the roof and you can look to all-in on the spot if ignite is up. Riven does outscale us but is never able to match our presence 1v1 as long as you suffocate her in lane. You should be much more impactful than her for the game's entirety if you are able to snowball an early lead.
A matchup slightly in our favor, take PTA and ignite. Sett is very similar to juggernauts in how we play our trades, however he has a pull on a pretty short cooldown and his main damaging ability is auto attack based (you can't dodge his Q). Treat trading with this champion as a carbon copy of Darius and make sure to dash out of his W true damage punch (as well as break his W shield with our empowered W if you can) and you will find Sett to be a Darius with less damage. If you fall behind this matchup quickly becomes impossible to play, but both Sett and Renekton scale poorly so pretty much the entire tempo/state of topside is going to come down to who wins lane. Similarly speaking, if we get a lead against him, we can also make HIS game unplayable too - jungle presence plays a HUGE role here in determining who wins topside.
Shen is a rough matchup not because of his lane but because of his ability to globally impact the map from level 6 onwards. Take conqueror, ignite, and look to beat him into a pulp in lane. Do not do any of the following: trade with this guy before level 3 (his levels 1 and 2 are very strong), let him get free grasp procs, let him pull his blade through you for free, OR dump your W into his W. If you can prevent these things from occurring, you should win every trade/fight. The nice part about Shen's ultimate not being a combat ultimate is just that - it's not a combat ultimate. Once we hit level 6 we can look to permanently all-in this champion since our R is extremely broken in lane and he effectively only has 3 abilities. Your main goal for the game against Shen is to become a massive splitpush presence since you can never match his value as a frontliner and teamfighter - look to snowball topside off of an early solo kill and carry the game through early rift heralds and taking turrets. Funneling gold onto Renekton is generally pretty weak, but against Shen I aftually really enjoy building Hullbreaker and playing for map presence instead of teamfight. Giving a drake or two is fine if we can get the wavestate midlane into our favor and take a couple turret plates (or even a whole turret) topside.
Personally, I absolutely hate playing this matchup. Take conqueror, ignite, and get W at level 2 to play for a flash combo kill. Singed is one of those champions with the tools to beat our kit as well as being incredibly difficult to handle if he is played properly. He scales super hard and his ultimate procs 25% grevious wounds, so all-inning this champion isn't really an option. Singed scales super hard as an AP juggernaut, so it's important for us to function as peel for our carries during midgame. Laning against Singed is VERY simple: just don't chase him or put our E on cooldown. If our dash is constantly up and we aren't taking poison damage from farming waves, we can delay his scaling by a ton and hold on to our dominance through midgame. Empowered Q is your best friend in trades since he has no sustain - make sure to constantly be harassing whenever he tries to walk up for farm. Importantly, if we turn on our W before he flings us, we DO get the stun off, so make sure to always have it on when he walks up aggressively in lane so you don't end up giving him free damage.
Very even matchup; We have tools to beat him and he has tools to beat us. Take conqueror, TP, and rush BotRK - look to trade very aggressively with Sion and don't be afraid to put our E on cooldown to dash in and dodge his charged Q. Using empowered W to break his W shield will win us pretty much every trade, and once we finish BotRK Sion cannot fight us again until he finishes his third item. He does massively outscale us and if we fall behind this matchup becomes incredibly difficult to play, but it's pretty hard to lose lane to Sion if you don't throw away your E cooldown on something other than his Q. BotRK and empowered W are EXTREMELY strong against Sion in pretty much every stage of the game, use them to your advantage to assert dominance in laning phase as well as midgame.
Take conqueror and ignite, this matchup is very even in most stages of the game. Being a squishy meelee assassin, Sylas doesn't have the tools at his disposal to beat our raw flat damage output for most of the game, only becoming tanky enough to trade with us once he maxes his W. Sylas is one of the few matchups where kills on either champion don't really matter - if one of you is 3/0 and the other is 0/3, both of you are still more than capable of trading with each other and fighting (unless there is a substantial XP differential). Obviously, this fact favors him since he scales harder than we do, but it also offers us a bit of a reprieve (in the case we lose lane) such that we will still have midgame agency if we fell behind.
