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Recommended Items
Runes: Summon Aery - Resolve
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Exhaust + Heal
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide


INNATE: Periodically,

NNATE: While

Prioritize using



You can use





Many Champion abilities can be affect

Abilities that can be used at this time include: in-flight projectiles & targeted ability/spell casts, tethers, delayed abilities, burn damage, and others.


Also do not be afraid to ping your ally that you want to attach to a few times until they let you. :( TAKE THE CAT!


Prioritize using

FINAL CHAPTER - R (Ultimate)

Prioritize using

Skill Sequence
![]() Shield, movement speed, and attack speed bonus. #2. ![]() Damage, slow, and ally on-hit bonus. #3. ![]() Bonus Heal and Shield Power and ally on-hit healing. #4. ![]() Healing, shielding, magic damage, and slow. |
This is the most consistent and optimal leveling order for ![]() Putting 3 leveling points into ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Shield, movement speed, and attack speed bonus. #2. ![]() Bonus Heal and Shield Power and ally on-hit healing. #3. ![]() Damage, slow, and ally on-hit bonus. #4. ![]() Healing, shielding, magic damage, and slow. |
I like this leveling order because it gives you the most Healing and Shielding power, along with buffing. But it is not that great if your Allied bottom lane Champion or player is not very good. I recommend this leveling order only if you are in a duo with someone you trust. In certain situations and matchups, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This leveling order is the best if you have a hypercarry like ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Pros and Cons

+ Great teamfighter. + Amazing mid-late game scaling. + Good healing + shielding. + Easy to pick up and start playing. + Fun to play. + She's a cat and is really cute + has good skins! |
- Squishy - Bad lane pressure. - Ally dependant. - Cannot roam alone. - High ban rate on most patches. - Bad against high crowd control team compositions. |

