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Elise Build Guide by uSgSello

Jungle [Season 13] Extensive Guide to Elise

Jungle [Season 13] Extensive Guide to Elise

Updated on September 15, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author uSgSello Build Guide By uSgSello 1210 49 4,110,751 Views 45 Comments
1210 49 4,110,751 Views 45 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author uSgSello Elise Build Guide By uSgSello Updated on September 15, 2023
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Runes: Dark Harvest

1 2
Dark Harvest
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Coup de Grace

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Scorchclaw Smite

Scorchclaw Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hey dudes,
My in game Name is "ImSello" and I am playing on EUW. I decided making this guide because I play Elise since S3.
At the moment my Elo is Diamond4.

In the following guide I describe my way of jungling Elise.

First of all I want to answer the question why I am doing this guide.
Elise is one of my favorite Champions in the rift. In my opinion playing her is never boring because she has a funny kit of abilities of 6 spells and there are so many ways to play her. For example you can play her tanky so you can peel for your adc or you can play her as an apc which is the way I play her most times.
I think playing Elise is a very good way to climb easy if you know how to use her kit of abilities and master her.

I didn't play her for like 2 months but these are my stats with her when I stopped playing her. Before I got a bit inactive because of studying my winrate was at 69%. It dropped a little bit because I played ranked without practising after a long period where I didn't play.

My English is not the best but I hope you understand what I want to say.
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Pros and Cons


+Damage in early game
+Good sustain
+Strong early ganks
+Auto hit damage increased by AP
+Nice escape and chasing(rappel)
+Dodging spells with rappel
+%-Dmg missing and current health
+Good jungle cleartime
+Changing tower aggression while diving with rapell
+fast pusher
+objective control


-hard to play
-Very vulnerable against CC
-very squishy early game
-very weak against counter ganks
-powerspikes based on items

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Abilities + Usage

Spider Queen

HUMAN: When Elise's abilities hits a target she gains one dormant Spiderling, up to 2 / 3 / 4 / 5.

SPIDER: Elise's basic attacks deal 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 (+ 30% AP) bonus magic damage and heal her for 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 (+ 10% AP) on-hit.

You get 1 spiderling if you hit a skill in Human Form successfully. Because the spiderlings can tank a lot of damage in jungle and deal a lot of damage try to have all of your spiderlings ready.
Also her passive is one of her main damage sources because in late game with a high amount of AP Elise's autoattacks deal tons of damage.

Human Form / Spider Form

HUMAN: When Elise's abilities hits a target she gains one dormant Spiderling, up to 2 / 3 / 4 / 5.

SPIDER: Elise's basic attacks deal 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 (+ 30% AP) bonus magic damage and heal her for 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 (+ 10% AP) on-hit.[/indent]

I always walk while being in Spider Form in the jungle because in Spider Form Elise has increased movement speed. Before setting up a gank I switch into the Human Form to hit the Cocoon and dealing more damage when the enemy has more HP. I start jungle camps in Human Form because Volatile Spiderling is her only AoE spell.


ACTIVE: Elise fires poison at the target enemy unit, dealing magic damage, capped against monsters. MAGIC DAMAGE: 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 (+ 4% (+ 3% per 100 AP) of target's current health)

As it says in the description that the damage is based on the target's current health the damage output of Neurotoxin is higher when the target has more HP.
This is the other reason why you set up ganks in the Human Form because normally the enemy you want to gank has 3/4 - full of his HP.

Venomous Bite

ACTIVE: Elise dashes to the target enemy and bites them, dealing magic damage, capped against monsters. MAGIC DAMAGE: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 8% (+ 3% per 100 AP) of target's missing health)

Elise's Q's are the reason for her burst damage. In the case of Venomous Bite the damage output is higher when the enemy is low on hp. Normally you start damaging the enemy with your Human Form to deal more damage and when they drop low you finish them in Spider Form.
Also Venomous Bite is very nice to safe objectives like dragon or baron because you can use Venomous Bite and instantly followup with smite.

Volatile Spiderling

ACTIVE: Elise summons a venom-gorged spider for 3 seconds, which moves in the target direction.

The spider explodes upon contact with an enemy unit or at the end of its lifespan, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

If the spider does not hit an enemy before reaching the target location, it re-targets and chases down a nearby enemy, prioritizing champions. The spider gains bonus movement speed, based on its proximity to its target.
MAGIC DAMAGE: 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+ 95% AP)

I always use Volatile Spiderling to start jungle camps because it is Elise's only AoE spell. The damage output of this spell ins't very high in early and mid game. When you get Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Liandry's Torment Volatile Spiderling deals a lot of damage because it scales with 80% of your amount of AP.
Also it gives you vision. So if you don't want to facecheck in some bushes you can use your Volatile Spiderling to check it.

Skittering Frenzy

PASSIVE: Elise's Spiderlings gain bonus attack speed.

ACTIVE: Elise and her Spiderlings gain bonus attack speed for 3 seconds.

