Probably our worst melee matchup. She has all the tools in her kit to avoid our damage and stat-checks us with autos. If you're one-tricking Aatrox she is a viable ban for you, however Irelia is in a bit of a sour spot in the current meta so you don't have to (not many people are playing her toplane). Do your best to dodge her E stun, predict her Qs with your Q when she's eyeing low-health minions. Do NOT fight her when she has 4-stacks. If she engages on you do your best to kite back with a full combo. When the wave is pushing towards her you have to crash it and NOT let her freeze near her tower as this is her favorite spot to play around (she can run you down). Tabi rush is good, Bramble Vest is optional as well (Executioner's if you're confident) to negate her healing. Once she gets Blade of the Ruined King the matchup is horrendous unless you're EXTREMELY far ahead of her.
Our worst ranged matchup and our worst matchup overall. Kalista's early game pressure is massive and her passive allows her to outmaneuver our skillshots. Play it safe, try not to take too many autos or engage in an all-in (unless she screws up massively). She can run you down just as hard as she can kite you if you make a single mistake in this lane.
She can be a bit annoying early levels, do your best to avoid her Q spam. Be aware as her Q costs a lot of energy in the early levels, so if she's wasting it punish her. Watch for how she uses her E, she may be avoiding your Qs or getting out of your W. Save your other Qs in case she takes her E back. Feel free to fight her in her shroud (unless your Q is on cooldown), your W reveals her if it lands. Never take her passive autos for free if you can help it. Level 6 is her biggest lane powerspike as she has all the means to avoid your damage and 0-100 you if you make a mistake. Hexdrinker rush is very good at negating a lot of her damage. A positive outlook in this lane is that if you manage to get ahead, this lane gets super easy.
Though this lane is not the most difficult, it is very obnoxious as one misplaced Q can lead to Darius pressing Ghost and running us down. Most Darius players start Q into us, if he starts W you can poke with Q1 or even Q2 if possible. It is very helpful to take ignite into him so that you have more kill pressure around level 4. Your W is one of your life-saving cooldowns; depending on how you use it, it may save you from a potential all-in. Feel free to go for occasional pokes, but don't over-commit to a trade too hard unless you're ABSOLUTELY sure you can win it with minimal retaliation. Do NOT let him get 5 stacks of his passive as you will eat a ton of damage in the early game. Dodge his Qs by backing away from the outer radius or pressing E into him. Tabi rush into Darius is a must to negate his damage and to be able to kite him out better, but he will most likely rush Tabi as well to dodge your Qs and run you down.
The classic pick into Aatrox, but not a super hard-counter by any means. If she goes Grasp the lane is much easier, but if she goes Conqueror the lane is more difficult. She definitely is stronger than us early levels, but around level 4 is when you're able to shift the lane into your favor. You'll have to test the waters to see which of your abilities she will parry with her W. If she parries Q1 or Q2, you can E diagonally to avoid getting hit by the stun. Hug walls where her vitals show up, otherwise you can back off and wait for a new one to spawn. Anti-heal rush is a must into her. If you have anti-heal you'll have a chance as many Fioras can play over-confidently and easily mess up. When she ults, match her with yours, and hug a wall to avoid getting hit by the last vital. You can also try to predict which vital she will go for with your Q. Be aware as you will get outscaled in the sidelane, but Aatrox has much better teamfighting capabilities.
This lane can snowball both ways, however it can be difficult due to the nature of Jax's kit and how he can play around us in-lane. If they take Lethal Tempo, all-ins are riskier but more rewarding if we hit all of our skillshots. If they take Grasp, the lane should be much harder for us (assuming the enemy Jax knows how to play the lane). You can go for Q poke level 1, but don't go for an early passive auto until he uses his E. Contesting the wave is risky as once he gets level 2 he can just Q onto you and stun you, forcing you to take a lot of damage. Don't fight him when his passive is fully stacked as it gives him a ton of attack speed. If he initiates the trade and jumps onto you, feel free to kite him out and punish him. Even if you get hit by his E he will have nothing to dodge our abilities. Level 6 can be quite threatening as it gives him a ton of resistances and more magic damage on his autos. Winning this lane is very doable and not too difficult, but just keep in mind that Jax is a scaling powerhouse and will beat you in the sidelane at around 2 items if you're both even.
Another champion that depends on the player piloting them. Jayce is an early game bully and has a lot of poke, plus melee abilities to play around if you get close to him. However, Jayce has very long early cooldowns that we can exploit. Smart Jayce players will go Phase Rush in order to dodge your skillshots better, but some will go Conqueror to add additional damage to their kit. Don't take free auto attacks from his ranged form, and you'll have to sidestep his Q, especially if its empowered by his E. Dodging his Q+E poke is critical in playing this lane as it allows us to stay healthy enough to hit back. Jayce players can transform into Hammer form if you engage onto them first, so be mindful of his tankiness as this form gives him bonus resistances. He can also hit you away with his melee E, messing up your combo, so if you go for a trade and he swaps to Hammer form wait for him to E you away before following up. Jayce's most vulnerable state is when he transforms back to his Cannon form, as he loses the bonus resistances and defensive tools to knock you away. This is an opening for later once you get enough haste in your Q (you most likely just traded with him in his Hammer form, so he'll transform back to Cannon form to poke you out). Swapping forms gives Jayce a bit of movement speed as well, making it easier for him to sidestep your skillshots. At level 6, I wouldn't ult unless you don't use all your Q's on him (refresh the CD) and he used his Hammer E earlier. If you ever catch him wasting his abilities or swapping to Cannon form when you have everything up, feel free to to fight him. Our champion can punish Jayce super hard for making small mistakes, but a good Jayce can send us home crying just as easily.