Summoner Spells

![]() ![]() ![]() SUMMONER SPELLS ![]()
Why not bring






At level 5

At level 8

At level 11









This Rune isn't all that great on



This item is super amazing, it gives
Yuumi everything she wants. It is so good all of the stats are useful on
Yuumi and perfect for her kit. I strongly recommend this item! :D
+40 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
+200 Health
+100% Base
Mana Regeneration
UNIQUE – STARLIT GRACE: When affecting champions with attacks or abilities in combat, heal the nearby allied champion (excluding yourself) with the most missing health for 60 (2 second cooldown). Each second spent in combat with champions grants 5% heal and shield power, stacking up to 5 times for maximum of 25%.
MYTHIC PASSIVE: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 10 heal for this item's passive effect, Starlit Grace.
This item is pretty good. The stats are great and the mythic passive gives bonus Abiltiy Haste per legendary item which
Yuumi loves! (none of the other mythic options for
Yuumi have this) This item is good for engaging and escaping and gives your team lots of
Movement Speed.
+40 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
+200 Health
+100% Base
Mana Regeneration
UNIQUE – INSPIRE: Grants you and all allies within 1000 units of you 30% bonus
Movement Speed for 4 seconds (75 second cooldown).
UNIQUE – MOTIVATE: Healing, shielding, or buffing allied champions (excluding yourself) grants you and them 25% bonus
Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds (4 (per champion) second cooldown).
MYTHIC PASSIVE: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 ability haste.
This item is good for extra damage but only if you are likely to proc the passive.
Only go this if the enemy team will usually be far away from you, so you can get the empowered
Prowling Projectile and the root on
Final Chapter.
+40 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
+200 Health
+100% Base
Mana Regeneration
slow or immobilize Enemy Champions deal 45 − 75 (based on level) bonus magic damage and mark them for 4 seconds. Allied champions that damage marked enemies consume the mark to deal 90 − 150 (based on ally's level) bonus magic damage and grant you and the triggering ally 20% bonus
Movement Speed for 2 seconds (6 (per champion, starts upon mark application) second cooldown).
MYTHIC PASSIVE: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 15 Ability Power.
Everfrost is pretty good for lots of Ability Power and if your team needs more engage, since it gives them a Crowd Control to follow up on. It recently got super buffed in Season 12. It is now a lot cheaper! So the item is more accessable for supports like
+70 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
+250 Health
UNIQUE – GLACIATE: Unleash a fan of icy shards in a cone in the target direction, dealing 100 (+ 30% AP) magic damage to all enemies hit and
slowing them by 65% for 1.5 seconds. Enemies struck in the center of the cone are rooted for the same duration instead (30 second cooldown).
MYTHIC PASSIVE: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 10 ability power.
Staff of Flowing Water is the best Legendary Item for
Yuumi by far. Allowing for
Yuumi to use her spells and abilities more often by giving her Ability Haste and giving her more Ability Power, along with the Allied Champion
Yuumi is using
You and Me! on. This item gives Ability Power, so it is better to get second item after your Mythic Item instead of
Ardent Censer if you have a lot of Ability Power Allied Champions on your team such as
Xerath, etc.
+50 Ability Power
+100% Base
Mana Regeneration
+10% Heal and Shield Power
UNIQUE – RAPIDS: Healing or shielding Allied Champions (excluding yourself) grants you and them 25 − 45 (based on target's level) Ability Power and 20 Ability Haste for 4 seconds.
Ardent Censer gives
Yuumi the ability to buff her allies who rely more on on-hit abilities and Attack Speed.
Ardent Censer gives
Yuumi along with the Allied Champion
Yuumi is using
You and Me! on, on-hit damage and Attack Speed.
Ardent Censer is better to get second item after your Mythic Item instead of
Staff of Flowing Water if you have a lot of Attack Damage or Attack Speed based Allied Champions on your team such as most Ad Carry champions like
Vayne, etc. Along with some other champions who also use Attack Damage or on-hit and Attack Speed such as
Master Yi,
Kayle etc.
+60 Ability Power
+100% Base Mana Regeneration
+10% Heal and Shield Power
UNIQUE – SANCTIFY: Healing or shielding allied champions (excluding yourself) enhances you and them with 10% − 30% (based on target's level) bonus attack speed and 5 − 20 (based on target's level) bonus magic damage on-hit on basic attacks for 6 seconds.
