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Fizz Build Guide by Nancy Faeser

Top SEASON 14.5 Fizz Bruiser AD-Skillbox

Top SEASON 14.5 Fizz Bruiser AD-Skillbox

Updated on March 19, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nancy Faeser Build Guide By Nancy Faeser 16,072 Views 0 Comments
16,072 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nancy Faeser Fizz Build Guide By Nancy Faeser Updated on March 19, 2024
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Runes: Precision and Domination

Fleet Footwork
Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Relentless Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
Basic Top Summs
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

SEASON 14.5 Fizz Bruiser AD-Skillbox

By Nancy Faeser
The FIzz *W*-ater-Master Guide.
Try it and never miss it again.
I'm a Fizz, Kennen and Zed OTP in Midlane. I was playing in Platin 4 years ago, then 3 times in a road gold. But only in premade section with my jungle buddy. I'm level 310 in league of legends I'm having about 215.000 rank 7 Fizz. Hornor is maxed on 3. I'm only playing him or Kennen in case of ranked. So I have a lot of experience with him.
This guide is showing you have to play the Fizz diffrent from all the other newbies.

Work with the W to last hit minions and use the additional ad dmg of Dorans Blade. For usual you can last hit the cast minions at half of life and the bruiser minions at quarter of life, because they have a little bit more reductions.
Decide between boots and first item. But in any case, you should buy boots at least as second item!
Otherwise you will be to slow and loose time!
Try to reach the enemy in outfarming, because FIzz gets even more stronger when he has a advantage in farming. Here you buy that Ludens.
If your CS isn't as good as your opponents, then try to build little bit more tankier and play saver. That's the case u build Protobelt or Zhonyas for additional armor or health.
The Lich-Bane reset/bonus dmg of the autoattack is so ultra strong on FIzz.
You always engage with Q or just give a normal autoattack and take the reset then with the W.
It will make tons of damage. Just try it out.
Morello is my first call if you have an enemy champion in the game which is dominating any lane. Or a very good roaming jungler. It reduces the healing process and is giving you additional magic penetration damage. And Magic-Pen is gold on Fizz.
Well, Rabadons is always my last call for any Ability Power Champion. It never made me mad. And is giving so much more AP. And you will see it in-game!

Start with W and max also W. It's for better last hitting and for getting ahead on lane. Take the Q as next one and all in the enemy opponent if you reach lvl 2 before he does. Remember to use an autoattack or the Q before you use your W.
If you can't fight him in the first try then try to reach as fast as possible the E. Because you stay ahead and the enemy mid will ping for help. Trust me, the jungler will come soon. And keep your E for escape only. Not for dealing dmg. That's the way you play. Engage with Q or just good dodging and walking and escape with E.
You can also use the Q if the enemy is coming from behind the lane and you can jump through him toside your tower.
So, max the W for unexpected dmg to the enemy and continue with Q. As already said. Only use the E for escaping. That's why you max it as last one.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nancy Faeser
Nancy Faeser Fizz Guide
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