This champion is [insert Showmaker copypasta here], and is our hardest tank matchup for us. K'Sante has a lot of good early game dueling and damage with his passive, and can mitigate our damage with his W or dodge it out with his E. Avoid getting hit by his Qs in the early game, and don't get knocked up by his Q3 if it's charged up. We don't really deal damage to this guy without the proper items. At level 6, his ult can be really scary, so if you don't have ult to fight back you're most likely dead. Around level 4 our Qs will do decent amounts of damage to him, just be ready if he Ws into you and trades back. He can't kill us as easily early until he gets his ult, so level 4+ is our opportunity to play slightly aggressive into him to look for potential kills. Armor shred is a must in order to deal any damage (I like Black Cleaver rush).
This matchup is incredibly annoying for us. Kennen has good poke with Q and autos, good CC for gank setup, and can easily run away if he wants to with his E. The best thing to do is dodge his Qs and stay healthy at the beginning. Once we get levels, you'll have to catch him with his E on cooldown in order to go for an extended trade. Otherwise, your best bet is to poke back with Q+Arcane Comet. Unless the Kennen spaces incorrectly and screws up bad, we have very little kill pressure in this matchup. Hexdrinker rush is a must in order to survive if he all-ins us with ult.
Pantheon has oppressive early game in the laning phase with his high damage, and most of them will take Ignite. You can contest his poke with your Qs early on (just make sure you dodge his Qs). You'll most likely be pushed in which is good for you as it will allow you to farm at a safer position. You can go for the occasional Q-poke if he walks up for a minion. Never trade when he has 5 stacks of his passive, as he may be looking at an angle to all-in you with his empowered W stun. Most Pantheons will block our Q3 with their E shield, however this ability has an insanely long cooldown in the early game and we can exploit that around level 5. Do NOT use W on him or commit to an all-in if he has E up. Once he uses his E we can look for a full combo with our W (assuming we are healthy enough). You level 6 is MUCH stronger than his in a 1v1, just be wary once he gets his ult as he may ult back to lane or roam around the map (ping for your team). Tabis rush is EXTREMELY necessary to survive the early game, but once we get haste on our Q fighting back will be much easier.
One of the more annoying ranged matchups for us, and most of them take ignite (we should still take TP). Quinn has the ability to disengage from our combo with her E, but is very vulnerable when its down. If you're going for a trade, do your best to not use all your Qs and save W until she uses her E to stun you, then peel back to avoid taking too many autos from her. Dodge her Q to the best of your ability, it does a decent amount of damage and the Nearsight is very annyoing to deal with. If you have her W passive mark on you, it's best to wait it out as taking an auto while marked will chunk you. Play safe early, rush Tabis and at level 6 bait her E before committing ult to an all-in. Once she gets 6 ping for your team as she gets a ton of roam presence around the map (especially since you're going to be constantly shoved in). We outscale her hard if even.
Renekton has the ability to stat check us level 1 with Q start. He will most likely get the push early game, as his empowered Qs heal a lot more that ours if he hits you with a full minion wave. Be respectful, as he has the tools to dodge our skillshots and outtrade us with his high base damage. Bad Renektons can be easily punished, so if you see him waste his E you can chase him down and follow up with a trade (his E has a long CD). However, good Renektons can stonewall the lane and potentially make it miserable for you as junglers favor pathing toward a Renekton often. You will not win at Level 6; his ultimate is much stronger than ours. Scaling is in our favor at level 9 with max-ranked Q.
Riven has a much stronger early game than us, and is another champion with tons of mobility that enable her to dodge our skillshots and outtrade us. Respect her early game (a lot of them take Ignite into us) and play for XP in the early levels. DO NOT try to last hit minions with autos (only Qs) or else she will chunk you down. The best thing you can do is be extremely patient in this lane, ESPECIALLY with your E. Try to poke Riven with Q1 only (max range), and then Q2 afterward. Most Rivens will dash forward into you during your Q2 animation to dodge your Q2+E, but if you don't E forward she will be hit by it. Try to gauge her playstyle in order to find the best use of your E to hit your Q sweetspots. Level 6 can be threatening as that's the opportunity Riven players will take to try to 0-100 you with their R. As long as you don't die in this lane, you will become 5x more useful than her as Riven is very feast-or-famine and needs kills to be useful later in the game.
Early levels into Rumble are very miserable as this champion just statchecks us at most points into the laning phase until we get Hexdrinker. A lot of Rumble players will go Ignite and try to cheese you for an early kill. Respect his strong early game damage; it is very deceiving because of how high it is. Once we finish Hexdrinker we can trade back much easier. You'll have to sidestep his E missiles in order to not get run down, or play behind your minions. Kiting with Q is the name of the game, as you can only try to engage on this guy around level 5-ish if he wastes his abilities and overheats. Don't stay in his ult for too long; if he ults you randomly while you're slightly pushed up you may be getting ganked. As long as we do not fall behind we will outscale, just be mindful if they rush anti-heal with Oblivion Orb.
Second-worst ranged matchup for us. Vayne has good mobility with her Q and can easily run us down. If we try to combo her she can knock us away with her E. Play safe in the early game and go for Q pokes with Arcane Comet if she uses her Q. Never take a 3rd-stacked W auto from her, it does a lot of damage. Level 6 is risky to all-in her as her ult enables her to outmaneuver us in a 1v1 and destroy us via kiting and stealth. Tabis rush into Edge of Night is necessary if you want to fight her (and you're not behind). Oracle Lens can be used to find her during her ult. Be aware that a good Vayne will give us a run for our money and will not make the lane playable. She will become useless as long as we don't give her kills early on.