Mikael's Blessing allows
Yuumi to have a
Cleanse basically as an item.
Mikael's Blessing is a little worse than
Cleanse though because
Mikael's Blessing Active can only be used on certain Crowd Control. In general this item is pretty good though since it Heals your ally aswell, not only
Cleanseing them.
+15 Ability Haste
+100% Base
Mana Regeneration
+50 Magic Resistance
+20% Heal and Shield Power
UNIQUE – PURIFY: Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Airborne, Blind, Disarm, Ground, Nearsight, and Suppression) from yourself or an Allied Champion and Heal the target for 100 − 180 (based on target's level) (120 second cooldown).
Redemption is a great item for
Yuumi for teamfights since it gives Area Of Effect healing to your team in a circle in an area, and also does True Damage to enemies in the circle. It is still situational since it has a short period where it has to charge up the heal, so make sure to use it early before your allies die.
This item's active heal also scales with Heal and Shield Power, meaning it can be increased by it.
+15 Ability Haste
+100% Base
Mana Regeneration
+50 Magic Resistance
+20% Heal and Shield Power
UNIQUE – INTERVENTION: Call upon a beam of light to strike upon the target location after 2.5 seconds, granting vision of the area for the duration. Allies within the area are healed for 180 - 340 (based on target's level), while enemy champions within take 10% of the target's maximum health as true damage. Can be used while dead. (90 second cooldown; 5500 range).
Mejai's Soulstealer builds from
Dark Seal which is a very cheap item and is a must buy every game on first back if you have 350 Gold for
Dark Seal.
Mejai's Soulstealer is an amazing on
Yuumi and is very easy to stack if you can ensure that you don't die and lose the stacks which is pretty easy to do on
Yuumi because she is Untargetable in
You and Me! and Heals Allies that she is using
You and Me! on with
Zoomies meaning that
Yuumi probably won't die if she can keep her Ally alive in those situations.
(just be smart and don't use
You and Me! on an ally who will most likely die and has been doing so all game.)
+20 Ability Power
+100 Health
UNIQUE – GLORY: Gain 4 stacks for each champion kill and 2 stacks for each assist, up to a maximum of 25 stacks. Lose 10 stacks on death. Stacks are
Dark Seal.
UNIQUE – DREAD: Gain 5 ability power for each stack of Glory and 10% bonus
Movement Speed if you have at least 10 stacks.
This item is great to buy if you have a lot of Gold. You can build this in any build on
Yuumi and it will be great, since she has abilities that scale with Ability Power since this item gives a lot of Ability Power.
+120 Ability Power
UNIQUE – MAGICAL OPUS: Increase your Ability Power by 35% of your current Ability Power.
This is one of the new Season 12 items. It gives magic penetration depending on the enemy's current health and also if they were recently affected by a shield. This item is great against shield supports or champions who have shields. Only build
Shadowflame if the Enemy Team has a lot of champions who have Shield items or Shields in their kits, items, Summoner Spells, etc.(some examples of shield items include,
Immortal Shieldbow,
Maw of Malmortius,
Gargoyle Stoneplate,
Sterak's Gage,
Locket of the Iron Solari, etc.) (Some examples of shield Runes and Summoner Spells include,
Overheal, etc.) (Some examples of shield Abilities include,
Blast Shield,
Way of the Wanderer,
Spirit Cleave,
Titan's Wrath etc.) Enemy Champions with low Max Health or if your team will be likely to get them low Health.
+100 Ability Power
+200 Health
UNIQUE – CINDERBLOOM: Dealing magic damage to champions ignores 10 − 20 (based on target's current health) of their magic resistance, increased to maximum value if the they were affected by a shield within the last 5 seconds.
Void Staff is a Magic Penetration item. It gives a lot of Magic Penetration and is good if your Enemies are building a lot of Magic Resistance. It gives a decent amount of Ability Power which and helps with
Yuumi's Ability Power ratio's on her Abilities including
Feline Friendship,
Prowling Projectile,
Zoomies, and
Final Chapter, giving
Yuumi increased damage, Healing, and Shielding.
This item is not as effective if the Enemy Team does not have a lot of magic resistance.
+65 Ability Power
+45% Magic Penetration
Horizon Focus has been updated in Season 12. It gives you bonus damage on enemies you hit for 6 seconds if you affect them with a
slow or immobilizing Crowd Control or you use an Ability at 700 or more range. It works on
Prowling Projectile and her
