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Diana Build Guide by Fennixas

Jungle [Season 14] [14.3] EUW Destroyer's Fennix Diana Jungle guide

Jungle [Season 14] [14.3] EUW Destroyer's Fennix Diana Jungle guide

Updated on February 10, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fennixas Build Guide By Fennixas 9,605 Views 0 Comments
9,605 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Fennixas Diana Build Guide By Fennixas Updated on February 10, 2024
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Runes: Vs Lower cc comps

1 2
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


Only spells you need
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Scorchclaw Smite

Scorchclaw Smite

Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

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[Season 14] [14.3] EUW Destroyer's Fennix Diana Jungle guide

By Fennixas
About me
Hello guys !

Lets start with who I am. So my nickname is Fennix, previously known as 44Lovely or trenheca im mostly known for being insane Hecarim, Mordekaiser, Diana, Talon player, my playstyle was always different from most people I snowball really hard and know how to make plays which leads to getting advantages over other junglers. My playstyle is usually pure 1v9 taking aggresive fights and punishing people because of my experience on the champion.

I originally started playing League in S2. I play a lot champions which are 1v9 material im not a huge of perma ganking strategy since i don't feel like suits well for the soloq jungle gameplay. Youre supposed to be 1v9 scaling machine that is why I always have high winrates because I do not flip games i play for a safe way to 1v9 which is scaling and then going heavy. Been playing Diana for a long time now for a lot of seasons champion is really good agressive ap pick. Peaked 1k LP EUW in season 9.

A lot of people suggested that I should create my 1v9 guide, so yeah here you go :)

I also stream on twitch so if you want to see insane Jungle 1v9 gameplay with bangers here you go, you can learn more about the actual in the real gameplay:
What to know about Diana
Diana Is a perfect champion for you to add to your champion pool. Agressive ap pick that you can 1v9 with. Has perfect engage opportunities. To become 1v9 god you will need to learn these things :
Correct path (In lower elo's always prefere to get leashed since it gives you faster clear time and you can use that yo your advantage to 1v9)
Knowing your champ limits, when you can can engage, when you need to disengage and knowing the damage of your champion.
That's basically all that you need to learn

What should you avoid :
1. (Perma ganking) Always prioritize farming since the gold is really efficient way to carry games. Always try to achieve high cs/min since thats the main sort of the gold for you do not flip the ganks that are hard to make work or just overall can get you killed make sure that when you gank its worth for you.
2. Try to avoid falling behind, if you fall really behind its gonna be hard for you to play the game since the whole powerspike of diana comes from the items. Always make gold efficient plays.
3. Avoid risky fights that don't get you anything for example don't make risky plays when its not needed trying to play for objectives while scaling with farming is the correct way of playing diana.

The most important part of playing Diana is you always need to play around your ultimate engage timers. You need to make sure you have the right setup when engaging which are : Zhonyas's hourglass timer, Hextech rocketbelt's timer or flash timer if rocketbelt is on timer.
Always go for the first item Hextech Rocketbelt Extremely perfect item for Diana jungle. The way how it works its perfect for engage and works well with red smite, since after dashing the enemies gets slowed if you hit the target. Nothing else is as good as Hextech Rocketbelt on Diana for the first item option.

After the first item you should finish Sorcerer's Shoes its just the best option that you can go on Diana I have tested out the other variants it was not that great because Magic penetration that you get from [[Sorcerer's Shoes] is just the perfect addition to the burst damage that you need early.

Second item should be depending on the teamcomp if you need burst damage you should go for Shadowflame however if enemies are heavy ad you can instantly rush Zhonya's Hourglass its perfect for engage and after the buffs the ap it gives is really nice plus stopwatch is really useful in a lot of scenarios and is a perfect item for teamfights.

Fourth item is the same order as shown but if you went Zhonya's Hourglass as your 3rd item's option now build the Shadowflame

4th item Should be Rabadon's Deathcap unless you have 10 dark stacks then you can go for Mejai's Soulstealer before finishing Rabadon's Deathcap

5th item Should be Void Staff Unless you have fully stacked Mejai's Soulstealer which can be used to extend your snowball potential but keep that in my mind that I only recommend going for Mejai's Soulstealer if you have 10 dark seal stacks since it can deny your scaling if the game is not going well.
How to engage on diana
There are many ways to engage as Diana
You can either q to minion's or champions which resets your e's cooldown so for example if you q on a champion you will have two stacks of your e. One example would be Q on minion then dashing on the same minion's that you hit and then pressing your second e that you get from reset on the enemy champion and then instantly pressing ult (afterwards you can zhonya's)

The second way would be to Q on enemy and instantly E'ing on him which gap closes and resets your E so basically after that you can burst it but don't instatly use your resetted E unless he is killable from the damage that it deals normally you want to keep your second E until the enemy champion dashes or flashles so you can gapclose after wards and kill it.