Wukong is not an easy matchup for Aatrox but by all means not the most difficult. You'll have to respect his early game damage as he has the potential to E onto you and whack you a bit for a short trade. Make sure to Q back when he E's onto you to make the trade not free. Hold your E and W until after he uses his W; this is his second tool to dodge your Qs and even escape your W. His W has a long cooldown so just try not to eat too much early damage for free and then hit him hard while his W is down. You will be able to out-damage his trades with patience and good rotations. Rush Tabi into him, as without it Wukong will oneshot you with his ult at 6. You outscale him pretty decently with items+armor.
Yasuo has a ton of mobility when you minion wave is present. He can dodge out your skillshots like Irelia can and get you low with Qs+Lethal Tempo. Go for Q poke level 1, but play it safe in the next early levels (level 2). Try to Q to the minions where you'll think he will E onto. Sidestep his Q3 projectiles. The best position you can be versus Yasuo is freezing the wave near your tower as this dissuades him from aggressively E-ing towards you or else he takes tower shots. Play patiently, and don't go for extended trades until his passive shield is down. Tabi rush is very good in this matchup.
One of the most common and most annoyingly difficult matchups you will find as you go up the ladder. Yone is able to kill us level 1 because of Lethal Tempo and his Q3 knockups, however you can still poke back at him with Q (you should still let the wave shove into you). Do you best to dodge his Qs by sidestepping them, and don't trade with him if he has Lethal Tempo stacked up. We wont be able to trade back with him until level 4, but even then he can shield our damage with his W and even dodge our Q sweetspots and get out of our W with the initial cast of his E. This matchup is one of the worst ones you can die early in, so do your best to avoid his damage and not take a horrible trade. One of the good things about this lane is that Yone's E is on a super-high cooldown and if he initiates with his E, we can wait it out before trading back as he has less options to dodge our abilities. Tabi rush is a must to mitigate his damage. Level 6 if you dodge his ult while he's playing aggressively you can ult as well and trade back/wait for him to snap back out of his E to trade. Care for every completed item he comes back with as each one is a spike for him. Though this lane may be hard, we can easily exploit Yone's mistakes. He's also an easy gank for your jungler.
Akshan is a ranged lane bully with decent mobility and good poke. He is most commonly seen midlane, but is sometimes played top as well. Your best bet is to avoid his damage and let the wave push into you and play for level 4. Once level 4 is acquired, you can go for Q pokes or all-ins with W if he oversteps, but play the lane patiently. His range is on the shorter end for a ranged champion and you have the means to reach him. Feel free to rush Plated Steelcaps to negate his damage further and run him down. He will try to E out of your W if it hits, if you're able to cancel it with another Q he will get chunked super low or even die. Akshan without his E is incredibly vulnerable in lane and is prone to solo kills or ganks by your jungler. Level 6 is a massive spike for you as your ult is 100x better in a 1v1 situation. Note: most Akshan tops never level W in laning phase, but be prepared to ping your team if he's missing.
This lane used to be much more Camille-favored, but with the multitude of nerfs she has received over the past few years we actually win this matchup early. Camille players will usually start W to CS safely and poke you; do you best to avoid the sweetspot. If she starts Q you can definitely trade back into her as long as you predict her movement and dont hit her passive shield too much (note that your passive's empowered magic damage will go through her shield as the shield will only block physical damage, so it's still worth passive autoing it). Punish her early game for walking up to CS if possible with Q. Try not to play too close to walls, as this give her an opportunity to instantly stun you with her E. Camille players may E onto a wall or ult to avoid your Q3, but you can mindgame her by holding onto it until she E's back into you/targetable again. Once Camille gets her Trinity Force the matchup gets a bit harder, as she can sidestep our full combo much better and punish you super hard if you mess up. She outscales you and outsplits harder in the sidelane, but you can curbstomp her in laning phase before that even happens.
This is one of those matchups where it depends on how good the player is at their champion. Gangplanks will go E start and sit on a barrel. If you're confident you have the capabilities to contest the wave as long as you disarm the barrel. This will make it hard for the GP to play. Good Gangplanks will be able to dish out a lot of damage early if they hit their barrels and get their passive resets, so if this is the case you will have to sacrifice priority in lane and play for level 4. Once we have level 4, we can try to capitalize on GP's low mobility and hit full combos on him as long as we have not taken too much poke from his Q and barrel combos (hide in bushes if you can). It's a test of mechanics if he's sitting on a barrel and you initiate with Q1+E onto him. If you hit him with the Q sweetspot before he explodes the barrel you can disarm the barrel yourself and keep following up. Be wary that GP's passive deals a lot of damage early and gives him tons of movement speed to dodge our abilities (as well as the barrel slow). Tabis rush are optional if even, ut if you're ahead rush more damage. Level 6 gives you a ton of kill pressure and opportunities for solo dives given the right circumstances. GP will outscale you and dish out a ton of damage late-game, so we will have to play aggressive in the laning phase past level 4 so that his barrel damage will be negligible (if you're ahead you're able to just outheal it if you hit everything).
I find this lane to be a bit of a nuisance for us. Aatrox has a stronger level than Garen assuming we don't miss our Qs. He will take the opportunity of dodging your skillshots with his Q movement speed, and most of them go Phase Rush nowadays. It's also annoying as the Garen player does not have to interact with you at all in lane as he can just sit back and heal up with his passive; do your best to deny it by attacking him. He is capable of walking out of our W with his Q and even tank our combo with his W shield. Level 6 we must be cautious as if we are not above 80% HP and we miss our combo, Garen will just all-in us and 0-100 us with E+R skill combo. the lane is very winnable and favors Aatrox early, but it can be a bit of a stonewall.
