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Recommended Items
Runes: Kill Pressure
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Ability Order
Rebirth (PASSIVE)
Anivia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide

Hi, I am M4rkuzalo !
I recently started playing League of Legends and I immediately liked the game.
There were a lot of characters to choose from, I tried a lot but I liked Anivia's game style the most.
This is my first guide ever made, I put a lot of effort into it, it would mean a lot to me if you could support it with a like and comment if you agree with this guide or not and if you would change something.
This guide will most likely be updated in the future.

Early Game
[0 - 15 Min] [Anivia is Average]
Up until level 6, look to play safe and farm as much as you can. Once you’ve got enough gold for Tear, recall so you can start stacking the item.
As soon as you hit level 6, use your Ultimate Glacial Storm on the minion wave to keep it pushed into the enemies tower while remaining safe.
Keep a constant eye on your mana bar regardless of how fast or slow you're pushing the wave. If you’re out of mana, you’re no threat to the enemy.
Mid Game
[15 - 25 Min] [Anivia is Average]
Continue pushing the minion wave with your Ultimate Glacial Storm while remaining safe. Keep the waves pushed so the enemy is unable to do anything or siege any of your objectives.
Rotate and move to objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald and assist your Jungler in taking them. Anivia can help take these objectives incredibly fast.
Make sure you have vision around your lane at all times. As you’ll be constantly pushing, you need to ensure your flanks are warded so you do not die while you’re overextended and pushing.
Late Game
[25+ Min] [Anivia is Strong]
Stick with your team throughout the late game. If you’re caught out of position, the enemy may be able to end the game. You need to ensure your Passive is up in team fights to increase your chances of winning.
Counter pushes from the enemy team is a must in the late game. Stick with your team and use your Ultimate Glacial Storm to prevent the enemy from sieging objectives. This will make it hard for them to destroy your tier 3 towers.
Keep your Wall Crystallize off cooldown at all times in case you need to use it to disrupt the enemy or interrupt an engage. If you use it in the late game, you’re going to be vulnerable.

-Early Game-
[0 - 15 Min]
Anivia doesn’t spike at levels 2 or 3 like most champions. This is because she isn’t the strongest Mid laner in the early game and needs a lot of time to come online.
Anivia’s first major power spike is when she hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate Glacial Storm. She can constantly push the enemy into their tower, which can prevent the enemy from roaming and assisting their allies.
After Anivia has picked up her first component item, and in conjunction with her Ultimate Glacial Storm, Anivia can push the wave quickly and clear waves with ease.
-Mid Game-
[15 - 25 Min]
During the mid-game, Anivia should have her Tear fully stacked. This will be very helpful for her as it will prevent her from running out of mana when using her Ultimate Glacial Storm.
At level 11, Anivia will have 2 points in her Ultimate Glacial Storm. Not only will it heavily increase her damage output, but it will make it hard for the enemy to siege any objectives as she can easily clear the wave.
Anivia is good in team fights, and the mid-game is usually when teams start grouping. This makes her a good mid-game champion.
-Late Game-
[25+ Min]
In the late game, Anivia’s damage will be truly horrific. She will have multiple completed items, and her Ultimate Glacial Storm will deal tons of consistent damage.
Teams will continue grouping in the late game. This helps Anivia as she can land a 5 person Flash Frost, and her Ultimate Glacial Storm is an AOE tool. This means she can deal a lot of damage to targets if they’re grouped closely together.
In the late game, Anivia will have very short cooldowns on most of her abilities. She will be able to look for picks more frequently and secure kills with her team. Her Flash Frost, in particular, will be on a very low cooldown in the late game.

Anivia has one of the strongest Passives in the game. It can prevent her from dying which offers her tons of extra protection throughout the game.
Thanks to your Wall Crystallize, Anivia has a lot of utility that can protect her and her allies. It can also increase her chances of surviving in skirmishes. It is really versatile and can also block the enemy off from entering a certain part of the map.
With your Ultimate Glacial Storm, Anivia’s sieging power is incredibly strong. With lots of mana, you can constantly push the enemy into the enemies Tower and force them to stay in the lane.
Whenever Anivia’s Passive is down, she is incredibly vulnerable to an all-in. Play safer whenever it is on cooldown.
Whenever Anivia’s Passive is down, she is incredibly vulnerable to an all-in. Play safer whenever it is on cooldown.Pre-6, Anivia has minimal threat in lane. She needs to play safe and wait for her level 6 power spike before she can start to lane properly. Focus on farming and playing safe in the early game.
Anivia relies heavily on mana throughout all stages of the game. She needs to get Tear as quickly as she can, and she needs every blue buff after the first one to constantly keep her Glacial Storm up.

Play safer when you do not have your Passive available as you will be an easy target for the enemy.
In team fights, look to lock down the closest enemy champion with your Flash Frost. Focus on using the rest of your abilities to peel and protect yourself and the rest of your team.
You can use both your Crystallize and Glacial Storm as a zoning tool to help you siege objectives and get picks. Be careful though as you’re vulnerable when your Crystallize is down.

Coming soon!

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Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!
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