SPIDERLING BONUS ATTACK SPEED: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%
BONUS ATTACK SPEED: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140%

Skittering Frenzy resets Elise's autoattack timer. That's why you should time it correctly to do two fast autoattacks which deals a lot of damage because Elise's autohits scales with AP and AD.
Also your healing of your passive will increase because you are getting healed your every spiderlings autohit. It means that if they attack faster you will get healed more often.


ACTIVE: Elise fires a web in the target direction, granting sight of the first enemy hit for 1 second and stunning them.

STUN DURATION: 1.6 / 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 2

Nothing special because it is just a stun based on a skillshot. I can just give the tip that you can use it instead of facechecking a bush because Cocoon gives you vision onto an enemy if you hit him with it.


ACTIVE: Elise and her Spiderlings lift up into the air, becoming untargetable for up to 2 seconds and revealing the area for the duration.

Upon landing, Elise's on-hit bonus magic damage and healing from her native Spider Queen are increased for 5 seconds.

If cast directly on an enemy, Elise automatically descends upon them after 1 second. While in the air, Elise can also use Rappel to select a target to descend upon.

SPIDER EFFECTS INCREASE: 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100%

Rappel is a very nice ability and gives you a lot of oportunities.

1. Rappel can be use to dive an enemy. You should take the tower aggression first and use your Rappel before going down because it will reset the tower aggression.

2. Rappel can be use as an escape. Because it gives you vision on all units in the range of the rappel you can use it for example on to a jungle camp to get over a wall and escape.

3. Rappel has enough range to get in to the dragon and baron pit (use is onto the drake and baron) so you can get into the pit to steal the objective and get out with flash for example.

4. Rappel can be used as a follow up when you catch an enemy.

5. Rappel gives your spiderlings increased attack speed and healing. That's why you can use Rappel to have more burst damage.

6. Rappel can be used to jumps onto enemy wards. So if you are chasing someone and he places a ward whil escaping you can use Rappel to jump onto the ward as long it's not invisible.
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General: In reference to runes Domination is the best choice for Elise as the primary Tree. Elise is a aggressive Jungler with a high potential to burst someone. That’s why Domination is perfect for her playstyle.

Dark Harvest

Dark Harvest is the most powerful rune in the domination tree at the moment. You want to burst so you take the most damage possible. It also scales better than Electrocute.


To be stronger in early you can also go Electrocute but i prefer Dark Harvest.

Cheap Shot

While playing Elise you want to take fights after hitting your Cocoon. Cheap Shot will ensure you that you will deal more damage to movement impaired targets. I guess there is nothing more to explain.

Eyeball collection

very simple. More AP more damage.

Treasure Hunter

As Elise you can take kills to start snowballing. Collecting bounties will grant a lot of extra gold. If you get your items even faster you can burst people in seconds. Dont underestimate Elise damage.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

You start at your first camp (I always start botside buff) with Volatile Spiderling or rather Skittering Frenzy to get the fastest clearing speed at the first camp. After that you skill Neurotoxin or rather Venomous Bite which is the highest damage threat of Elise. At level 3 you skill Cocoon or rather Rappel to set up ganks and getting Elise 's only CC.

After level 3 you max your Neurotoxin or rather Venomous Bite to deal the most damage possible. After maxing the her Neurotoxin I max the Volatile Spiderling because it also can deal tons of damage if you already have some of her core items like Rylais and Liandry's Torment.
The last skill I max is her Cocoon. It is her only CC but Elise needs to burst her enemies in seconds. That's why you skill her Neurotoxin and Volatile Spiderling first.
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Since Morellonomicon doesnt give you magic penetration anymore it is not as good as before for Elise but it is still a very good item because you get some hp and ap. Also Morellonomicons passive grants you grevious wounds which reduce the incoming heal from and onto the targets you damage. That’s why it’s strong against heals or self healing champions. In S13 you should only build it if antiheal is necessary.

you can still go for Rylai's Crystal Scepter to get more tankyness. But i think there better items compared to gold costs and efficiency.

Night Harvester gives you a lot more burst. My way of playing Elise is to catch someone out of position. Imgaine the dmg output from this Item (175 − 250 (based on level) (+ 15% AP) bonus magic damage) + Electrocute + Elise abilities. There is like no way to survive this. If they will survive somehow you get 25% increased movement speed for 1,5 seconds so you can chase them down easily.

Hextech Rocketbelt is the best mythic item atm for Elise in my opinion. You want to get as much magic pen as possible. That's why protobelt with its mythic passive is the best choice. Also you have a little bit more of mobility and extra damage.

Shadowflame is a very nice item regarding to all the stats it will grant. It gives you magic pen, a lot of AP and a good amount of HP. Its a must have on Elise. This should be the first item to get after your mythic and boots are completed.

Getting magic penetration is important and very nice for the high magic damage output from Elise

Mercury's Treads is a good option vs a heavy AP damaged based enemy team. Also if the enemy team has a lot of CC abilities, tenacity is sometimes important.

Helps you getting tanky and chasing down enemies because of the speed buff. Also nice Health and Armor bonus. Must have against heavy AD damage team.