Tahm Kench
Very even matchup - take conqueror, ghost, and rush BotRK. Tahm Kench is a bit of a cheese pick as a toplaner these days, but he is still a powerful duelist. Respect the bonus damage his passive gives him on autos in the early levels and you should be fine. Use empowered W to break his Thick Skin shield and you should win every fight. Ghost is crucial in this matchup since Kench's ultimate has the capability to completely ruin our positioning to a point where even flash can't help us enough to recover. Unlike most champions where empowered W only really shines in laning phase, breaking his E shield remains our single most important counterplay tool to Kench throughout the entire game. He becomes pretty unfightable past 2 items, so make sure to push your advantage while you can. Don't ever dash in on this guy unless you are prepared to all-in since his Q slow is ridiculous and it stuns for an ungodly amount of time if he hits you a couple times beforehand. Don't disrespect his level 1 damage as well as the possibility for his ultimate to completely ruin our day and you should be fine.
Relatively easy matchup since Teemo is absolutely useless as a champion. Take any runes and summoner spells you want, start Doran's shield and play passively until level 6. Once you have ultimate, look for an opportunity to bait out his blind and then all in with full combo + R and he should die every time. You slightly outscale Teemo and offer more value to your team in general, the only reason he isn't in the easiest category is because of the potential for his blind to mitigate your stun and/or his unbearable harass for the first 6 levels of the game. Swap to sweeper once you have a few control wards in your inventory to clear his shrooms from lane and Teemo should be no trouble for you.
Take PTA and ignite and this matchup should be dead even. Trundle is the definition of a stat-check champion, so dueling him is virtually impossible for Renekton for literally the entire game. What Trundle lacks is teamfight presence, so look to use this to your advantage and constantly be grouping for objectives. Make sure to always fully push out your waves before roaming since Trundle's damage on turrets is absolutely unfair. Do not ever leave this guy alone topside for longer than your roam timer, he will take WAY more in waves/turrets/gold than you gained by securing your team an objective. Do not ever dash in on this guy in lane or you will get blocked on the dash out by his pillar and die horribly. Look to be a teamfight presence for most of the game and match him under turret when he has tempo and you should be fine.
Take PTA and ignite and this lane should be pretty easy. Tryndamere is rather squishy early and folds pretty hard to most forms of cc; Renekton has one of the strongest point-and-click stuns in the entire game. It is crucial that ignite always be up past level 6 in this matchup so Tryndamere can't dive you on a whim with his several seconds of immunity to death on a one(ish) minute cooldown. Rush steelcaps and you should win any fight all the way through 2/2.5 items. Respect his fury and level 1-2 critical chance garbage and you should win lane handily, however he will hard outscale you in a sidelane as a pure duelist. Play for teamfights/objectives and treat this guy similarly to how you play against most permanent splitpushers (like Trundle, Nasus, or Yorick) and you should put your teammates in a good position to carry.
Take PTA and ignite and this matchup isn't too bad in general. Our empowered W and dashes allow us to dodge his stun and break his shield, which makes it very difficult for him to initiate trading with us. His passive is % max HP physical damage on his autos, so armor is more valuable in this matchup than it is in most others. Urgot does outscale us in pretty much every aspect of the game, but we have complete control over lane tempo as well as being a better midgame skirmisher than him - 2 critical aspects required to snowball games. Look to use objectives and small fights to grow a lead and Urgot should never be a problem, but if he gets ahead you need to build steelcaps to maintain an even gamestate. At level 9, Urgot get a LOT stronger and he starts to win duels, especially if we don't have around 100 armor. Respect his 25% HP execute and his passive damage and the Urgot matchup shouldn't be a problem. However, he does become a MAJOR problem that we are incapable of dealing with if he gets a lead.