The other option is Using your Hextech Rocketbelt to dash forward and then using your E dash to dash into the enemies which you can always ult afterwards.

Same goes for the flash if the enemies are far from you : You can Hextech Rocketbelt dash forward then using Flash and then using your e when youre in range and then instantly using Zhonya's Hourglass and letting your teammate to finish the job or bursting them down.

So there are basically tons of ways of being creative with your dashes to engage. But keep that in mind that you always want to CC chain the enemies with your teammates so for example the perfect way to engage with your team engaging in the same time as them. Lets take Malphite for example he engages and then after that you time his engage with your's and CC chain the enemies, which deals insane amount of damage depending on the items that you have. There are many champions that can be used to make the perfect CC chain so make sure to use it visely and play with your team.

And another thing to not forget is your red smite's slow: it works with Hextech Rocketbelt so if you dash forward having already finished your red smite enemies gets slowed and you can use that to your advantage.
So there are two options on Diana that are viable:
First option would be to fullclear it doesn't really matter what buff you start on Diana aslong as you're pathing to gankable lane. Try to avoid the lanes that are really hard to gank and play for the correct champions (most of the games it will be botlane because of the current meta) but other times for example enemies are playing flashless top/mid which you can pretty much punish.

I always prioritize full clearing, only in some situations you don't full clear when there is possible free kill in lanes that you're pathing towards.

So for example your pathing should look like this, if youre starting Blue buff : Blue buff >> Gromp >> Wolves >> Raptors >> Red buff >> Krugs Then always check if mid/bot is gankable if it's really hard to gank then try to contest the Rift Scuttler but be aware of laners, sometimes you will have to leave it if enemie's are roaming to it. But if your team is coming aswell don't be afraid to contest it, because Diana is pretty good in these situations.

If you're starting Red Buff : Red Buff >> Krugs >> Raptors >> Wolves >> Blue Buff >> Gromp >> Rift Scuttler

What to know when clearing :
1. First of all if youre starting red buff make sure you take e level 2 instead of taking w because it allows you to jump over the wall with your e to Krugs. However if you are starting blue buff you should take w level 2 because its better vs Gromp.
2. Your passive gives you attack speed every time you use an ability so make sure to use it visely and dont spam all abilities at once unless you need to dash to camp which you can do with Q > E ( it resets your e timer but dont press your second E instantly because it puts it on cooldown)
3. Kite the camps playing around with your abilities timers and passive.
4. Be aware of what's happening on the map (try to keep the track of the enemy jungler), pinging enemy jungler's possible gank is always a good idea and it helps your team.
How to actually carry
So to begin with Diana powerspikes at 2 items early game the damage will not be that insane but later on it keeps going up and the damage numbers rises. When fighting you have to use your conquerer's advantage since you can stack it pretty fast the faster combo would be Q > E > AA > R >> AA > E > AA

As i said the most effective way to carry in soloq as a jungler is to focusing on farm and confirmed gold that you can get from ganks (not flipping random ganks). Focusing on objectives is really important aswell since you can do really good damage to objectives from your passive.

Focus on voidrugs early game if you can don't be afraid of giving first two drakes if you can trade them for voidgrubs because after you finish both voidgrubs you will be allowed to focus on drakes and that helps because your lanes can push towers faster which allows them to move more freely.

The other part that you need to focus on is not dying many times because it denies your time to farm or getting gold from succesfull ganks. So just try to make safe plays that will allow you to snowball!

Always try to focus the correct targets, in late game your job is to kill the carries you have to ignore tanks and try to burst the carries, which you can do pretty easily if you have scaled enough.

One more funny part about Diana is that she can solo baron after 4 items you can always try to sneak the baron but be careful its a risky play !
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fennixas
Fennixas Diana Guide
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[Season 14] [14.3] EUW Destroyer's Fennix Diana Jungle guide

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