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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Friend of the Forest (PASSIVE)
Ivern Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Hi my name is Jamican Banana! I have been playing Ivern since 2016 and been one of the highest ranked Ivern mains in the world consistently every year. My motivation for learning Ivern has given me the peak rank of over 1000 LP in the past couple seasons I even hit Rank 1 in NA servers at 1171LP in Split 1! As of right now (Janurary 3rd 2024) my main account has 4 Million Mastery and all my accounts combined I have over 5 Million Mastery on Ivern. This in depth guide will show you the mind of a Challenger Ivern Main and all the knowledge to succeed in playing Ivern. If you have any questions join me in my stream on twitch where I answer all questions live!! |
Pros •Easy to clear the Jungle •Tons of crowd control •Great utility for team •Can solo carry with AP builds •Deceptively tanky with shield spam •Unique Champion people will be caught off guard from all your abilities especially Daisy |
Cons •Requires good spacing to maximize your damage output •Weak to Invades •Can’t fully vertical •Daisy has a learning curve •Slow to take dragons solo early, Requires team or items •Serpent's Fang |
Q ⮕ E ⮕ W ⮕ E ⮕ E ⮕ R ⮕ E ⮕ Q ⮕ E ⮕ Q ⮕ R ⮕ Q ⮕ Q ⮕ W
E |
Triggerseed is Ivern’s bread and butter ability. Ivern places a shield onto himself, Ally Champions or Daisy for 2 seconds. After those 2 seconds regardless if the shield was broken or not it will explode dealing damage to everyone nearby and slowing all enemies! Triggerseed is an amazing ability as it's an offensive and defensive spell. You can cast it on allies who are getting focused to shield and protect them and you can also cast it on allies diving enemies to shield them from damage but also deal damage to everyone they are diving and slowing them. Early mid game Triggerseed can help make you or an ally harder to kill especially in extended fights while also damaging enemies caught by Triggerseed. Once you get Daisy you can send her in with Triggerseed’s to beat down anybody you are trying to kill or tower dive! This spell also triggers off the individual champions items and runes, Which means it will deal the damage based off Ivern’s AP but if I shield my Viktor who has Liandrys and the shield explodes from Viktor the enemy will take Liandrys burn and same goes with runes like Summoner Aery, Electrocute or Dark Harvest! |
R |
Ivern summons his sentinel friend Daisy! Daisy can be controlled and used to target and fight enemies. She has 125 auto attack range and gets bonus health, attack damage, armor and magic resist based on ivern’s ability power. Daisy has a base of 419 movement speed but gains an extra 25% on the first 5 seconds of spawn, you can also spawn daisy over walls for a flank or to set up for a tower dive. Daisy also takes reduced area of effect damage by champions and epic monsters which means if you are doing baron put daisy behind baron nashor since baron does area of effect behind daisy will take less damage. Daisy will also take and follow up from your Rootcaller which can help her stick onto targets especially if you slam Triggerseed on her for slows and more damage! After daisy auto attacks the same target on the 3rd auto daisy will gain an extra 50 auto attack range and stun then knock up the target and anybody else hit in the line for 1 second! |
For Jungle pets always go Gustwalker Hatchling as the movement speed helps you kite and position in fights. You also get the bonus movement speed while inside brushes you make from Brushmaker which gives it amazing synergy in Ivern’s kit!
Ivern has two main different build paths. Ability Power solo carry and Support build, I always recommend if you are playing from Iron up until Master Tier go the Ability Power build as this build still offers huge shields due to solid ap ratios and having the damage to solo carry games. Ability Power build is a bit harder to play but builds good ivern habits of mastering your Triggerseed and Daisy usage. Once you are in Masters I normally go to the Support build from Master tier-Challenger as in higher elo you play a bit more selfless where as below master tier you are the one to solo carry even if you are duo Ability Power is still stronger.
Standard AP |
Support Build |
You will finish this clear around 2:55 with a Smite charge available so you can look for a gank and then smite crab when it spawns in at 3:30
This is Ivern’s most efficient first clear, you technically can have a faster clear but its not efficient since you want your camps to respawn similar time as ivern so you can always tap both at the same time and this is a rule for ivern when clearing the jungle for most of the game that I follow. I will rarely smite gromp and wolves and will just tap and pick them up so they will always spawn in at the same time so I can always tap them at the same time!
This is Ivern’s most efficient first clear, you technically can have a faster clear but its not efficient since you want your camps to respawn similar time as ivern so you can always tap both at the same time and this is a rule for ivern when clearing the jungle for most of the game that I follow. I will rarely smite gromp and wolves and will just tap and pick them up so they will always spawn in at the same time so I can always tap them at the same time!
PATH ➤ Tap Wolves ➤ Tap Blue ➤ Tap Gromp ➤ Tap Red ➤ Tap Raptors ➤ Pick up Wolves ➤ Pick up Blue ➤ Pick up Gromp ➤ Pick up Raptors ➤ Pick up Red ➤ Tap/Smite Krugs to hit Level 4 ➤ During ur clear SPAM Q to get between camps to speed it up! |
Ivern's early game is the most important part of his gameplay in the Jungle and with not being forced to duel Jungle camps Ivern can rush Ionian Boots of Lucidity to tap camps and run to lanes with water walking to gank early and get him and his laners ahead. | Ivern also is amazing at counter ganking and with the help of his crowd control from Rootcaller and utility plus damage from Triggerseed he can turn early game skirmishes in his favor! |
In terms of setting up ganks you want to go behind the laners. Ivern’s way to secure kills is landing Rootcaller so you want to hold this ability until you can guarantee to land it or force enemy movement abilities or summoner spells.