Take PTA and ignite and this matchup is VERY similar to Urgot. Our dash allows us to dodge Yorick W and E, so it is our main tool for trading with him. Unlike Urgot, HP is stronger against Yorick than armor, so look to itemize Black Cleaver or Steraks Gage over Deaths Dance. If you respect the strength of Yorick's maiden and keep his ghouls in check, you should have no trouble with this lane as long as you aren't constantly getting focused by his mistwalkers (happens when he lands his E). Look to group for fights and play for objectives, let your team do the heavy lifting for most games and use your lead to match him when he splits and objectives aren't up.
Piss easy matchup. Take conqueror and ignite, kiting is the name of the game here. Don't self-cc yourself by using W while still in his E, use E1 and E2 to kite in and out of the minion wave while harassing with Q and this matchup is very abusable. Respect his passive stacks as well as his ability to turn off turrets and you should be more valuable to your team in pretty much every meaningful way. If you fall behind, rushing BotRK makes it very difficult for Volibear to play the game. He is another early game champion, except we stomp him in laning phase if kited properly. Don't ever give him a second proc of his W, that will lose you pretty much any trade you take, however it is VERY difficult for him to land W2 on us since we have so much mobility with E1 and E2. Easy lane, easy game.
Probably the best jungler you can have on your team. The dive potential of an Elise + Renekton is completely unmatched, she allows you to get away with plays so aggressive you'd think it was legitimate inting if she wasn't there.
A great diver with Renekton due to his ultimate allowing him to bypass a wall and fear enemies under their turret. Offers insane skirmishing potential with all the AOE magic damage your ult and his do when combined.
A strong teamfigher and skirmisher, Hecarim is pretty good at utilizing the inherent lead Renekton has over his opponents in most situations to completely take over an objective or teamfight. While dive potential with Hecarim isn't the greatest, your skirmishing potential is VERY high.
Pretty weak with Renekton since she doesn't offer a whole lot of early game presence or dive potential.
While a solid diver, his complete lack of skirmishing potential makes Ekko one of the weaker jugglers when paired with Renekton.
An excellent teamfighter and reasonable diver, Diana is solid when fighting the 2v2 with Renekton or when looking to set up a level 3 dive. However, she is pretty squishy and has no real way to disengage a fight, so overcommiting can be a real issue
Offers almost nothing for Renekton. An AWFUL diver and mediocre skirmisher, Evelynn has strengths completely outside of Renekton's game plan.
As a poor diver and relatively weak early game champion, Graves doesn't offer a whole lot for Renekton to play off of.
I am CONVINCED that this champion legitimately does nothing. Absolutely useless, avoid at all costs.
Jarvan IV
A strong early game presence and strong teamfight ultimate, Jarvan is a solid pair with Renekton for midgame teamfight dominance. It should be noted that neither of you scale particularly well, so if you don't build a solid lead early on, the game is most likely doomed.
A weak early game champion with no fighting potential until he changes form, Kayn is one of the worst junglers to pair with Renekton. However, Renekton does offer the ability to give Kayn a chance to get a lead (which can be very scary if one of his forms is particularly strong in any given game), so he's not COMPLETELY worthless.
An okay diver and meh teamfighter, Kha'Zix defines "mediocre synergy" with Renekton. Not good, not bad - you just kind of shrug and say it's fine.
Very useless for Renekton. Does nothing early and offers no value until Renekton begins to fall off, provides no synergy whatsoever.
Lee Sin
Early game champioms are generally strong with Renekton and Lee Sin is no exception. A good diver and early skirmisher, Lee Sin is very capable of playing off of Renekton's early strength and utility.
A weak diver but great teamfigher, Lillia is an okay pair with Renekton. She doesn't take advantage of his strength early quite as well as some other champions, but Lillia scales rather well so she offers a reasonable backup plan if Renekton falls behind and/or isn't super impactful later in the game.
Master Yi
Pretty useless overall, but his scaling can definitely make up for the fact that Renekton is useless past 30 minutes.