Final Chapter. This item also gives Ability Haste and Health which is much better because you only lose a 30 Ability Power from the changes which is worth around 500 Gold, in exchange for 15 Ability Haste and Health which combined are worth more gold than 30 Ability Power, making
Horizon Focus a more Gold efficient item especially for
+85 Ability Power
+15 Ability Haste
+150 Health
UNIQUE – HYPERSHOT: Dealing ability damage to a champion with an ability that is neither unit-targeted nor auto-targeted at more than 700 units away or
immobilizing or polymorphing reveals them and increases your damage dealt to them by 10% for 6 seconds. (Damage increase applies on
Yuumi's % Current Health damage on
Prowling Projectile.
Chemtech Putrifier builds from
Oblivion Orb which is a cheap item that is easily accessible for
Yuumi for only 800 Gold.
Chemtech Putrifier is amazing since it gives 2 Grievous Wounds items for one! (Grievous Wounds reduced healing)
Chemtech Putrifier also has amazing stats for
Yuumi giving her Ability Power, Ability Haste, and
Mana Regeneration. Go this item if the enemy team has healing abilities such as
Aria of Perseverance,
Ebb and Flow,
Astral Infusion,
Starlight's Touch,
Surround Sound,
Caretaker's Shrine,
Celestial Blessing,
Piercing Darkness,
Primal Surge,
Gleaming Quill,
Shattering Strike,
Triumphant Roar, and
Grand Challenge. Or they have abilities that grant omnivamp or
life stealsuch as
Soul Eater,
Tough It Out,
Glory in Death,
Iron Will,
Umbral Dash when paired with
World Ender,
Severum, the Scythe Pistol,
Spirit of Dread,
Frozen Domain, . Or they have items that grant omnivamp or
life steal or increase healing in general such as
Immortal Shieldbow,
Blade of the Ruined King,
Spirit Visage,
Cull, and
Elixir of Wrath. Or they have Runes or Summoner Spells that grant increased healing,
life steal or omnivamp such as,
Heal and
Legend: Bloodline.
+55 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
+100% Base
Mana Regeneration
UNIQUE – PUFFCAP TOXIN: Dealing magic damage to enemy champions inflicts them with 40% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds. Healing or shielding allied champions (excluding yourself) empowers your and their next instance of damage against enemy champions within 5 seconds to apply 60% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
This passive can be used on
Summon Aery,
Moonstone Renewer,
Mikael's Blessing,
Redemption and
Knight's Vow is good if you have 1 or 2 allies that you NEED to stay alive. It reduces the incoming damage from the ally that you have this item bound to, and heals you for a percentage of your allies damage that you have
Knight's Vow bound to. Its really useful on
Yuumi since she's untargetable when using
You and Me! on an ally and her health doesn't matter as much as other champions because of
You and Me!
+10 Ability Haste
+400 Health
+150% Base Health Regeneration
UNIQUE – PLEDGE: Designate an allied champion as Worthy, forming tether between you and them. Champions can only be designated as Worthy by one
Knight's Vow at a time (60 second cooldown).
UNIQUE – SACRIFICE: While your Worthy ally is nearby and you are above 30% of your maximum health, redirect 10% of the post-mitigation physical and magic damage they take to you as true damage and heal for 8% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to champions. If they are below 30% maximum health, the damage redirection is increased to 20%.
Please do not build
Zhonya's Hourglass unless you are constantly getting your
You and Me! animation cancelled by Crowd Control. This item is useful if you are constantly getting crowd controlled as it buys you time for your team to arrive or for your enemies to die. Otherwise, dont build this item as a core item in your builds in most games.
Yuumi can use UNIQUE – STASIS when she has arrived to the target ally with
You and Me! in order to negate damage to
Yuumi with an ability that has already been casted on
Yuumi. Some examples of this are
Malefic Visions,
Liandry's Torment,
Demonic Embrace,
Blaze, In-flight projectiles such as
Siphon Power,
Rune Prison, Tether abilities such as,
Test of Spirit,
Focused Resolve/
Beartrap on a Rope,
Ethereal Chains/
Mimic Ethereal Chains,
Soul Shackles, and
Stretching Strikes. Along with some other abilities that can be used on
Yuumi in
You and Me! under certain circumstances.
+65 Ability Power
+10 Ability Haste
+45 Armor
UNIQUE – STASIS: Put yourself in Stasis icon.png stasis for 2.5 seconds, rendering you untargetable and invulnerable for the duration but also unable to move, declare basic attacks, cast abilities, use summoner spells, or activate items (120 second cooldown).