In S13 you normally go heavy burst instead of tank/peel. Anyway it helps you getting tanky and increase the healing from your autohits in Spider Form. Also you get cooldown reduction which is very good in longer teamfights in the end game. Nice to have against a AP damage based enemy team.

If you play Elise as an AP assasin it will increase your damage output extremely because of the extra % AP. In S13 it ap a good 3rd / 4th item on Elise to get a huge extra amount of burst potential.

If you play Elise you want to get magic Penetration. All your damages sources are scaling with AP ratio. So if you get magic pen all your damage is increased.

This is a nice item against heavy AD comps. Also you can dive into the enemy backling to shut someone down as fast as you can. After that you activate Zhonyas to give your team some time to follow up and prevent you from dying.

Your can compare this item to Rylais and Morellos. It gives you AP and HP.
Also it gives you Ability Haste which Morellos and Rylais dont grant.
Its passive is nice as well. You get Movement Speed after damaging someone base on your AP and ability haste. I would not build it as an replacement for morellos or rylais but you can build it additionally. Maybe a good last item choice if the enemy team has high movement speed.
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Early game jungle path

In Season 13 jungling will get pretty easy. You almost can get through the jungle with every champ. The Scuttler spawns now at 3:30. That's why you can go for a full clear on both sides of the map. You should check the matchup and your prio lanes to know where to start your jungle. If you cant contest the scuttle because the your matchup is not the best and your lanes won't have prio you shouldnt start one the same side of the map as the enemy jungler.

Always try to let your spiderlings tanks the camps so you drop low on HP. Start your camps in Human Form to get new spiderlings from your passive in the Spider Form.
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You start your gank in your Human Form and Spider Form should not be on cooldown. You walk up to the enemies and poke them with your Q and Autohits (perfect if you have red buff).

You want to get the enemy flash before you use your Cocoon so that they are not able to flash your CC. Use Volatile Spiderling and switch into Spider Form to use Skittering Frenzy and Venomous Bite. This will end up in a kill for 99% if you can hit your Cocoon.

If the enemy flash is not up your can immediately try to stun them or wait your teammate on the lane to CC the enemy so they can't really dodge your Cocoon.

If they flash away and you can't hit your cocoon and they are low on hp you should switch into your Spider Form and close the gap with Rappel. Take them down with auto hits + Skittering Frenzy and Venomous Bite.

While setting up for a gank you should try to get information about the enemy junglers position beofre you gank. The reason why you should know his position is because of the sensitivty of Elise against counterganks. If you can't kill the enemy laner and you are getting counterganked Elise is very weak if all her spells are on cooldown.
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Diving with Elise is very effective because you can reset the tower aggression with your Rappel. Even if there are no minions left and you Rappel the tower will focus your spiderligs if you have some first, so you will have enoug time to get out of the tower range.

Setting up a dive you should tank the tower first because you are the one who is able to reset the tower aggression when you are low on HP.

To make this more clear, I will add a video soon.
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Elise's ability to take objectives is very good. Because of Skittering Frenzy she and her spiderlings gain a lot of attack speed. That's the main reason why she can destroy towers very fast.
Also Elise can secure objectives like baron, dragon and blue buff or red buff good because she her damage output with Venomous Bite + Smite is extremely high and you can smite directly after use Venomous Bite so noone has a chance to steal the objective.

Since season 10 drakes are way more effective than in season 9. As Elise you are able to kill drakes pretty fast and you can easy solo them. Try to play around those objectives.
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Teamfight + Lategame

There are basically two different ways of playing Elise in teamfights.

First: Peel for your carries. I always go for this style of playing teamfight when I play against an enemy team which engage onto your team.
Also when the enemy team has a strong and tanky frontline with CC because Elise can burst tanks very fast.

Second: Engage onto the enemy team and try to kill their carries.
I normally go for this playstyle when our team engages onto the enemy team and the enemy composition hasn't a real frontline which can be a thread for your carries.

In general you must decide between those teamifight playstyle because it doesn't just depend on the composition, also on the place on the map, the scaling of your and the enemies composition in reference to the game lenght, if you are behind or not and so on.

My lategame playstyle is simple. I'm trying to get into the enemy jungle if we are already ahead and try to catch someone alone. To do that you need to be sure they don't have vision on you.
To prevent to getting catched because they have vision on you, just go in the enemy jungle while sweaping wards with Sweeping Lens.
If you are behind in late game try to turtle in base and whenever someone overextend or overstay try to punish him with you high damage, cc and chase potential.
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Finally I can say that Elise is a very nice champ with so much oportunities and potential because of her kit.
I want people to get attention on Elise so they start playing her.
Playing Elise is a good strategie to climb through the division if you know how to master her.
She can push fast, deals a lot of damage, peel for carries, bursting down tanks, control objectives.
The only problem is that she is very hard to play because of the amount of oportunities of her kit of abilities.

I hope I could help and you understand and like my way of playing her.

Thanks for reading. Feedback pls :))
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