Early game assassin with high mobility and good dive potential, Nidalee is one of the better junglers to pair with Renekton due to your combined strong burst and plethora of dashes.
Pretty worthless with Renekton. Offers nothing until 2.5/3 items with no dive potential and mediocre skirmishing. Is a mediocre backup for if Renekton falls behind due to being completely immobile and easy to burst down. One of the worst junglers to pair Renekton with.
Nunu & Willump
As a solid skirmisher and teamfighter, Nunu is a fine combination with Renekton. Nunu being AP based helps with the damage spread during midgame, but he offers next to nothing in terms of dive potential.
Absolutely broken when paired with Renekton. Providing absolute dominance in every aspect of the earlygame (Renekton is the mobile bursty one and Olaf is the engaging juggernaut), these two can completely take over games relatively easily. One of my absolute favorites to play with as a teammate.
A strong tank/juggernaut hybrid with the ability to lock entire teams out of escaping via abilities with her W, Poppy is a strong Renekton counterpart. She can use his early game strength well to force 2v2's over scuttle crab, and as a strong diver she offers a lot of value in general.
As an enage tank, Rammus is one of the best ganking junglers Renekton can ask for. The combination of Rammus taunt into Renekton W is all point-and-click and the odds of any champion surviving all that damage are slim to none.
Another one of my favorites. An early game bully and excellent diver, Rek'Sai also allows for Renekton to get away with making plays far more aggressive than he should be able to, as well as being an absolutely unbeatable 2v2 pair with good skirmishing potential.
Pretty weak until he has a few bonetooth necklace stacks, Rengar doesn't offer much to Renekton's gameplan until midgame. As a pure assassin, Renekton W does offer an INSANE amount of value for Rengar in terms of single target obliteration, but overall teamfighting and dive potential are both pretty unimpressive.
As a pure crowd control champion, you can't really ask for much more as a Renekton player. More cc is always better, and Sejuani offers an amount far greater than any other champion can come close to replicating. She scales very well too as is a solid teamfighter, there is a lot for Renekton to work with when there is a Sejuani jungle.
I'm not exactly sure what this champion is supposed to do aside from being annoying. Awful diver, terrible skirmisher, not tanky, and only has crowd control if your opponents completely lack braincells (in which case you would win anyway). I'm not a fan of Shaco AT ALL as a jungler.
She doesn't do ANYTHING until level 6, but once she has ultimate she becomes a menace. Renekton is a big fan of securing early drakes and no one does that better than Shyvana. In addition, she is an excellent skirmisher (albeit poor teamfigher and mediocre diver) and very few champion pairs win a 2v2 against Renekton and Shyvana past level 6.
A weaker version of Sejuani, Skarner offers a lot of the same benefits she does (just not as effectively or well). With lots of crowd control and good scaling, Skarner is a good jungler to pair with renekton
As a damage mage with a mediocre early game and no real ability to dive, Taliyah only really offers value to Renekton through her reasonable skirmishing potential and fairly decent lane ganking. Overall, its a pretty weak combination.
A much, much weaker version of Olaf. Offering nowhere near the early game dominance or teamfight potential, Trundle doesn't really do anything for Renekton until midgame (and even then he's a pretty weak teamfighter). The one redeeming quality of Trundle's is that he's EXCELLENT at taking objectives early - something which Renekton values pretty highly.
A better version of Trundle and a better ganker, Udyr often transitions into a tankier role which is something Renekton can make use of well. It is important to note that Udyr's AP builds synergize far better with Renekton than his AD ones.
Another strong Renekton counterpart, Vi is very good at controlling the tempo of a game and skirmishing early. Her armor shred every few autos is a major boon to Renekton in midgame and really allows him to completely obliterate medium armor targets.
A good teamfighter, but weak early game champion and poor diver, Viego only offers value to Renekton in the form of being future carry for the game.
Literally the best turret diver in the entire game (he disables turrets with his ultimate) and a fantastic skirmisher. While Volibear isn't QUITE as good as Elise is in terms of CC and damage, he makes up for it in tankiness and general survivability. Another one of my favorites to pair with Renekton.