A bit annoying to play into, but not a stonewall like most ranged matchups as his range is rather short (you can go Conqueror into Gnar if you'd like). Gnar players take Fleet Footwork to dodge out our skillshots, making this lane more annoying. Avoid getting hit by his Qs and fully-stacked W autos; you can stand far back behind a minion wave to not get hit by the Q. Mega Gnar is capable of beating the crap out of us around level 3, so respect him when he's in Mega form/close to it or dodge his abilities if he jumps onto us (Mega Q does A LOT of damage, try to sidestep it). Gnar's two most vulnerable states are when he's transforming back into Mini form and his Mini E ability is down. Gnar's Mini E is his only escape in that form, so do your best to save your W until AFTER he has used his E. This is your opportunity to put him at an extremely low health deficit or even kill him. His ult has an EXTREMELY short cooldown so be respectful of his Mega post-6 and stay away from walls.
Gwen has a lot of damage and innate sustain within her kit. Taking an extended trade outside of your Q-combo is a big no-no as she can chunk you hard with her fully-stacked Q damage. Be respectful if she has stacks, and do your best to not get hit by the center of her Q. If she shrouds within her W, you are still capable of fighting inside of it as long as you hit all of your Qs. Depending on how she uses her E dash we can exploit it, but just be mindful that she can dodge away from us. Hexdrinker is a must in order to survive her all-in at level 6. This champion outscales us hard with items but is relatively weak in the early game.
I find this lane rather obnoxious for me as you can dodge every Illaoi E in the world, but misstep once and get hit by one E you are chunked to half HP. However, the changes to the map's walls, Hullbreaker nerfs, and Iceborn Gauntlet adjustments have put Illaoi in a bit of a sour spot, making it a lot easier for us to deal with her. Contest the wave early game. If she starts Q do your best to sidestep it. If she starts W feel free to trade back on her if she W autos you. Dodge her E or dodge the game; level 2-3 if she hits an E trade back with her and don't let her deal free damage. Be patient with your Qs; just be ready to punish her if she oversteps and tries to CS. If you cannot dodge her E very well, do your best to play behind you minions. Do your best to not get forcefully shoved under your tower. This is one of the worst positions you can be versus Illaoi as it makes it so much easier for her to land her E on you. If she ults you, you can ult as well, but do NOT fight her by any means as she will just oneshot you before you can even fight back. The ultimate has a deceptively low cooldown so the moment you see her come back to lane after a short period always assume she has it (unless she just used it very recently). This champ outscales you in the sidelane and splitpushes very hard, so it may be you job to match her so that she doesn't get any towers for herself and her team.
His Q and E are very easy to dodge once you get the hang of them. You can contest the wave as long as you dodge his Qs, however playing for level 4 is a safe bet as this gives us more reliable fighting power and doesn't risk taking bad early trades. If he misses E, punish him hard with a full combo as that ability has a long cooldown. Mordekaiser has no mobility as is very easy to hit with our entire kit. Do NOT ult before he ults as he will steal a lot of the bonus stats you gained in the Death Realm. Early Hexdrinker and early boots are very good into him.
This matchup is not much of a counter to us as many people think. Just because Kled's kit has anti-heal built in doesn't really mean much as we still have the tools to deal with him. Dodge his Qs; if he hits them just back out of the zone to avoid the additional damage. Our Q1 poke is very strong if we utilize it correctly. Play patiently, as if you try to engage first Kled will dash at you with E1, hit you with W autos, then dash away again. If he E's into you first, you have more opportunity to trade back once you back away (a common Kled combo is E1+Q, if the Q lands just back off). If Kled's E doesn't hit you, you can punish him hard with a full combo. Dismounted Kled is still a threat until he's dead. Don't get hit by his Q shots, he will remount quicker if they hit a champion. Be mindful that he can also use his Q's to dodge your abilities as well. However, dismounted Q only has 2 charges over a long recharge for each early game, so if he wastes both shots you can try to all-in. Otherwise, poke him out slowly so he gets too unhealthy to remount. Do NOT get too close to a healthy dismounted Kled. Keep in mind this matchup can be very snowbally on both sides, but we will outscale as his only teamfight usefullness if he's not fed is in his ult.
Another tank matchup, but this one is a bit harder to kill early on. Many Malphites go Arcane Comet with Q-max to poke you out. This playstyle is quite annoying as he can poke you from range and outmaneuver your Qs with his movement speed. Otherwise, there's not much Malphite can do versus you as you can still fight back and chunk his HP bar. If the go Grasp with W-max, trading can be a bit riskier as if we miss our combo he'll clap us with a Grasp-empowered W, forcing us to take a good amount of damage. Overall, this lane is more of a farm lane than anything if the Malphite is decent and knows what he's doing. He will stack armor and stonewall the lane, just be cautious of his level 6 and his gank setup for his jungler.
This lane is not as hard as people make it out to be. Early levels we have the tools to kite out Olaf as long as we dodge his Q. Olaf's Q is his key ability that he needs to hit in order to run opponents down, and if he misses he loses a lot of early damage and chase. Most Olafs will go Ghost in lane, so feel free to take Ignite to match. We can easily hit Olaf hard around level 4 and keep the trade short (only trade when Q is up) as long as we, again, dodge his Q. Be wary of his all-in at level 6, as your Qs won't CC him and he gets bonus resistances. Ult when he ults in order to fight back. You will outscale this guy, just be mindful not to disrespect him too much or else you'll get run over.
