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Recommended Items
Runes: AP Domination
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
About Me
Hey, Hope you enjoyed my guide, I'm an old league player who played since season 3. I always enjoyed Cho'Gath and particularly AP Cho'Gath, but with new items and runes tank Cho'Gath also became good top while AP is nice mid. I see my guide as the best out there as I have my own take on the items, I'm currently the only new updated guide with rod of ages as I like to have something unique but still good in my guides. My guide comes up as the top 1 search on this site, kinda speaks for itself being the best one #1
Cho'Gath has gotten a big upswing after the new items, like
Stormsurge it is the best burst item in the game. It sadly has gotten nerfed couple of times, but the item is still strong. This item is very good for the AP Cho'Gath side, the other item that is new and I use in this build is
Cryptbloom which is an AOE heal for both yourself and your team when you get a takedown. The other items on the standard build are old items,
Rabadon's Deathcap and
Warmog's Armor, We all know what Deathcap does but simply it gives 140 AP and increase your AP by 35% and Warmog is for armor but mostly as addition way to getting more health and having restore health and movement speed.
An old build was with
Rod of Ages, I still have a build option for that because I think the stacking works well with Cho'Gath. Ideal to buy it first item because you reach full stacks earlier, but in my own build I have it as second item but that build is experimental only

An old build was with

Runes AP Domination

PASSIVE: Dealing ability damage to an enemy Champion icon champion hurls an Arcane Comet at their current location that lands after 0.825 seconds, dealing 30 − 130 (based on level) (+ 10% bonus AD) (+ 5% AP) physical or magic damage to enemies within a Range model 140 radius upon impact. If「 10% bonus AD ≥ 5% AP, 」deals physical damage. If otherwise, deals magic damage

PASSIVE: Affecting an enemy Champion icon champion with an ability permanently increases your Mana icon maximum mana by 25, up to 250 mana. Mana gained from this effect preserves your current mana. After reaching 250 bonus mana, permanently restore 1% of your missing mana every 5 seconds

PASSIVE: Gain 1.8 − 18 (based on level) bonus Attack Damage or 3 − 30 (based on level) Ability Power (Adaptive) while above 70% of your maximum health. ADAPTIVE: Grants bonuses based on which stat you already have the most bonuses for. Defaults to the first listed

PASSIVE: Dealing ability damage to an enemy Champion icon champion sets them on fire, dealing them 20 − 40 (based on level) bonus magic damage after 1 second

Gain 6 (+ 5 per Bounty Hunter stack) ultimate haste, up to 31 at 5 stacks. Earn a Bounty Hunter stack whenever scoring a Damage rating takedown against an enemy Champion icon champion, up to one per unique champion

PASSIVE: Damaging basic attacks and ability damage deal 10 − 45 (based on level) bonus true damage to enemy Champion icon champions affected by certain crowd control effects. The target must already be impaired prior to the damaging attack or spell in order to trigger the bonus damage
Runes AP Resolve

PASSIVE: Dealing ability damage to an enemy Champion icon champion hurls an Arcane Comet at their current location that lands after 0.825 seconds, dealing 30 − 130 (based on level) (+ 10% bonus AD) (+ 5% AP) physical or magic damage to enemies within a Range model 140 radius upon impact. If「 10% bonus AD ≥ 5% AP, 」deals physical damage. If otherwise, deals magic damage

PASSIVE: Using a summoner spell grants Ghost ghosting and Movement speed icon 5% − 25% (based on summoner spell cooldown) bonus movement speed for 2 seconds

PASSIVE: Gain 1.8 − 18 (based on level) bonus Attack Damage or 3 − 30 (based on level) Ability Power (Adaptive) while above 70% of your maximum health. ADAPTIVE: Grants bonuses based on which stat you already have the most bonuses for. Defaults to the first listed

PASSIVE: Dealing ability damage to an enemy Champion icon champion sets them on fire, dealing them 20 − 40 (based on level) bonus magic damage after 1 second

PASSIVE: After 12 minutes, gain Armor icon 8 bonus armor and Magic resistance icon 8 bonus magic resistance and your total armor and total magic resistance are increased by 3%

PASSIVE: Every 8 Monster icon monsters or enemy Minion icon minions that die near you permanently generates a stack. Each stack grants 3 bonus health. This effect can stack indefinitely. After reaching 15 stacks (120 monsters or minions), your base and bonus health are permanently increased by 3.5%
Runes Tank Domination

PASSIVE: Entering combat generates 1 stack every second for the next 3 seconds, refreshing the duration with each instance of combat and stacking the effect up to 4 times. At maximum stacks, your next basic attack On-hit icon on-hit within 5 seconds against an enemy Champion icon champion consumes all stacks to deal bonus magic damage equal to (Melee role 3.5% / Ranged role 2.1%) of your maximum health, Heal power icon heal you for (Melee role 3 / Ranged role 1.8) (+ (Melee role 1.2% / Ranged role 0.72%) of your maximum health), and permanently grant (Melee role 7 / Ranged role 4) bonus health