This is the best support item on
Yuumi make sure to start this every game along with a
Control Ward (you can go 2
Health Potions if you want but it is not as effective for vision control.)
+8 Ability Power
+10 Health
+50% Base
Mana Regeneration
+2 Gold per 10 seconds
UNIQUE – TRIBUTE: Grants a charge every 10 seconds, up to 3 charges. If an allied champion is nearby, damaging abilities and attacks (Basic Attacks,
Prowling Projectile, and
Final Chapter.) against champions and structures consume a charge, up to one per attack or cast. Consuming a charge grants 20 Gold. Receive diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.
UNIQUE – QUEST: Earn 500 Gold using this item to upgrade to
Frostfang, gaining the WARDING active with 3 wards in stock.
+15 Ability Power
+70 Health
+75% Base
Mana Regeneration
+3 Gold 3 per 10 seconds
UNIQUE – WARDING: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward at the target location, which reveals the surrounding area. Charges refill upon visiting the shop (3 charges; 600 range).
This item has the same UNIQUE – TRIBUTE passive as
Spellthief's Edge.
UNIQUE – QUEST: Earn 500 Gold (Separate 500 Gold from
Spellthief's Edge.) using this item to upgrade to
Shard of True Ice, increasing the WARDING active to instead have 4 wards in stock.
+40 Ability Power
+75 Health
+100% Base
Mana Regeneration
+3 Gold 3 per 10 seconds
UNIQUE – WARDING: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward at the target location, which reveals the surrounding area. Charges refill upon visiting the shop (4 charges; 600 range).
UNIQUE: Receives diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.
Oracle Lens is good if you have an ally that will be pathing in places you want to use this trinket on because you will be attached to them with
You and Me! (preferably a duo partner so you have more synergy and communication.)
It blinds enemy wards in its path and allows you to reveal enemy wards too so you can remove them and deny vision.
Farsight Alteration is great in geenral and has a huge range and is good in most circumstances. Great for checking objectives without having to facecheck areas with no vision. You will be missing out on
Stealth Wards and
Oracle Lens if you get this trinket though as it has a longer cooldown than both of them, but most players prefer to go
Oracle Lens or
Stealth Ward anyway so it tends to not matter. Go
Farsight Alteration if you don't know what trinket ward to go.
Stealth Ward is pretty good in general, its what you buy when you first start the game always 100% of the time along with your support item
Spellthief's Edge.
It has a low cooldown and can hold up to 2 charges and have 3 of them on the map at a time. (this is the same as your support item wards, so if you have 3
Stealth Wards on the map currently, if you place a
Frostfang or
Shard of True Ice ward, it will replace the
Stealth Ward that is closest to expiring with your new ward you just placed down on the map.) Most of the time you will replace
Stealth Ward for
Oracle Lens or
Farsight Alteration once you complete your support item
Spellthief's Edge/
Shard of True Ice.
Watchful Wardstone is a good item but it does take up an inventory slot. It can store up to 3 Control Wards and increases your ward cap on wards you can have placed at a time to 4
Stealth Wards or
Shard of True Ice wards and 2
Control Wards Instead of 3
Stealth Wards or
Shard of True Ice ward and 1
Control Ward.
+10 Ability Haste
+150 Health
UNIQUE: Automatically upgrades to
Vigilant Wardstone after completing a support quest (1000 Gold 1000 generated gold) and reaching level 13.
+15 Ability Haste
+150 Health
UNIQUE – ARCANE CACHE: This item can store up to 3 purchased
Control Wards.
UNIQUE – BEHOLD: Increase your
Stealth Ward, Totem Ward, and
Control Ward caps by 1.
UNIQUE – BLESSING OF IXTAL: Increases bonus attack damage, bonus health, ability power and ability haste by 12% of your current attack damage, max health, and ability power.