Xin Zhao
A very strong ganker and skirmisher (and reasonable diver), Xin Zhao is another pair with Renekton that is VERY hard to beat in a 2v2. Notably, both of you scale very poorly, so it's important to use both of your champions' early impact to snowball topside.
Probably the best tank to pair with Renekton. AP damage, great diving potential, high base damage, great teamfighter, lots of cc, and great survivability are all absolute boons for Renekton. While Zac is a rather mediocre skirmisher, the early strength of Renekton can easily compensate for that weakness.
Probably the best jungler you can have on your team. The dive potential of an Elise + Renekton is completely unmatched, she allows you to get away with plays so aggressive you'd think it was legitimate inting if she wasn't there.
A great diver with Renekton due to his ultimate allowing him to bypass a wall and fear enemies under their turret. Offers insane skirmishing potential with all the AOE magic damage your ult and his do when combined.
A strong teamfigher and skirmisher, Hecarim is pretty good at utilizing the inherent lead Renekton has over his opponents in most situations to completely take over an objective or teamfight. While dive potential with Hecarim isn't the greatest, your skirmishing potential is VERY high.
Pretty weak with Renekton since she doesn't offer a whole lot of early game presence or dive potential.
While a solid diver, his complete lack of skirmishing potential makes Ekko one of the weaker jugglers when paired with Renekton.
An excellent teamfighter and reasonable diver, Diana is solid when fighting the 2v2 with Renekton or when looking to set up a level 3 dive. However, she is pretty squishy and has no real way to disengage a fight, so overcommiting can be a real issue
Offers almost nothing for Renekton. An AWFUL diver and mediocre skirmisher, Evelynn has strengths completely outside of Renekton's game plan.
As a poor diver and relatively weak early game champion, Graves doesn't offer a whole lot for Renekton to play off of.
I am CONVINCED that this champion legitimately does nothing. Absolutely useless, avoid at all costs.
Jarvan IV
A strong early game presence and strong teamfight ultimate, Jarvan is a solid pair with Renekton for midgame teamfight dominance. It should be noted that neither of you scale particularly well, so if you don't build a solid lead early on, the game is most likely doomed.
A weak early game champion with no fighting potential until he changes form, Kayn is one of the worst junglers to pair with Renekton. However, Renekton does offer the ability to give Kayn a chance to get a lead (which can be very scary if one of his forms is particularly strong in any given game), so he's not COMPLETELY worthless.
An okay diver and meh teamfighter, Kha'Zix defines "mediocre synergy" with Renekton. Not good, not bad - you just kind of shrug and say it's fine.
Very useless for Renekton. Does nothing early and offers no value until Renekton begins to fall off, provides no synergy whatsoever.
Lee Sin
Early game champioms are generally strong with Renekton and Lee Sin is no exception. A good diver and early skirmisher, Lee Sin is very capable of playing off of Renekton's early strength and utility.
A weak diver but great teamfigher, Lillia is an okay pair with Renekton. She doesn't take advantage of his strength early quite as well as some other champions, but Lillia scales rather well so she offers a reasonable backup plan if Renekton falls behind and/or isn't super impactful later in the game.
Master Yi
Pretty useless overall, but his scaling can definitely make up for the fact that Renekton is useless past 30 minutes.
Early game assassin with high mobility and good dive potential, Nidalee is one of the better junglers to pair with Renekton due to your combined strong burst and plethora of dashes.
Pretty worthless with Renekton. Offers nothing until 2.5/3 items with no dive potential and mediocre skirmishing. Is a mediocre backup for if Renekton falls behind due to being completely immobile and easy to burst down. One of the worst junglers to pair Renekton with.
Nunu & Willump
As a solid skirmisher and teamfighter, Nunu is a fine combination with Renekton. Nunu being AP based helps with the damage spread during midgame, but he offers next to nothing in terms of dive potential.
