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Akali Build Guide by RiceLegendLol

Middle [Season 14 - (Update in Progress For S14)] RiceLegend's Akali Guide!

Middle [Season 14 - (Update in Progress For S14)] RiceLegend's Akali Guide!

Updated on March 5, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RiceLegendLol Build Guide By RiceLegendLol 153 19 412,492 Views 17 Comments
153 19 412,492 Views 17 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RiceLegendLol Akali Build Guide By RiceLegendLol Updated on March 5, 2024
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Runes: Electrocute Rune Page - High Burst Snowbally, Very Viable Option (Preference)

1 2 3
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
Ignite / Flash
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Starting Items
Doran's Ring Start (Recommended vs Low Poke Champs)
Doran's Shield Start (Recommended vs Heavy Poke / REALLY hard matchups)
Dark Seal Start (GREEEEDY but OP to snowball if you are godtier and have big balls)
Healing Reduction Items (If the enemy has lots of healing champions)
Morellonomicon (I RARELY BUILD HEAL CUT)

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[Season 14 - (Update in Progress For S14)] RiceLegend's Akali Guide!

By RiceLegendLol

My goal is to share as much knowledge on Akali and teach everyone what I know and share the resources that I use to learn and improve on Akali!
Hi Fellow Akali Players! I am the former rank 1 Akali player in the world in Season 7 and I peaked Rank 32 Challenger in Season 7. (7 seasons ago, copium) I hope to teach you guys about Akali and the things I know about League of Legends. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions! You can comment on this guide or any YouTube video or message me on Twitch or Discord (EVEN LEAGUE, ADD ME!).

Here are my peak ranks for each season:

How to become a better player in general
This section is work in progress - I will continue to update it

To become a better player at League of Legends, I would recommend you first focus on yourself and stop blaming your teammates. You can't control your teammates in solo queue and you can only change the things that you are in control of.

The second thing is to watch matchup videos of higher elo players like Chovy, Faker Zeka, Knight, Xiaohu, all other super good LCK/LPL pros playing Akali into certain matchups. Try to understand how they are playing laning phase, what they are building and how they are managing the waves, how they operate in teamfights. Analyzing how better players play and comparing it to how you play and understanding the difference will improve your macro by a TON.

To Improve your micro, watch videos to learn combos and test them out in practice tool. Play play play play play play the game to practice..

Example video of a good Akali video you can watch from a pro.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Favorite Akali Skin?
    My favorite Akali Skin is Akali Prestige (OG one), but I don't own it XD, I use Infernal the most.

2. How to Land R + E combo instantly?
* Your R needs to be max ranged, and you need to be input buffering E.
Advice to New Akali Players
A lot of people tend to ask me "do you have any advice for new Akali players?"
Answer : Absolutely!

#1 : Try not to spam your abilities and try to trigger your passive in-between your abilities when you are fighting an enemy. For example - I tend to see a lot of people mash their Q, E, and R at the same time without triggering/activating their passive and using it for an empowered auto. An example of weaving in your passive would be that you would Q the enemy, then walk out to trigger your passive and walk back into auto the enemy, and then use another ability and repeat that.

#2 : Pay attention to your energy, since Akali has a cap of 200 energy (Unless you press W), you will run out of energy very quickly if you spam your skills. The enemy laner will look to trade at this point, when you are low on energy try to back off and wait until you have more energy before you fight again. A good way to help you not lose lane priority is to look to last hit the minions while also hitting your laner with your Q.

#3 : Don't just randomly shroud for movespeed unless you are in an emergency where the enemy will kill you and you are trying to escape. For example if you get ganked by an enemy and need the movespeed to dodge an ability or avoid a skillshot you will need to immediately W. That is perfectly fine. My callout is that you don't just walk up to an enemy and then shroud randomly when they aren't even attacking you.


tl;dr don't spam and waste your abilities/energy, effectively use your abilities (even the low cd ones)
Starting Item Notes
Doran's Shield - The Unique damage passive helps you last hit minions easier. The Unique health restoration passives helps you sustain in lane after getting poked down or taking a bad trade. I would recommend starting Doran's shield if you are newer to Akali or you are playing against an unfamiliar matchup.

When should I start Doran's shield?
Akali's laning phase is a lot weaker due to the constant nerfs patch after patch related to her early game. You need a sustain item so that you don't get poked out constantly and then forced to take bad recalls. You want to be able to stay in lane until you are able to buy part of your core item or Sorceror's boots. If you don't have the extra sustain from Doran's shield, this makes it very hard to stay in lane.
The Unique damage passive helps you last hit minions easier. The Unique health restoration passives helps you sustain in lane after getting poked down or taking a bad trade. Health in general helps you survive from getting bursted down and makes you a tankier champion.

Doran's Ring - If you are against a ranged or easy/medium matchup. The AP helps your fleet heal more if you are running fleet. The AP also increases the damage of your passive and your abilities. The Unique damage passive helps you last hit minions easier. The Unique health restoration passive helps you sustain in lane while you last hit.

