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Recommended Items
Runes: Cauterization
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Threats & Synergies
Wait until he jumps with his E, so you can stun him easier. His ultimate combo usually kills you, so dodging/zhonya/banshee or flashing out is only option to survive.
His double CC gives you just right amount of time to cast your whole combo
His double CC gives you just right amount of time to cast your whole combo
Champion Build Guide
In season 6 I have reached my peak of abilities and got into 4th place at EUNE / 31st world as off-meta Brand, with winrate of 68% out of 140 games played.

Feel free to judge my guide, and do not hesitate to leave a comment below and share your knowledge with others.
One of your main weaknesses is mobility and dependability. You have to position yourself properly in order to make full use of your combo, which is also dependent on enemy's movement and peeling received from your team.
Make sure that you've got a decent frontline that is going to "breach the walls" for you.
Brand's kit provides You with one of the best 1v2's in the entire game, as most of his abilities are AoE including passive. It doesn't mean that you can lane aggresively all the time. Positioning is the key, that's why

In matter of itemization. Since you're going to have plenty of damage coming from health % damage, you don't have to focus solely on ability power like most mages.
Your key in order to dominate the game is to buy items that improve your gameplay e.g. slow enemies - which compensates your skill-shot dependability, reduce their healing abilities, so you may finish them off with DoTs in a long term;



+ Powerful through all stages of the game.

+ Decent wave clear.
+ Scales with enemy's max hp.

Taste of Blood A decent choice for safe laning

Rewards poking an enemy in early stages of the game, granting flat mana bonus and decent mana regen after getting stacked fully.

All combinations of the runes shown above, in the top section of the page can be freely adjusted/combined
In progres...
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A no-brainer choice, You probably take it 99% of the time. | ||||
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Strong choice in every possible way - grants great kill potential especially in early stages of the game. | ||||
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If You feel like you can win your game easily. It's going to help you roam throughout the early stages of the game and help You position yourself properly in teamfights/objective skirmishes | ||||
Rarely useful, just doesn't compare to what ignite or Ghost provide for you. |

Ionian Boots of Lucidity - When facing squishy opponents who don't build any magic resist, there would be no need to stack magic pen.
Mercury's Treads - no brain choice against champions with either: high CC or mostly AP - e.g.
Veigar etc.
Plated Steelcaps - works insanely well against heavy ad / aa teams - could be even considered when falling behind against Champions like
Zed or
Talon in sparse situations.

Luden's Tempest At the end of the day it provides less damage than
Liandry's Torment. Might be viable versus squishes.


Followed by

You should depend on your ability to position yourself, burst down squishes and DoT tanks.
Choose either

A simple combo, that requires you to cast
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This combo secures a kill in most cases giving your opponent no chance to react. |
It seems like you're yearning for more in-depth knowledge, as you've managed to scroll down the whole guide.
I am going to satisfy your desire to a small extent.
The goal to play such an off-meta pick as Brand is to dominate your lane.
Brand has plenty of issues facing all the meta champions, he struggles to roam well as opposed to Champs such as Kassadin, Ahri etc.
Thus, your goal is to stop them from doing what they are good at, and dictate the tempo yourself.
Your main duty is to harass your enemy down to the point he can't either roam or contribute to the game in any other way.
Your laning phase is strong, but keep in mind, you can't easily escape ganks - if you're in a situation of no other choice than to die, try going full combo on 2 people at once. usually it results in at least one kill.
You could also invest into early Zhonya's, it's a decent choice against e.g. Zed + any other jungler. It's going to save you sometimes, or at least give you some time to properly cast your combo.
In matter of taking objectives. Positioning is a key, that is the exact time when Ghost summoner spell shines the most in my experience.
Mid-game and late-game skirimishes, longer fights and objectives usually get pretty nasty and chaotic. Focus on positioning.
From time to time I choose not to act in a teamfight, you may ask why? I am simply waiting for the moment to not waste my ultimate and other abilities in order to make an impact. In my experience it's better off to patiently wait, than to waste it, what usually gets you killed.
There are some cases, which make you feel like You can't find the proper moment to make a great combo. That is, my dear reader, champion gap. That is what makes Brand an off-meta pick. Either live with it, or change your main.
Sincerely, Your guidemaker.
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