Absolutely broken when paired with Renekton. Providing absolute dominance in every aspect of the earlygame (Renekton is the mobile bursty one and Olaf is the engaging juggernaut), these two can completely take over games relatively easily. One of my absolute favorites to play with as a teammate.
A strong tank/juggernaut hybrid with the ability to lock entire teams out of escaping via abilities with her W, Poppy is a strong Renekton counterpart. She can use his early game strength well to force 2v2's over scuttle crab, and as a strong diver she offers a lot of value in general.
As an enage tank, Rammus is one of the best ganking junglers Renekton can ask for. The combination of Rammus taunt into Renekton W is all point-and-click and the odds of any champion surviving all that damage are slim to none.
Another one of my favorites. An early game bully and excellent diver, Rek'Sai also allows for Renekton to get away with making plays far more aggressive than he should be able to, as well as being an absolutely unbeatable 2v2 pair with good skirmishing potential.
Pretty weak until he has a few bonetooth necklace stacks, Rengar doesn't offer much to Renekton's gameplan until midgame. As a pure assassin, Renekton W does offer an INSANE amount of value for Rengar in terms of single target obliteration, but overall teamfighting and dive potential are both pretty unimpressive.
As a pure crowd control champion, you can't really ask for much more as a Renekton player. More cc is always better, and Sejuani offers an amount far greater than any other champion can come close to replicating. She scales very well too as is a solid teamfighter, there is a lot for Renekton to work with when there is a Sejuani jungle.
I'm not exactly sure what this champion is supposed to do aside from being annoying. Awful diver, terrible skirmisher, not tanky, and only has crowd control if your opponents completely lack braincells (in which case you would win anyway). I'm not a fan of Shaco AT ALL as a jungler.
She doesn't do ANYTHING until level 6, but once she has ultimate she becomes a menace. Renekton is a big fan of securing early drakes and no one does that better than Shyvana. In addition, she is an excellent skirmisher (albeit poor teamfigher and mediocre diver) and very few champion pairs win a 2v2 against Renekton and Shyvana past level 6.
A weaker version of Sejuani, Skarner offers a lot of the same benefits she does (just not as effectively or well). With lots of crowd control and good scaling, Skarner is a good jungler to pair with renekton
As a damage mage with a mediocre early game and no real ability to dive, Taliyah only really offers value to Renekton through her reasonable skirmishing potential and fairly decent lane ganking. Overall, its a pretty weak combination.
A much, much weaker version of Olaf. Offering nowhere near the early game dominance or teamfight potential, Trundle doesn't really do anything for Renekton until midgame (and even then he's a pretty weak teamfighter). The one redeeming quality of Trundle's is that he's EXCELLENT at taking objectives early - something which Renekton values pretty highly.
A better version of Trundle and a better ganker, Udyr often transitions into a tankier role which is something Renekton can make use of well. It is important to note that Udyr's AP builds synergize far better with Renekton than his AD ones.
Another strong Renekton counterpart, Vi is very good at controlling the tempo of a game and skirmishing early. Her armor shred every few autos is a major boon to Renekton in midgame and really allows him to completely obliterate medium armor targets.
A good teamfighter, but weak early game champion and poor diver, Viego only offers value to Renekton in the form of being future carry for the game.
Literally the best turret diver in the entire game (he disables turrets with his ultimate) and a fantastic skirmisher. While Volibear isn't QUITE as good as Elise is in terms of CC and damage, he makes up for it in tankiness and general survivability. Another one of my favorites to pair with Renekton.
Xin Zhao
A very strong ganker and skirmisher (and reasonable diver), Xin Zhao is another pair with Renekton that is VERY hard to beat in a 2v2. Notably, both of you scale very poorly, so it's important to use both of your champions' early impact to snowball topside.
Probably the best tank to pair with Renekton. AP damage, great diving potential, high base damage, great teamfighter, lots of cc, and great survivability are all absolute boons for Renekton. While Zac is a rather mediocre skirmisher, the early strength of Renekton can easily compensate for that weakness.
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