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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
Every game
Ability Order How it should look
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Really annoying to lane versus since the damage she deals will outdamage you and the range is just a big threat
Really good damage synergy and overall works perfectly with the Janna in botlane.
Really good damage synergy and overall works perfectly with the Janna in botlane.
Champion Build Guide
About me
Hello guys !
Lets start with who I am. So my nickname is Fennix, previously known as 44Lovely or trenheca im mostly known for being insane
Talon and
Janna player, my playstyle was always different from most people I snowball really hard and know how to make plays which leads to getting advantages over other junglers. On support im really known for my aggresive playstyle and suprisingly ability to 1v9 games on roaming supports My playstyle is taking aggresive fights and punishing people because of my experience on the champion.
I originally started playing League in S2. I play a lot champions which are 1v9 material im not a huge of perma ganking strategy since i don't feel like suits well for the soloq jungle gameplay. Youre supposed to be 1v9 scaling machine that is why I always have high winrates because I do not flip games i play for a safe way to 1v9 which is scaling and then going heavy. Aggresive roaming support like
Janna is perfect for my style of gameplay since it allows me to punish people with my insane roams. Peaked 1k LP EUW in season 9.

A lot of people suggested that I should create my 1v9 guide, so yeah here you go :)
I also stream on twitch so if you want to see insane Jungle 1v9 gameplay with bangers here you go, you can learn more about the actual in the real gameplay: https://www.twitch.tv/fennix1v9
Lets start with who I am. So my nickname is Fennix, previously known as 44Lovely or trenheca im mostly known for being insane

I originally started playing League in S2. I play a lot champions which are 1v9 material im not a huge of perma ganking strategy since i don't feel like suits well for the soloq jungle gameplay. Youre supposed to be 1v9 scaling machine that is why I always have high winrates because I do not flip games i play for a safe way to 1v9 which is scaling and then going heavy. Aggresive roaming support like

A lot of people suggested that I should create my 1v9 guide, so yeah here you go :)
I also stream on twitch so if you want to see insane Jungle 1v9 gameplay with bangers here you go, you can learn more about the actual in the real gameplay: https://www.twitch.tv/fennix1v9
What to know about Janna

First option is the first build with the Imperial mandate item rush : Really good for roams just perfect item to be able to play for your team (roaming)
Second option is Moonstone renewer : Really good for peeling your team and overall playing a bit safer letting your carries to be more safe with your item build.
Do not be afraid to roam as

What to ban playing Janna
Personally i ban one of those champions :
Senna - Overall really annoying matchup, senna will outdamage you, outrange you and she just scales insanely well. however aslong as your team doesn't fall behind its okay Senna is really bad to play agaisn't when playing from behind because of her insane scaling if the games goes to late game she might become a huge problem.
Varus Ultimate is really annoying to play agaisnt however as long as you keep the range and position yourself well its still playable.
Olaf Olaf is not a must to ban but if all the other threats are banned you can ban in it since if he is extremely ahead he will counter your whole kit and run your team down without you being able to do anything since his ultimate ability counter everything that you have.


Okay so basically this build works with more damage dependant champions. Having champions like

First item :

After that finish the

Second item should be

When it comes to the warding item always go for

Now when it comes for the 3rd item its completely game dependant if enemies have a lot of cc which demands

Now when it comes to the fourth item : You can either get the other missing option from Redemption or Mikael's blessing but if you have 10

The other option is : Okay so the way this build works is when your team needs peel for example youre playing with engage composition that needs to get peeled later in the fight good example is

First item should always be

Boots nothing changes still the best option is [Boots of Swiftness]. back in other season it would be ionians but now ionians are not worth to buy on Janna.
Now the second item has to be

Nothing changes for the warding item its still

Now when it comes for the 3rd item its completely game dependant if enemies have a lot of cc which demands

Now when it comes to the fourth item : You can either get the other missing option from Redemption or Mikael's blessing but if you have 10

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