This item is super amazing, it gives

+40 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
+200 Health
+100% Base

UNIQUE – STARLIT GRACE: When affecting champions with attacks or abilities in combat, heal the nearby allied champion (excluding yourself) with the most missing health for 60 (2 second cooldown). Each second spent in combat with champions grants 5% heal and shield power, stacking up to 5 times for maximum of 25%.
MYTHIC PASSIVE: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 10 heal for this item's passive effect, Starlit Grace.

This item is pretty good. The stats are great and the mythic passive gives bonus Abiltiy Haste per legendary item which

+40 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
+200 Health
+100% Base

UNIQUE – INSPIRE: Grants you and all allies within 1000 units of you 30% bonus

UNIQUE – MOTIVATE: Healing, shielding, or buffing allied champions (excluding yourself) grants you and them 25% bonus

MYTHIC PASSIVE: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 ability haste.

This item is good for extra damage but only if you are likely to proc the passive.
Only go this if the enemy team will usually be far away from you, so you can get the empowered

+40 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
+200 Health
+100% Base


MYTHIC PASSIVE: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 15 Ability Power.


+70 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
+250 Health

UNIQUE – GLACIATE: Unleash a fan of icy shards in a cone in the target direction, dealing 100 (+ 30% AP) magic damage to all enemies hit and

MYTHIC PASSIVE: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 10 ability power.


+50 Ability Power
+100% Base

+10% Heal and Shield Power
UNIQUE – RAPIDS: Healing or shielding Allied Champions (excluding yourself) grants you and them 25 − 45 (based on target's level) Ability Power and 20 Ability Haste for 4 seconds.


+60 Ability Power
+100% Base Mana Regeneration
+10% Heal and Shield Power
UNIQUE – SANCTIFY: Healing or shielding allied champions (excluding yourself) enhances you and them with 10% − 30% (based on target's level) bonus attack speed and 5 − 20 (based on target's level) bonus magic damage on-hit on basic attacks for 6 seconds.


+15 Ability Haste
+100% Base

+50 Magic Resistance
+20% Heal and Shield Power
UNIQUE – PURIFY: Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Airborne, Blind, Disarm, Ground, Nearsight, and Suppression) from yourself or an Allied Champion and Heal the target for 100 − 180 (based on target's level) (120 second cooldown).


This item's active heal also scales with Heal and Shield Power, meaning it can be increased by it.
+15 Ability Haste
+100% Base

+50 Magic Resistance
+20% Heal and Shield Power
UNIQUE – INTERVENTION: Call upon a beam of light to strike upon the target location after 2.5 seconds, granting vision of the area for the duration. Allies within the area are healed for 180 - 340 (based on target's level), while enemy champions within take 10% of the target's maximum health as true damage. Can be used while dead. (90 second cooldown; 5500 range).


Mejai's Soulstealer is an amazing on

(just be smart and don't use

+20 Ability Power
+100 Health
UNIQUE – GLORY: Gain 4 stacks for each champion kill and 2 stacks for each assist, up to a maximum of 25 stacks. Lose 10 stacks on death. Stacks are

UNIQUE – DREAD: Gain 5 ability power for each stack of Glory and 10% bonus

This item is great to buy if you have a lot of Gold. You can build this in any build on

+120 Ability Power
UNIQUE – MAGICAL OPUS: Increase your Ability Power by 35% of your current Ability Power.

This is one of the new Season 12 items. It gives magic penetration depending on the enemy's current health and also if they were recently affected by a shield. This item is great against shield supports or champions who have shields. Only build

+100 Ability Power
+200 Health
UNIQUE – CINDERBLOOM: Dealing magic damage to champions ignores 10 − 20 (based on target's current health) of their magic resistance, increased to maximum value if the they were affected by a shield within the last 5 seconds.


This item is not as effective if the Enemy Team does not have a lot of magic resistance.
+65 Ability Power
+45% Magic Penetration


+85 Ability Power
+15 Ability Haste
+150 Health
UNIQUE – HYPERSHOT: Dealing ability damage to a champion with an ability that is neither unit-targeted nor auto-targeted at more than 700 units away or

immobilizing or polymorphing reveals them and increases your damage dealt to them by 10% for 6 seconds. (Damage increase applies on


+55 Ability Power
+20 Ability Haste
+100% Base

UNIQUE – PUFFCAP TOXIN: Dealing magic damage to enemy champions inflicts them with 40% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds. Healing or shielding allied champions (excluding yourself) empowers your and their next instance of damage against enemy champions within 5 seconds to apply 60% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
This passive can be used on


+10 Ability Haste
+400 Health
+150% Base Health Regeneration
UNIQUE – PLEDGE: Designate an allied champion as Worthy, forming tether between you and them. Champions can only be designated as Worthy by one

UNIQUE – SACRIFICE: While your Worthy ally is nearby and you are above 30% of your maximum health, redirect 10% of the post-mitigation physical and magic damage they take to you as true damage and heal for 8% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to champions. If they are below 30% maximum health, the damage redirection is increased to 20%.

Please do not build

+65 Ability Power
+10 Ability Haste
+45 Armor
UNIQUE – STASIS: Put yourself in Stasis icon.png stasis for 2.5 seconds, rendering you untargetable and invulnerable for the duration but also unable to move, declare basic attacks, cast abilities, use summoner spells, or activate items (120 second cooldown).


