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Garen Build Guide by 2566

Jungle Secret albanian braindead elo printer (free LP guaranteed)

Jungle Secret albanian braindead elo printer (free LP guaranteed)

Updated on June 24, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 2566 Build Guide By 2566 454 Views 0 Comments
454 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 2566 Garen Build Guide By 2566 Updated on June 24, 2024
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Legend: Haste
Last Stand

Nimbus Cloak

+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
for most matchups
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite

Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Secret albanian braindead elo printer (free LP guaranteed)

By 2566

Why wud u wanna pick this gracfeul character in ladder?

    It's a great champion both if u are newbie in jungler role or you have experience and looking for some new practice kekw
    Garen has pretty enough damage to finish every squishy mage enjoyer you want
    Strong on every stage of the match
    Has good survivability, thanks to your W
    In addition W gives you a good opportunity for easy tower dive
    Has great mobility
    Why max Q first over E?
    Gives a ton of mobility for whatever reason u need it - ganking, moving to camps or drakes, rotating, escaping etc. (Youmuu's passive gives even more) while E scales way too poorly
    Also Q entry damage + E most of the times will not even require using ur R (don't forget to save your ult for the next game)
    Cheap first items (Youmuu's Ghostblade and Phantom Dancer are just 2700 and 2600 g, that makes it easier to gain item tempo lead)
    Has high clearing speed (after getting boots and Serrated Dirk u start clearing fast enough, and after looting a first item you become a jungle vacuum cleaner)
    Garen's passive working while clearing jungle so u don't need to worry about managing your HP or kiting on early stages
    Extrtemely easy to secure a kill since LVL6
    Able to provide instant punishment for splitting away in team fights (if one of the enemies gets separated from his team don't be afraid to flash on him and eliminate the target in couple of seconds with your elegant combo)
    Fast vodilings if u drag them together
    Last, but not least: requires zero brain cells to play, so why pick your otp champ with a bunch of difficult mechanics when u have this

    easy to invade on very beginning of the match
    without proper spacing or teammates' help you get cracked 1v1 by tanks like volibear, rammus and many others, so your only way to beat them is overscaling
    CC = grey screen filter
    no demcacia till LVL6 :(

Not much to dive into, every fight u just Q + E + R
Gank on every oportunity and u'll be able to 1v9 every game
Don't be afraid to use flash for shrotening distance to stun your opponent with your outstanding outplay
I personally recommend going blue pet instead of red, on the distance it seems to bring much more profit, but you are free to try as you wish
Last item options are casual:
    Collector for more dmg (can be replaced with any other crit item (navori is nice since it gives you a lot of attack speed, but requires more testing))
    AP resists - Maw of Malmortius against burst damage or Wit's end against damage over time
    Death's Dance for AD resist
    Situational spell shield
    Guardian angel = more demacia
If enemy comp is really non-mobile, replace your boots with any damage item of your choose, Q + Youmuu is enough
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 2566
2566 Garen Guide
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