League of Legends (LoL) Question: Season 3 Corki questions
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Season 3 Corki questions
ok, so I'm thinking about giving
Corki a try again. I genuinely like the character and his kit, despite his shortcomings and currently poor place in the meta.
I was wondering, how does one itemize Corki in S3? Is he still pretty much Trinity Force like S2, or can he adapt to a kind of Elder Lizard/Muramana build like
I realize that currently he suffers due to poor synergy with many AD carry items, AS and crit in general are wonky due to his missles, that's why I'm curious if he could do a more poke centric build.

I was wondering, how does one itemize Corki in S3? Is he still pretty much Trinity Force like S2, or can he adapt to a kind of Elder Lizard/Muramana build like

I realize that currently he suffers due to poor synergy with many AD carry items, AS and crit in general are wonky due to his missles, that's why I'm curious if he could do a more poke centric build.
Basically anything that gives AD is nice, and allows him to spam pretty hard. (it is obvious that most of his damage comes from his spells)
You gotta keep in mind that he is really mana hungry. That's why
Elder Lizard
Black cleaver
Still, can you make me a favour? Try to play corki with magic pen runes and boots of magic pen, then the rest just AD items.
His ulti is magic damage... so if you want to be a pooker, try magic pen ^^ (I can't try, I haven't got magic pen runes...)