Once behind the enemy to gank, get in range of them and Triggerseed either yourself or your laner and let the shield slow and start using brush autos with aery to damage them.
You can toss Rootcaller after Triggerseed to root since they will be slowed.
You can also lane gank as Ivern which means you gank through the lane sitting in a brush and for that gank you can ask your team to bait and turn with a Triggerseed onto your ally to slow and run them down or you can throw a Rootcaller from the brush as the enemy will not expect you to be hiding in lane.
Once you hit level 6 and have Daisy! you can force tower dives, I normally do this if I know the enemy Jungler is on the other side of the map and they can't respond to my dive or can use Daisy! to force fight and win a counter gank or clean up from your laners dying. Daisy's high base movement speed and bonus 25% movement speed from spawn for 5 seconds lets you run down pretty much any champ in the game combined with Triggerseed to slow and Rootcaller to Root!
Tips & Tricks
Ivern can solo baron at 20 min with AP build, I highly recommend trying to sneak baron with a pink ward at 20 min to close out games!
If the enemy is going to walk out of Daisy knock up cancel her 3rd auto, Throw a Triggerseed to slow the target and then release her knock up
Save Rootcaller for when the enemy flashes away or is knocked up by Daisy to guarantee to it to hit
Always try to full clear every game since ur full clear is fast plus if you invade on ivern you delay ur camps respawn timers so you will be behind rotation which can cause a xp/gold loss between you and enemy jungler
You can use Rootcaller as an escape tool instead of rooting an enemy chasing you, For example if you are being chased you can throw Rootcaller onto a minion or Jungle camp for a sneaky escape
At lv 6 try to be very aggro and make plays everytime Daisy is up as it's a very strong ultimate early game
Try not to disrupt your Gromp Wolf respawn timer, Tap and pick them up at the same time so they always spawn together
Dueling early make sure to utilize the power of Brushmaker passive on hit damage with aery to secure kills Also if YOU ARE in a brush Daisy will deal Brushmakers damage so you can double its output if you and daisy auto!
Ivern can solo baron at 20 min with AP build, I highly recommend trying to sneak baron with a pink ward at 20 min to close out games!
If the enemy is going to walk out of Daisy knock up cancel her 3rd auto, Throw a Triggerseed to slow the target and then release her knock up
Save Rootcaller for when the enemy flashes away or is knocked up by Daisy to guarantee to it to hit
Always try to full clear every game since ur full clear is fast plus if you invade on ivern you delay ur camps respawn timers so you will be behind rotation which can cause a xp/gold loss between you and enemy jungler
You can use Rootcaller as an escape tool instead of rooting an enemy chasing you, For example if you are being chased you can throw Rootcaller onto a minion or Jungle camp for a sneaky escape
At lv 6 try to be very aggro and make plays everytime Daisy is up as it's a very strong ultimate early game
Try not to disrupt your Gromp Wolf respawn timer, Tap and pick them up at the same time so they always spawn together
Dueling early make sure to utilize the power of Brushmaker passive on hit damage with aery to secure kills Also if YOU ARE in a brush Daisy will deal Brushmakers damage so you can double its output if you and daisy auto!
I will not be including Rengar as that's the obvious and to be honest it's my least favorite synergy as it's very boring!
Top Lane Synergies
Most top laners are amazing with Ivern as they are melees with high damage and survivability but lack engage. Ivern makes up for those flaws with his Rootcaller and Triggerseed to keep them stuck onto the enemies. But my favorite and strongest Top Lane Synergies are Darius and Camille. Darius with a across screen engage with 70% slows around him and ghost lets him run down the enemy team and gets ult resets into pentas. Camille with ivern also is similar vibes with Darius but instead of ulting everyone, Camille just uses her true damage Q to one shot everyone while not dying
Mid Lane Synergies
Most mids are range which feels pretty bad with Ivern as you will have double AP and not much value from Ivern’s Triggerseed which is why the best mids to combo with Ivern are Yasuo Yone. They both are melees to make max value out of your Triggerseed with good mobility and high damage. This combo can win any 2v2 and eventually take over the game and 2v5!
Marksman Lane Synergies
My Favorite Marksman to play with are Samira and Caitlyn.is a very aggro heavy marksman who wants to jump in, combo and reset in team fights. Ivern lets Samira do that without the fear of dying. She can dash in with Ivern Triggershields and be dealing more damage without her HP dropping. She can also take Ivern Rootcaller or use her passive to get in range with Daisy knockup!
is an amazing Marksman with Ivern to protect the carry. Caitlyn traps with Ivern CC adds a lot of pressure and zoning in teamfights and fighting near objectives like dragon baron. Caitlyn also doubles her headshot stacks per auto in a brush which works with Ivern Brushmaker so if you cover your Caitlyn in brushes she will be pumping out a lot more headshots
Support Lane Synergies
By far the best Supports to play with Ivern are Nautilus and Leona. They both have great engage, heavy cc, good base damage and are really tanky. Both of them with Ivern tossing Triggerseed after Triggerseed you will be killing anyone early mid game while they are perma cc’d.
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