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Runes: AP
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Bad Matchups
Champion Build Guide
Hello and welcome to my Katarina guide c:
My name is "Sakuritou" and i was and still am the Nr.1 Cho'Gath in the World in Season 12/13.
I was the only Cho'Gath in Challenger at the end of Season 13 Split 2, ending the split at 1055LP Challenger EUW.
I also used to play a ton of Katarina before Cho'Gath, hitting Rank 1 in Season 8/9.

I stream on Twitch where my main focus is to entertain my viewers while simultaniously maintaining high elo on the EUW ladder! (https://www.twitch.tv/sakuritou)
What is the Saku Build exactly and why is it good?: The Saku Build eliminates a lot of weaknesses of Katarina especially in terms of survivability.
The "Saku Build" focuses on AP Tank efficiency, making her feel like her old self.. back when i enjoyed her c:

I have gotten to Rank 1 Katarina in Season 8/9 (stopped playing her around season 10) and currently i am also holding Rank 1 Cho'Gath World for quite some time c:
My name is "Sakuritou" and i was and still am the Nr.1 Cho'Gath in the World in Season 12/13.
I was the only Cho'Gath in Challenger at the end of Season 13 Split 2, ending the split at 1055LP Challenger EUW.
I also used to play a ton of Katarina before Cho'Gath, hitting Rank 1 in Season 8/9.

I stream on Twitch where my main focus is to entertain my viewers while simultaniously maintaining high elo on the EUW ladder! (https://www.twitch.tv/sakuritou)
What is the Saku Build exactly and why is it good?: The Saku Build eliminates a lot of weaknesses of Katarina especially in terms of survivability.
The "Saku Build" focuses on AP Tank efficiency, making her feel like her old self.. back when i enjoyed her c:

I have gotten to Rank 1 Katarina in Season 8/9 (stopped playing her around season 10) and currently i am also holding Rank 1 Cho'Gath World for quite some time c:

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