PASSIVE: Generate stacks every 0.5 seconds on enemy Turret icon turrets within 600 units, up to 6 after 3 seconds. Your next basic attack against a turret with 6 stacks is empowered to consume all stacks to deal 100 (+ 35% of your maximum health) bonus physical damage. Demolish cannot be triggered against the same turret again by anyone for 3.5 seconds. Stacks expire by one every 1 second if you move out of range. Demolish activates after 45 seconds of game time

PASSIVE: After 12 minutes, gain Armor icon 8 bonus armor and Magic resistance icon 8 bonus magic resistance and your total armor and total magic resistance are increased by 3%

PASSIVE: Every 8 Monster icon monsters or enemy Minion icon minions that die near you permanently generates a stack. Each stack grants 3 bonus health. This effect can stack indefinitely. After reaching 15 stacks (120 monsters or minions), your base and bonus health are permanently increased by 3.5%

Gain 6 (+ 5 per Bounty Hunter stack) ultimate haste, up to 31 at 5 stacks. Earn a Bounty Hunter stack whenever scoring a Damage rating takedown against an enemy Champion icon champion, up to one per unique champion

PASSIVE: You gain 1 Attack Damage or 2 Ability Power (Adaptive) upon champion Damage rating takedown, stacking up to 10 times for 10 Attack Damage or 20 Ability Power (Adaptive). At max stacks, you gain an additional 10 Attack Damage or 20 Ability Power (Adaptive)
Runes First Strike

PASSIVE: Dealing damage or applying a Stun icon crowd control effect to an enemy champion within the first 0.25 seconds of champion combat, grants 5 Gold 5 and First Strike for 3 seconds, causing all of your post-mitigation damage dealt against champions to deal 7% bonus true damage. Afterwards, you are granted gold Gold gold equal to (Melee role 100% / Ranged role 70%) of all bonus damage dealt within the duration

PASSIVE: After 12 minutes (reduced by 45 seconds whenever scoring a Damage rating takedown against an enemy champion), you gain Slightly Magical Boots Slightly Magical Boots for free Gold free. Slightly Magical Boots are identical to Boots Boots and can be upgraded as if it were the item. If the inventory is full while receiving the boots, they will appear as soon as a slot in the inventory is available

PASSIVE: Receive a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will at 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00. If the inventory is full while receiving a biscuit, the biscuit(s) will appear as soon as a slot in the inventory is available

PASSIVE: Gain Movement speed icon 7.5% bonus total movement speed while facing Sight icon visible enemy Champion icon champions that are Stun icon immobilized, Grounded icon grounded, or Slow icon slowed within Range center 1000 range

PASSIVE: Using a summoner spell grants Ghost ghosting and Movement speed icon 5% − 25% (based on summoner spell cooldown) bonus movement speed for 2 seconds

PASSIVE: Dealing ability damage to an enemy Champion icon champion sets them on fire, dealing them 20 − 40 (based on level) bonus magic damage after 1 second
Runes Tank Precision

PASSIVE: Entering combat generates 1 stack every second for the next 3 seconds, refreshing the duration with each instance of combat and stacking the effect up to 4 times. At maximum stacks, your next basic attack On-hit icon on-hit within 5 seconds against an enemy Champion icon champion consumes all stacks to deal bonus magic damage equal to (Melee role 3.5% / Ranged role 2.1%) of your maximum health, Heal power icon heal you for (Melee role 3 / Ranged role 1.8) (+ (Melee role 1.2% / Ranged role 0.72%) of your maximum health), and permanently grant (Melee role 7 / Ranged role 4) bonus health

PASSIVE: Generate stacks every 0.5 seconds on enemy Turret icon turrets within 600 units, up to 6 after 3 seconds. Your next basic attack against a turret with 6 stacks is empowered to consume all stacks to deal 100 (+ 35% of your maximum health) bonus physical damage. Demolish cannot be triggered against the same turret again by anyone for 3.5 seconds. Stacks expire by one every 1 second if you move out of range. Demolish activates after 45 seconds of game time

PASSIVE: After taking damage from an enemy Champion icon champion, for 1.5 seconds, the next 3 spells or attacks you receive from the same enemy champion deal 30 − 60 (based on level) less damage (including Hybrid penetration true damage)

PASSIVE: Every 8 Monster icon monsters or enemy Minion icon minions that die near you permanently generates a stack. Each stack grants 3 bonus health. This effect can stack indefinitely. After reaching 15 stacks (120 monsters or minions), your base and bonus health are permanently increased by 3.5%

PASSIVE: Gain 5% (+ 1.5% per Legend stack) Tenacity icon tenacity, up to 20% at maximum stacks. LEGEND: Gain Legend stacks for every 100 points earned, up to 10:
100 points for champion Damage rating takedowns. 100 points for epic monster Damage rating takedowns. 25 points for large monster kills. 4 points for minion kills

PASSIVE: Scoring a Damage rating takedown against an enemy champion Heal power icon heals you for 2.5% of your maximum health (+ 5% of your missing health) and grants you an additional 20 Gold 20, both after a 1-second delay
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