Poppy is a tank with a bit of pushback. Her kit has a lot of CC in it and deals a good amount of damage. Avoid walking up when her passive auto is up as it does a decent amount of poke to you (especially with Grasp). Do your best to step on the buckler once it lands on the ground to avoid giving her a shield, otherwise just wait it out. She will Q you when you walk up for minions so do your best to avoid them by faking your movement out/sidestepping it. Be war of all-ins as her W can stop your E dash in your tracks. Stay away from walls as to not get stunned by her E. Black Cleaver is a great item into her to shred her armor. Respect her tower dives and just don't take too many bad trades; you have the tools and damage to dominate the lane if you play patiently and correctly.
Rengar is a bit of a cheese pick that you don't see often toplane, however if he gets ahead the game can and will snowball out of control. Play safe early levels, sacrifice CS and play for XP. He will play within the bushes to dissuade you from walking up. Once we get level 4, if Rengar jumps on us you have the options to trade back (assuming we're healthy enough). it is the best option to W him first if he jumps onto you into a full combo if you're playing within your minion wave, as he won't have any minions to sit behind. Once Qs are down play patiently and wait for them to come back up. Tabi rush is extremely good into him. Our level 6 is MUCH stronger if even. If he tries to fight you when you have ult up feel free to all-in with it.
A lot of Setts take Ignite into us. You can poke him level 1 in this matchup. However, once he hits level 2 let him push into you. Play for level 4 and then we can trade back. Sett has a hard time dodging out skillshots due to his low mobility. Spacing is key in this matchup, as getting hit by his E stun can leave you at an HP deficit. Do your best to dodge the center of his W as to not get his by a massive amount of true damage. Most Setts will save their W to tank the damage from our Q3. However, if the Sett tries to initiate the trade simply kite him with your Qs + E backwards. Tabi rush is very good. We outscale him hard later into the game and he is very easy to kite, just don't overstep and give him early kills.
Tamer ranged matchup compared to the rest. Respect early poke and wait for levels (again, a lot of them take ignite). Teemo only has one burst of movement speed on his E, but once that's out of the way we can hit back hard. Q poke with Arcane Comet hurts him A LOT if you land it. If he Q's you, save your passive auto until the blind runs out. Oracle Lens early is very good in order to find him if he's stealthed or to destroy any shrooms he may have placed. Late-game he becomes more of a thorn in your team's side if he's not fed.
Trundle top has been becoming more common nowadays, becoming popularized toward the end of season 13 for being able to utilize Lethal Tempo to destroy opponents in lane with his stat-checky kit and splitpush even harder with TriForce+Hullbreaker. In lane, Aatrox has the tools in order to kite Trundle out for a short trade. You can poke him level 1, just dont get auto+Q'd by him. Give up priority early levels as Trundle's early game strength is deadly. Once we get level 4, we can look for opportunities to combo him and deny his passive sustain from the minion wave. If he engages onto us with his E pillar kite him out; make sure to land your sweetspots as they're the only thing stopping him from running you down with Ghost. Care for his Level 6 as it give him a tremendous amount of healing and makes you very vulnerable. If looking for an all-in post-6, use Ignite early. Be respectful later on, even if you have a lead. Matching Trundle's split can prove quite difficult as with items he can easily bash your head in.
You can poke him level 1, but avoid contesting the wave as he takes Lethal Tempo and can easily run you down if you space incorrectly. Around level 4, we can fight back and look to trade. Punish him for walking up to CS and don't let him stack his fury. Watch how he uses his E in lane; he should use it to avoid our combos. If he uses it aggressively just kite him out. Level 6 can be deadly for us, make sure to poke him down while staying healthy so he can't run us down with R+Ghost. Tabis rush in this matchup.
This champion has been popping up more and more lately in the toplane. Most Udyr players will go Grasp with Ghost/TP in lane. Early levels he will start his R to push the wave towards you so there's not much you can do to contest him without taking a ton of damage. He has access to insane waveclear, great sustain, gank setup/escape, as well as burst damage. The saving grace of this lane is that Aatrox is great at disrupting enemy frontliners with no dashes, and all of Udyr's mobility is locked into his E movement speed + Ghost. Therefore, Udyr cannot just simply run at you since you'll just Q him and disrupt his engage, leaving this lane at a bit of a stalemate as both of you have a hard time killing each other (unless he eats your combos for days). If he goes to proxy behind your tower don't bother contesting unless your jungler is there to help. Just respect his empowered R and Q as he'll statcheck you with it, and be cautious of his empowered E if he uses it aggressively. Later into the game he will build full tank and be even harder to kill than before, but in teamfights you'll be able to stop him in his tracks if played patiently and correctly.
Volibear will push the wave early with his E, trying to hit you. Avoid getting hit by it (it is very easy to dodge). Once this is down you can poke back at level 1. He will hit level 2 first because of the E start, so just play safe until level 4. Volibear has no dashes in his kit and is reliant on running straight at you in order to deal damage, so do your best to play patiently with Qs and save W for when he runs at you with Q. If he marks you with W, back off and wait for it to disappear as hitting W again on a marked champion will heal him A LOT. Again, Volibear lacks mobility so it is quite easy to combo him or even kite him out. Care for his level 6, as he gets deceptively tanky and can even set up a dive with his team (if you all-in him he will usually ult out of your W or even your Q3. This is an opportune time to match with your ult). Late game he will either go full tank or full AP and statcheck you so unless you're incredibly ahead he will outscale you in the sidelane. However, try to capitalize on Aatrox's better teamfighting ability.
Yorick's laning phase can be a bit of a nuisance to deal with. He has low mobility, which is good, but his damage with ghouls around level 3 can be threatening. Be wary of how you use your E, as he can cage you with his W for a free E, making you take a bunch of damage from his ghouls. Ghouls are very annoying to clear due to the fact they take less damage from AOE attacks (our Qs), and they deal a decent amount of physical damage to us. Avoid getting hit by his E at any cost. Once he hits level 6, you can try fighting him and goad him into using his ult. Once he does, use your own to fear the Maiden and the ghouls he spawns, allowing you to come on top. Be wary of his splitpush and respect his waves if there are a lot of ghouls inside of it. This guy outscales you and is superb at taking objectives and melts towers. He's an easy gank for your jungler.