This is the best support item on

+8 Ability Power
+10 Health
+50% Base

+2 Gold per 10 seconds
UNIQUE – TRIBUTE: Grants a charge every 10 seconds, up to 3 charges. If an allied champion is nearby, damaging abilities and attacks (Basic Attacks,

UNIQUE – QUEST: Earn 500 Gold using this item to upgrade to

+15 Ability Power
+70 Health
+75% Base

+3 Gold 3 per 10 seconds
UNIQUE – WARDING: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward at the target location, which reveals the surrounding area. Charges refill upon visiting the shop (3 charges; 600 range).
This item has the same UNIQUE – TRIBUTE passive as

UNIQUE – QUEST: Earn 500 Gold (Separate 500 Gold from

+40 Ability Power
+75 Health
+100% Base

+3 Gold 3 per 10 seconds
UNIQUE – WARDING: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward at the target location, which reveals the surrounding area. Charges refill upon visiting the shop (4 charges; 600 range).
UNIQUE: Receives diminishing gold from excessive minion kills.


It blinds enemy wards in its path and allows you to reveal enemy wards too so you can remove them and deny vision.

It has a low cooldown and can hold up to 2 charges and have 3 of them on the map at a time. (this is the same as your support item wards, so if you have 3


+10 Ability Haste
+150 Health
UNIQUE: Automatically upgrades to

+15 Ability Haste
+150 Health
UNIQUE – ARCANE CACHE: This item can store up to 3 purchased

UNIQUE – BEHOLD: Increase your

UNIQUE – BLESSING OF IXTAL: Increases bonus attack damage, bonus health, ability power and ability haste by 12% of your current attack damage, max health, and ability power.
Early Game

What items do I start on
When you start the game, every game on
Yuumi you want to start
Spellthief's Edge and either a
Control Ward, or 2
Health Potions.
Start a
Control Ward with your
Spellthief's Edge if you think that you are in a lane that you will not be able to detach from
You and Me! in because the enemy botlane has crowd control threats such as
Leona, etc.
Start 2
Health Potions with your
Spellthief's Edge in lanes that you will be experiencing a lot of poke back whenever you try to proc
Feline Friendship on enemy champions with high poke threat and damage early that you can still proc
Feline Friendship without getting Crowd Controlled in such as
Brand, etc.
On your first back as
you should always try to buy a component to one of your Mythic Items such as
Moonstone Renewer,
Shurelya's Battlesong,
Imperial Mandate, or
Everfrost. If you can't afford one of these components, you can choose between a few cheaper components to items that you will build that are also very good. Such as
Dark Seal,
Faerie Charm,
Ruby Crystal,
Amplifying Tome etc.
What should I do during the early laning phase as
Yuumi is pretty weak before level 6 in the early laning phase, so you won't have any kill-threat or much lane pressure before then. You can still try to bully your opponents out of lane though, but it all depends on the matchup. Some matchups you cant do anything against unless your opponents mess up. Most of the time you want to be attached and utalizing your
You and Me! Adaptive Force to your advantage and focus on wave control to try and make it easier for your Ad Carry to farm.
For example into an easier matchup, you should be actively looking for windows to detach from
You and Me! to bully your opponents with basic attacks. Poking enemies with basic attacks into a
Brand, etc. (basically any opponent that does not have an easily accessable hard crowd control ability or if they do have one, it is easy to dodge) Is pretty easy, as you have
Feline Friendship's shield to help sustain you so you can take a little bit of damage. Pairing this poking playstyle with
Shield Bash works well because you are able to consistently proc it with
Feline Friendship basic attacks + shield.
A bad matchup for example, into a
Leona or
Nautilus, it is too risky to detach to bully them with basic attacks. Using your
You and Me!
Yuumi provides Adaptive Force to her ally, so you want to make sure to be on your Ad Carry whenever there is no opportunities to poke.
What you can do however, is whenever the enemy uses their big crowd control ability, you can detach and start bullying them as if they dont have the ability at all until it is back up. If you need more help on matchups and how Champions work, you can look at the League of Legends Wiki and search for a Champion to see their abilities information, such as cooldowns. (Make sure that when you search you see the /Lol text next to their name and it will be their abilities page. You can do this for any Champion, not just
Yuumi. In general,
Yuumi can bully enemies out of lane with
Prowling Projectile no matter what the matchup is. Use
Prowling Projectile every time its up for maximum poke and
Spellthief's Edge procs. Enough poking with
Prowling Projectile and Basic Attacks, and they should be low enough to kill with your Ad Carry, even before level 6. Especially if you have an aggressive Ad Carry such as
Samira, etc. They do a lot of damage early game and combined with
Yuumi it is even more survivability and damage along with attack speed and
Movement Speed from
To prevent running out of
Mana, continue using
Feline Friendship for mana restoration. You can also pick up a
Faerie Charm first back to help with this as well if you are having a lot of problems.
Yuumi is great at chasing enemies down with
Movement Speed and
Prowling Projectile's
slow. Building
Shurelya's Battlesong makes it even easier to chase enemies down to their death. Especially with an Ad Carry like
Miss Fortune,
Ashe, etc. You can usually pick up early kills with these Ad Carries with their amazing chase potential with
Blood Rush,
Frost Shot, and
Make it Rain. Just a little tip, you can try to sit in
brush with your Ad Carry and look for sneaky
Final Chapters too. If your opponent does manage to fall for it, you should be able to snag a free kill.
Yuumi can roam sometimes, but for the most part no.
Yuumi cannot roam by herself, however,
Yuumi is great at roaming with her jungler.
Some good junglers for
Yuumi are
Lee Sin,
Nocturne, etc. (Basically any bruiser or assassin jungler is going to be good with
Yuumi.) Whenever your Jungler ganks, attach to them with
You and Me! and look for a gank Mid lane. Ping Assistance and then Ping your jungler and Ping your
Final Chapter. It should be a free kill as long as your jungler can follow up on
Final Chapter. You can also path towards Mid or Top (usually Mid because it's closer to Bot lane.) after you recall and do the same pings to your Top/Mid as well as Jungle and see if there is an opportunity for a pick. You can look for
Final Chapter's over walls for sneaky roots. If you have a Mid laner with Crowd Control, you can also follow up on their Crowd Control with
Final Chapter + your jungler's abilities such as
Curse of the Sad Mummy or
Cease and Desist, etc.
Yuumi can roam after reaching level 6 and with ally help.
Yuumi's pre-level 6 is not very good, but she can still tend to bully and punish her enemies well during the laning phase and scales very well, taking over the lane after reaching level 6.