When should I start Doran's ring?
I normally start Doran's ring into easier matchups, specifically melee matchups that have very little to no sustain. You want to always space yourself when playing against melee champions, so starting Doran's Ring provides a lot of value for your Q and E. You don't really have to worry too much about being poked down by melee champions so you get more damage value from Doran's ring and take less advantage of Doran's shield regen passive.

Dark Seal - The HP increases your survivability. The AP helps strengthen your abilities. The stacks you get from killing people can help you snowball really fast.

When should I start dark seal refillable?
If you are greedy and cocky and can snowball off this.

Doran's Blade - The omnivamp is really helpful for sustaining in lane. The AD makes your autos very strong in the early game. The AD also increases the damage of your passive and your abilities. This is only good if you are running conqueror.

Long Sword - The AD makes your autos very strong in the early game. The AD also increases the damage of your passive and your abilities. This is a good start if you plan go Divine Sunderer or any other AD mythic item that uses it as a component. Having refillable is huge for sustain as well.

Start Doran's Shield 50% of the time because Akali's laning phase is weak and you need that extra sustain so that you don't lose lane and are able to farm and trade.

Start Doran's Ring majority of the other time because Akali is good at punishing laners for matchups she's strong in.

I would highly recommend Doran's ring or Doran's shield.
Which Item Should I Build First?

lich bane rush is the way!!!!!! I personally feel like lich bane first item is the best right now.
When Should I Build Healing Reduction?
Oblivion Orb and Morellonomicon are really good items, but you only want to build Oblivion Orb early if enemy has a lot of healing and upgrade into Morellonomicon later on.

With the Akali changes for magic damage to E from physical, Akali no longer benefits from building Executioner's calling, since her Auto Attacks and R1 (First Ultimate Cast) is the only physical damage she has now. Having grievous wounds for 800 gold is a huge help for Akali since it helps against champions that have lots of healing like Sylas, Nunu, Soraka, Yuumi, and etc. I would fit this item into the build and replace any non-core item when your team needs healing reduction. I would first build oblivion orb to replace any non-core item when your team needs healing reduction. As a late-game I would upgrade to oblivion orb because the only additional benefit you get is additional HP and AP as well as the healing reduction is increased to 60% if they are below 50% HP. My personal opinion is to hold onto the Oblivion Orb and build other damage items first and then upgrade to Morellonomicon later in the game. If you are about to have a big team fight and the only thing you can buy is a Morellonomicon
How to Land R + E Combo On Akali 100% Of the Time
How to improve your macro / decision making
work in progress section , check back soon - remind me if I forget xd :)

When you make a mistake learn from it by reviewing your own gameplay and seeing what the correct decision is. When you encounter a similar situation, you should ideally NEVER make the same mistake.

How to properly split push
work in progress section , check back soon - remind me if I forget xd :)

If you are strong enough to 1v1 or 1v2 or 1vX, you can splitpush as long as your team comp is not team fight oriented. This allows you to draw pressure in the side lane so that your team can push up and take objectives or force fights that are in your favor. Splitpushing applies pressure to the enemy and forces them to make a decision on whether or not to stop you or to stop your team from taking an objective. Ideally when you're running teleport, you want to splitpush on the opposite side of the most important objective. For example, if Baron is up, then you can split push bot lane and shove waves and take towers. Having teleport makes the macro decisions easier because you aren't forced to rotate if you have a spell like ignite.
How to manage waves?
watch this video (not created by me) -
Akali R Mechanics
Aatrox Matchup

Summoner Spells:

  • Teleport and Flash (You should 100% take Teleport if you are top because he will take Teleport as well)
  • Ignite and Flash (This is primarily for if he is going mid and you are mid lane too, even then I would consider taking Teleport)
  • Teleport and Ignite (This is really greedy, and it is really hard to escape if you get caught by his W (chains) or enemy jungler/support ganks you.)


  • Medium difficulty matchup (Goredrinker has made him gone from easy to medium)

Match-up Notes:

  • Aatrox wins at level 1 if you get knocked up by his Qs.
  • Aatrox wins extended all-ins due to conqueror and healing, you should be looking to do small bursty trades against him or a quick all in if he is low
  • Aatrox outscales super hard - he is almost impossible to kill once he gets deaths dance (broken item btw)
  • Whoever gets first kill, will most likely win the lane and snowball.
  • Be careful of his healing - his passive auto attack will heal him a great chunk
  • The knockup on Aatrox’s Q can stop your E and your R, he also can hit you with his abilities in your shroud.
  • If you are hit by his W (the chains) you need to E out of it or run out ASAP. The tether reveals you in your shroud and it also allows him to set up an easy Q smack on you.
  • If you guys are even in lane, at level 6 if you’re running ignite, you should be able to solo kill him easily with ignite.
Ahri Matchup

Summoner Spells:

  • Teleport and Flash (I would take Teleport if I am playing more for a macro based strategy, like planning to split more, in a team based scenario like Clash, Tournaments, and ETC)
  • Ignite and Flash (This is primarily the go-to against Ahri because you have lots of kill potential one her in lane and having Ignite makes it easier to kill her and snowball.)
  • Teleport and Ignite is not viable versus Ahri because she can easily just R into you and charm you. It will also be really difficult to chase her down or engage on her without Flash.