Kayle is super abusable early levels due to her need to scale up with levels and items. Stack up a wave and try not to trade too aggressively, so that you can crash on the third or fourth wave at her tower. After your first back, this will put Kayle in a super vulnerable state as the minion wave will push towards your tower. This is where you can look to hit Kayle hard and potentially get a summoner spell/solo kill out of her. Freezing near you tower is especially good as it puts you in a dominant position and forces her to hard-push in a dangerous spot or risk losing CS. Be patient, but don't let her breathe as she will outscale you quite hard.
Nasus is another champion that needs to scale a bit in order to be useful. We need to utilize the strategy of crashing on the 3rd/4th wave and playing off the bounceback in order to punish Nasus's weak early game. If the Nasus goes Arcane Comet with E-max, the lane will be more annoying to play. However, Nasus using E in-lane will force the minion wave to push towards you. Play for levels and try to freeze near your tower so that he's forced to walk up to CS, then look to punish.
Ornn has a lot of CC in his kit, gets very tanky, and actually is capable of dealing a decent amount of damage to us in trades. Expect him to rush Bramble Vest into you to negate your healing. His mobility is very low, so it is easy to combo him. Avoid getting hit by his Q poke, and expect him to use his W to avoid the CC on your Q3 or W pullback. If you get marked by his brittle passive back off to avoid the damage. Ornn will never E into you unless he's close to his tower, crashing the wave, punishing you for missing a combo, or playing for an all-in/gank. Care for his level 6 as he can CC you to death with ult if he does it right. Dodge his ult or make sure to knock him up with Qs before he headbutts again. We must be patient with our Qs as Ornn can punish us pretty hard with his damage+CC. Black Cleaver rush is great into him.
Our level 1 is stronger than his if we land our Qs and he forces a trade. However, once he gets level 3 we have to be a bit cautious as Shen is quite the lane bully. Try not to overstep as Shen can easily punish a missed combo by dashing in with E and slapping us with his empowered Qs. Avoid passive autoing him when his W zone is up. As you gain levels and buy items, the matchup will start to favor you incredibly hard as Shen's scaling is very poor. Note that you can cancel his E with any of your Qs, but this may be hard to do intentionally. If he ever E's onto us past level 6, you can run him down with ult. Ping your team when he hits 6 as his global presence is very strong and can flip fights in his team's favor. You should look to cancel his ult ONLY when necessary, such as if you know your team will still win the fight. Otherwise, let him ult away from toplane and take the free CS+tower plates for yourself.
Singed is annoying due to the fact that he can just flip you and run away from you if you try to initiate a trade. A nice little trick to do is that if you initiate with Q1, you can Q2 backwards to hit him with the sweetspot while he flips you, then look for a follow-up. Just don't overchase him too hard so you don't take too much damage from his Q poison. If he starts to proxy the lane, there's not too much you can do against it except farm under your tower; if you try to chase he'll just run away and force you to lose CS while being up himself.
Urgot is a ranged champ that we actually bully quite hard. Do not contest the wave, as it is very difficult to contest the push versus Urgot in the early levels with his passive+range. Play safe early and wait for level 4. Avoid getting hit by his Qs and E at the beginning of laning phase, and watch for his E+Flash combo to stun you into taking huge chunks of damage. Once we get level 4, our damage will be incredibly strong compared to his and his low mobility will force him to either eat the combo or dash out of it with E (this has a long cooldown). Care for his level 6, as he gains a ton of kill pressure onto you (unless you sidestep it). his next spike is level 9 when he has his W maxed out, as it gives him a ton of consistent damage. With correct spacing you will send this champion crying back to fountain over and over. Tabis rush is great into him.
Rarely played top anymore, but not uncommon. Avoid walking up to the wave when he has a full bar so that he doesn't use his fully-empowered Q on you. However, once this is down we can start trading even as early as level 2. Play within you minions if he charges up his E, as the minions will block it. Bait out his W with your W, as it's his only period of invulnerability and has an extremely long cooldown. It is best to rush HP components over MR items in this matchup, since you will outsustain him in trades.
Dr. Mundo
Our easiest matchup. Dr. Mundo lacks the tools to be able to take us head-on. Avoid getting hit by his Q projectiles early on. A single Q sweetspot will pop his passive, allowing us to follow up with even more Qs due to his low mobility. Dr. Mundo also lacks the damage to fight back when we initiate a trade as we outsustain his damage. Care for his level 6 as his ult gives him a lot of healing, but if you trade hard enough he'll be forced to use it to save himself from death. You statcheck him at level 6. Executioners is optional, and Black Cleaver is good.
Another super easy matchup. Sion has no tools in his kit to contest Aatrox at any point in the game. He has poor mobility, and cancelling his Q charge up or even dodging it is super easy for us as long as we didn't waste our cooldowns poorly. Feel free to trade with Sion if he presses W; removing the shield he gets will remove the opportunity he has to deal AOE physical damage from the recast. It can be annoying to push waves and get a clean reset if you don't stack minions correctly, even if you kill him he'll just use his zombie passive to push you away from the wave early on and post-6 he'll just ult back to lane/use TP.
Hi, I'm AWierdShoe (aka nAshpoint). I've been playing Aatrox for about 4 years now, and have around 330k mastery points on the champion, peaking Emerald. Aatrox is one of my favorite toplane champions in League of Legends, and with the new Season 14 changes I wanted to clear up the details for those interested in playing the champion and give insight with the new items that were just released.