What items do I start on
Yuumi, and what items should I get on my first-second back?
When you start the game, every game on

Start a

Start 2

On your first back as

you should always try to buy a component to one of your Mythic Items such as

What should I do during the early laning phase as

For example into an easier matchup, you should be actively looking for windows to detach from

A bad matchup for example, into a

What you can do however, is whenever the enemy uses their big crowd control ability, you can detach and start bullying them as if they dont have the ability at all until it is back up. If you need more help on matchups and how Champions work, you can look at the League of Legends Wiki and search for a Champion to see their abilities information, such as cooldowns. (Make sure that when you search you see the /Lol text next to their name and it will be their abilities page. You can do this for any Champion, not just

To prevent running out of

Yuumi roam?

Some good junglers for



Mid Game & Late Game

How do I transition to mid/late game as
The first thing you need to do before you can start impacting the map and doing things in the mid & late game as
Yuumi, is to find out who your win condition is. With
Yuumi, your allies are everything, your win condition can be something else, but it relies around
Yuumi being able to buff and help someone on her team carry and succeed. The easiest way to know, is by seeing who on your team is the best
Yuumi fit champion. Champions that are good with
Yuumi usually are Assassins and/or Bruisers. These champions are great for
Yuumi, because they are great in the meta right now. All of the items for these champions are great such as
Axiom Arc,
Serylda's Grudge,
Lord Dominik's Regards,
The Collector,
Divine Sunderer, etc. These champions are usually melee and allow
Yuumi easy access to her passive
Feline Friendship because they have to dive in to get to their and enemies, as well as allow her easy access to getting big game changing
Final Chapter's. These champions however, are usually not very useful without a lead, so try to pick out ones with a lead of Minion Kills, Tower Platings, Towers, Kills, Assists, etc. It also goes around if the enemy team comp makes it easier to shut down this champion, if so maybe it is not as good to be on them because they might die and leave
Yuumi vulnerable. For example, who do you think will be your carry in this situation? Have a look at the scoreboard.
Irelia - 2/7/2 - 45 CS
Hecarim - 7/3/6 - 200 CS
Malzahar - 3/3/6 - 160 CS
Jinx - 6/3/4 - 150 CS
Yuumi - 0/1/9 - 2 CS
Tryndamere - 7/4/2 - 190 CS
Kindred - 3/4/7 - 160 CS
Yasuo - 3/3/2 - 150 CS
Xayah - 2/5/0 - 100 CS
Sona - 0/3/1 - 12 CS
In this scenario,
Hecarim is ahead and though hes not super ahead of
Kindred, he has a
Yuumi which basically secures that he does not die if he plays correctly. Also, their team has 4 Attack Damage Champions, making it very easy for
Hecarim to snowball and be very hard to kill if he builds for example a
Death's Dance and
Plated Steelcaps. This is just an example, and this will not be the case every game ofcourse.
Once you've found what champion is your primary win condition,
Yuumi needs to be useful for this champion. So try to build items for this champion's kit in particular. For example, if you have a
Hecarim jungle who is your win condition, (as shown above)
Ardent Censer is a great item for
Hecarim and also synergizes well with the rest of
Yuumi's team with
Irelia and
Jinx. Both of which are Attack Damage champions, meaning that they can utilize Attack Speed from
Ardent Censer to get more attacks to do more damage. For example if you had a
Ahri, and a
Lillia it would be much better to get
Staff of Flowing Water instead of
Ardent Censer or at least before you get
Ardent Censer. It all comes down to drafting and which items and plays are best.
You should also put Vision around areas where your carries are. If your carry for example if its the
Hecarim, and he has been ganking Mid lane all game, and tends to play towards Mid lane, put more vision around mid lane to set up for safer and more secure ganks and you can perhaps roam with your carry now that you know you won't get caught out in the area since there is vision. Playing around vision and your carries is important.
How do I fight for objectives with
Fighting for objectives as
Yuumi is mostly like any support. The first thing you should do (and the easiest one) is to set up vision on the objective - let's say it's Hextech
Dragon. Set up vision in the Pixel Brush which can be found on both sides of
Summoners Rift, to the side of each
Dragon and
Baron Nashor/
Rift Herald pit. Along with vision around and behind the Dragon pit. The same would go for any other objective, like if there is an Objective Bounty on the first Mid lane
tower, or the
Rift Herald.
After this, you can sit in a
Brush as I mentioned in the Early Game portion of the guide, - this trick works at any part of the game but can give easy and accessible kills early game as well - with an ally, you can use your
Final Chapter to cheese the enemies and catch them off guard, and if there is a big objective, maybe kill the entire enemy team. This trick works most of the time if all 5 teammates are in one
brush but make sure to use a
Control Ward before trying to use this trick. Make sure to ping back your allies with this Ping(if you dont know how: using G/V keys, you press the corresponding ping key and click on a target. For example if you press V (retreat) and then on an enemy champ it will ping "fall back from..." while pressing G and then on an enemy champ will ping for target/assist.) If they are trying to do the
Baron Nashor/
Rift Herald in the pit and the enemy team is likely behind the
Baron Nashor/
Rift Herald Pit - to tell them to walk back a bit and pull the
Baron Nashor/
Rift Herald back a little so that the enemy jungler (or whoever would try to steal the objective) can't steal the objective as easily.
This is just basic knowledge, but it is very important for setting up to do objectives.
How should I play teamfights when playing
Teamfighting is very special for
Yuumi because she is the most unique champion in the game - There is no champion that has her playstyle. So it will take a bit of time to fully grasp her playstyle and how she is meant to be played.
The first thing is to prioritize your carry.
Yuumi is useful only with an allied champion nearby, because of all of her abilities being reliant on using
You and Me!
You should be switching from ally to ally in teamfights trying to angle your
Prowling Projectile at maximum range and cast time to get the empowered version - as said in the Abilities section of the guide,
Prowling Projectile range can be extended by using
You and Me! on another ally, as it changed the range of the ability overall, but the cast duration is still the same unless you hit a target. - this is very important because it maximizes your damage and allows
Prowling Projectile to slow, which catches enemies out very easily.
Your Ultimate ability,
Final Chapter is insane in teamfights as well and uses the same range mechanic as
You and Me! because it can be casted while using
You and Me! to reposition it to help get each and every Enemy Champion rooted by
Final Chapter.
Zoomies is a game changer in teamfights, and you should be using it only when your ally has missing health for the most part - unless you will not need it again in the fight and you are chasing one or two enemies down. Prioritize using
Zoomies on allies that utilize it's Attack Speed and
Movement Speed bonuses.
Feline Friendship to make sure
Yuumi doesn't run out of
Mana is very important too. Make sure that before you detach from
You and Me! to use
Feline Friendship, there is no enemies nearby that have any immobilizing Crowd Control spells that can be used on you to cancel your
You and Me! animation when attaching back onto an Ally Champion.
Yuumi's mid and late game is incredibly strong.
Yuumi scales really well into the late game with her items and levels, being able to output insane healing and shielding for her team and damage in all fights.

How do I transition to mid/late game as
The first thing you need to do before you can start impacting the map and doing things in the mid & late game as

Ally Team





Enemy Team





In this scenario,

Once you've found what champion is your primary win condition,

You should also put Vision around areas where your carries are. If your carry for example if its the

How do I fight for objectives with
Fighting for objectives as

After this, you can sit in a

This is just basic knowledge, but it is very important for setting up to do objectives.
How should I play teamfights when playing
Teamfighting is very special for

The first thing is to prioritize your carry.

You should be switching from ally to ally in teamfights trying to angle your

Your Ultimate ability,



Thank you
Thank you so much for reading my
Yuumi Guide!
I really appreciate it and I hope you learned something new. I really put a lot of time and effort into this guide and just wanted to show other people the amazingness that
Yuumi adds to
Summoner's Rift. After all, she is my favorite champion ever!

Good luck, have fun!

Good luck, have fun!
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