  • Easy difficulty matchup

Match-up Notes:

  • Major thing in laning phase is not overtrading without your w or e, her level 1 charm is 12 seconds cd, that means that if you shroud and make trades at around level 3 , she will have her abilities up before you get shroud.
  • If you see her throw a charm at you, you have two options:
    1. You can use your E to dodge to the side or hit her with your E if you will get out of range with your E.
    2. You want to immediately shroud if her charm will hit you for sure because but she wont be able to target you with autos and her w won't lock onto you.
  • At level 6, you can kill her pretty easily, but you need to bait out her r first, because you only have 2 R's to catch her
  • and if she has flash + her r, she will have 4 escapes or gap closers
  • Later in the game if you get hit by a charm, she will most likely chunk your entire HP bar as well as her teammates will jump on you. In my opinion, you outscale Ahri as Akali and are a better threat late game than she is.
Syndra Matchup

Summoner Spells:

  • Teleport and Flash (I would recommend taking Teleport into Syndra because she is an moderate to hard matchup early on in the game, and if you get poked down, she can easily shove the wave into your tower and make you lose a lot of experience and gold. Taking teleport would also allow you to pressure and splitpush later in the game where you can 1 shot her if she is out of position in a side lane.)
  • Ignite and Flash (This is really greedy to take against Syndra because she will pressure you super hard early and then you can easily fall behind if she manages to get a solo kill or poke you down and force you to recall.)
  • Teleport and Ignite is not viable versus Syndra because she can easily just Q and E you and you can immediately die if you get stunned.


  • Medium difficulty matchup

Match-up Notes:

  • At level 1, you have to respect her range and damage. If you walk up to CS or trade, she will try to harass you. Try your best to bait out and side step her q, and then you can walk up to Q her or hit minions.
  • Major thing in laning phase is not overtrading without your w or e, if you think she will stun you for sure, try to W as it is going off so that you are stunned in your shroud so she can't target you.
  • Try your best to dodge her stun with your e, or even R.
  • At level 6, you can definitely all-in her and kill her, assuming you dodge her stun. Once you hit 6, this is where you start winning lane because you can just all-in her everytime your ultimate is back up.
  • Buying merc treads in this match-up is a good idea if you are having trouble surviving.
  • She WILL ALWAYS poke you down everytime you walk up to CS, and when you try to engage she will stun you. This is where merc treads and fleet footwork are really good. You can sustain in lane permanently and then when she is out of mana, you basically take lane priority and start playing more aggresive and control the lane.
  • Respect her damage mid to late game, since the current Akali build doesn't optimize for magic resist items, she can basically 1 shot you if you misplay. (Try to also Zhonya's hourglass her ultimate)
Gangplank Matchup

Summoner Spells:

  • Teleport and Flash (I would recommend taking Teleport into Gangplank because he is a hard matchup early on in the game, and if you get poked down, he can easily shove the wave into your tower and make you lose a lot of experience and gold by forcing you to recall. Taking teleport would also allow you to pressure and splitpush later in the game where you can 1 shot him if he is out of position in a side lane and is not building any magic resist items.)
  • Ignite and Flash (This is really greedy to take against Gangplank because he will pressure you super hard early and then you can easily fall behind if he manages to get a solo kill or poke you down and force you to recall. He also sustains with grasp and oranges, and continually pokes you with Q and barrels.)
  • Teleport and Ignite is viable versus Gangplank because he has sustain through grasp and his oranges and not much mobility. Ignite is really good because it applies Grevious Wounds which reduces his healing from his oranges and grasp. Teleport into Gangplank because he is a hard matchup early on in the game, and if you get poked down, he can easily shove the wave into your tower and make you lose a lot of experience and gold by forcing you to recall. Taking teleport would also allow you to pressure and splitpush later in the game where you can 1 shot him if he is out of position in a side lane and is not building any magic resist items.


  • Hard difficulty matchup

Match-up Notes:

  • RUN RESOLVE (SECOND WIND + OVERGROWTH) - it really helps with lane.
  • You have to really respect the amount of damage he does.
    If you are having trouble with him try running doran's shield and playing super passive with fleet and build seekers. If you choose to run fleet, and want to play a little bit more aggressive, starting doran's ring is fine too.
  • You can get away with running conqueror, but I would recommend to run resolve and doran's shield against him.
  • If he builds hexdrinker, you can't one shot him. But if he gets greedy and builds no MR you can blast him.
    Build revolver if he builds no MR to oneshot him, but build seekers if he builds hexdrinker because you won't be able to kill him.
  • Be careful of his oranges, he will bait you by getting low and then orange so your R2 doesn't execute him, and then he will kite you.
Requesting Matchups
If you are curious about a matchup and would like me to add it to this guide, feel free to message me on Discord by joining the RiceLegend discord: or send me a message on Mobafire :D
Other Akali Resource You Should Watch
You should definitely check out this lol dobby video:
How to Play Against MOST Ranged Matchups
!! WIP!
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