Why Aatrox?
Aatrox is one of the top champions in the toplane, and I would like to go over his strong and weak points.
Pros: -Safe laning phase, can also play aggressively later on -No resource bar (manaless champion) -High damage, with decent crowd control and sustain -Great into multiple melee/short-ranged champions with low mobility -Carry potential -Can sidelane very well with good waveclear + durability -Good teamfighting ability
Cons: -Weak early levels -Needs decent mechanics to pilot -Harder to play versus a lot of longer-ranged and/or high-mobility champions -Punishable in lane due to high cooldowns -Weak to crowd control -Missed skillshots result in no damage and no sustain -Struggles to kill tanks in lane(nerfs to Black Cleaver + Serylda's changes make it even worse) -Gets outscaled by most of the toplane roster
Passive: Deathbringer Stance
This is your passive auto attack. It deals bonus % HP magic damage, has increased range, and heals you (reduced against minions). Its cooldown is reduced each time you auto a champion (or large monster) or hit them with an ability, further reduced on hitting your Q sweetspots. This means that if you're in a close fight, auto attacking while Q is down/in between Q casts is absolutely worth it to get your passive back sooner. Your passive can be used to start/finish a trade, or even threaten the opposing laner from taking a good amount of poke in the early game. While your Q is on CD you can threaten the opponent with your passive auto if they try to walk up, or in some cases start a full spell rotation with it. Do your best not to instantly use it to CS (though you can secure minions from a safe distance with it as well) while it's up as it does provide good damage and sustain.
Q: The Darkin Blade
This is Aatrox's main source of damage output and CC. Q1 is great for poking enemies from a distance or even CSing minions safely. Q2 can be utilized this way as well, though its hitbox is shorter in length (though in return larger in width). Q3 should be used sparingly as using it will put your Q on its full cooldown (using only Q1 puts the ability on CD for 4 seconds less, Q2 only is 2 seconds less). You have four seconds after casting one Q to cast the next. You can use Flash during any cast of Q to reposition the sweetspot in order to hit it.
Early on in the laning phase you will be trying to fish for Q sweetspots on the opposing laner, or simply secure minions for yourself. You'll want to play for level 4 as your Qs don't really do much damage before then and you'll also have other tools to land them. Landing your Q sweetspots will make it incredibly easier to follow up with your next Qs. While rewarding when they land, early game it can be very punishing if you're wasteful with them. That is why should you ever miss your Q1 initiation, it may be best to back off and just wait for your Qs to refresh. Even if you miss Q1, it will still be dangerous for the opponent to just walk right at you if you're holding onto Q2.
Once you get enough points into your Q (as well as more AD/Ability Haste), you should be looking more to use your Q on the opposing laner and less on the minions (your Q deals a lot of reduced damage to minions before rank 3). One of the biggest things that show how well an Aatrox player plays is how they utilize their Q1 and Q2. Just like the champion quote "Patience, Aatrox, patience!", it's ingrained in the champion's playstyle as well. No Qs = minimal/no healing for you to sustain up top.
Although hitting your Q sweetspots are vital, there will be opponents with good movement out there, or even ones that like to get right on top of you to make it incredibly difficult to land your Q1 or even Q2. In this case, landing any part of Q1/Q2 is alright as long as you kite back and even finish with Q3 sweetspot if they keep trying to fight you. (A little thing i like to do if there's an enemy right on top of me is use my first two Qs on them, then hit my sweetspot of Q3 AND THEN E dash immediately afterward to disengage).
Biggest tip with Qs is to not be too hasty/impatient while using the ability. A good rule of thumb to consistenly land Q1 is to use it when the opponent is walking up to last hit a minion. Since in the toplane every minion is a decision for yourself and the opposing laner, you can punish them with max-ranged Q and proceed to look for either a quick follow-up or even a full combo given the correct circumstances.
W: Infernal Chains
This ability shoots out a projectile that deals magic damage to the opponent (doubled versus minions so you can use it to secure CS). If it hits a champion, it will slow them and create a zone around their area. If they do not escpae the zone, they will be pulled back to the center of it (where the Infernal Chains first hit them). The pullback is considered a knock-up, so they can't escape if the W pulls successfully. However, be wary as enemies will simply walk towards the right or left edge of the zone to escape it (its the shortest distance out of it).
Infernal Chains is a great tool in our kit. While inconsistent when used by itself, combining it with our Q will allow us to dish our more damage and ht our sweetspots more consistently. Be wary when fighting in an opponent's minion wave as the ability is blocked by minions and has a long cooldown. If the enemy is playing behind their wave and you have all your abilities up, you can simply walk behind their wave and fight them, making it easier to land your W. You'll want to play around your W a lot if you're considering going for a full combo.
You can use Q1 sweetspot on the opponent and, if it lands, immediately W onto them. This will put them in the zone and slow them, allowing you to hit your Q2 easier. If your Q2 lands, they won't escape the W zone, pulling them back. This allows you to finish with an easily-landed Q3. More details in the combos section.
E: Umbral Dash
Your E's passive is where your healing versus champions comes in, so keep in mind that your champion does NOT heal off of Qs level 1. This healing is increased during your ultimate ability.
The active dash can be used during any of our ability casts. This is super important at allowing us to land either our first Q, or follow up with our next. The dash distance, while short, is increased over certain walls along the map, allowing us to traverse certain terrain or make a quick getaway if necessary. The dash's distance is not set, and can be shortened. This means that a short dash can also be used as an auto attack cancel, allowing your champion to hit twice in quick succession (if done correctly). This is good at CSing under our tower, hitting enemy towers, or even in a close-up fight for more damage that may even get your passive auto off cooldown.
The most common usage of E that I've seen is in combination with Q1 for max-range poke (Q1+E). However, this is very predictable as enemies can simply walk forward to dodge the sweetspot or walk to the side. If I do for a Q1+E, I like to Q1 a bit away from the enemy, then use E dash at a forward diagonal direction. Using E at an angle (whether forward or backwards) with your Qs tends to catch opponents off-guard a lot of the time. A good Aatrox player is harder to predict at how he will use is Qs and E together, so you'll have to mix it up on playing aggressively and kiting with it.
R: World Ender
This is your ultimate ability. Upon activation, it fears minions around you, gives you bonus AD, bonus (decaying) movement speed + ghosting, and increased self-healing from all sources. This ultimate gives you a huge boost in power, allowing you to turn close 1v1s or even 1v2s, as well as giving you even more teamfight power. World Ender also resets on champion takedowns, allowing you to stay in the fight longer.
Level 6 is one of your biggest powerspikes in lane. Aatrox has one of the best 1v1 ultimates in the game. The huge boost in offensive stats and healing allows you to dish out tons of damage on your opponent, and the bonus movement speed will allow you to catch them if they try running away. The bonus healing counts for all sources of healing, not just your own. This includes the Triumph rune, any items you have that provide healing such as Sundered Sky, and even healing from his allies (Soraka, Sona, Redemption, etc.)
A good thing to note is that fighting multiple enemies without your ult makes you quite vulnerable without the extra boost. Unless you're fed, it can be easy to burst an Aatrox out of his ultimate. Though it's cooldown gets quite low later into the game, you need to be aware of the right time to use it (securing a kill in a 1v1/turning it around, outplaying/escaping a gank, fighting for an objective, attempting to 1v9 in the sidelane and become the World Ender yourself lol). A lot of aatrox's late-game teamfighting power comes from the power in his ult due to the massive amount of stats it gives, so plan its usage accordingly.
In this section I'll be going over some basic and advanced Aatrox combos you can utilize in-game. It may take many hours to get the hang of things so don't fret if you don't get it the first time. A good tip to use is to try your best to weave auto attacks in between each cast of your Q for maximum damage output.
Basic auto attack cancel.
One of your bread-and-butter combos. This one is great since as long as you cast W immediately after Q1, you will land the rest.
E+W->Q1->Q2->Potential Q3 Follow-Up
The E+W combo is great for catching far opponents or even catch those that are trying to escape. This clip shows Aatrox landing a Q3 + Passive Auto in the case of the enemy (tragically) trying to fight back at point blank range. In most cases you will NOT land the Q3 sweetspot after your Q2.
Q1->Q2 (Stand still)
Not a true combo, but more of a mind game tool for you to utilize. Many opponents after getting hit by Q1 or dodging it will walk forward/dash into you to dodge your Q2+E. If you Q2 without the E, the enemy will get hit by it. This is great for discouraging enemies from engaging on you too hard.
Passive Auto->Q1+E(Backwards)->Q2->Q3
The Passive Auto in this combo is optional, but it can be used if autoing from a safe distance. I would like to put more emphasis on the Q1+E backwards, as this is great for kiting opponents into a full combo if spaced correctly. This is one of those examples where you can get creative with your Q1+E if you know your opponent will walk forward during your Q1 cast.
Starting a combo off with W alone is a viable option. As long as you can track the opponent with Q1+E to prevent them from escaping you will come out on top. The Q3+Flash usage in this clip shows what to do in order to secure a kill in this situation.
Obviously not every situation will make each of these combos viable, and not every combo is shown here. These are just insights on what Aatrox is capable of when using his abilities together.
Laning Phase
Aatrox has one of the weakest level 1's in the game (though you can put yourself at an HP advantage in certain matchups early on if the enemy plays too aggressive or you're one of those few matchups where your level 1 is stronger [Sion, for example]). We'll have to allow the enemy to push the wave into us most of the time so that we can safely farm up to level 4.
Into harder matchups where walking up to the first wave is not an option, I like to employ a nice little strat in order to CS the first 3 minions. You can purposely miss your Q1 (not hitting anything, not even the wave) and then proceed to use your Q2 sweetspot to farm the first 3 melee minions. This 100% secures you the 3 minions and allows you to stay at a safe distance when you can't usually just walk up to auto attack minions.
Once we hit level 4, Aatrox's damage will get quite a boost, and he'll have the tools available to better combo his Qs. This gives Aatrox a big boost in laning power and trading. If we land our Qs onto the enemy we'll put ourselves at a large adavantage due to our high damage output and sustain. This is the moment in which you'll have to decide whether you opponent gets to farm/play the lane for free or not. Confidence is key when playing Aatrox, but remember that patience is important as well. We can mind game our opponent after using our Q1 by holding our Q2 for a bit to scare them off or trick them into thinking it is on cooldown.
Aatrox's next powerspike is at level 6, when he has access to World Ender. Depending on the circumstances we can force a fight 1v1 with our ultimate, or even fight back if the opponent is forcing themselves. Aatrox's level 6 is not to be underestimated, but keep in mind that we still need to hit our skillshots in order to maximize damage.
Aatrox's next biggest powerspikes is either at level 9, when he gets his max-ranked Q, or his first completed item. Both of these spikes boosts his damage greatly and reduces his Q's cooldown to a very short period. Once you're at this point and not behind, you'll find it much easier for yourself to dish out damage more consistently with less punishment for whiffing.
Thank you for checking out my Season 14 Aatrox guide! If you have any tips, questions, or insights relating to the champion feel free to leave a comment. Good luck on the rift, Summoners!
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