About This Team Comp
You can also roll for Yasuo*3 as well if you have the items for him and play him as your secondary carry instead of Zed. Irelia can act as an additional carry in late game, but her impact is rather low in this comp.
In late game you want to run Thresh not only for Chrono, but also to keep 2 Urgot 1 Star on your bench that can oneshot problematic frontliners like a Mech, so your Yi finds access to enemy backline faster.
Blademaster Reroll

Team Carries

Recommended Augments

Stage 2
Good openers to commit on this comp are either an early Master Yi or an early Spatula, so you can build a Blademaster Emblem.
Stage 3
Push for Level 6, run 6 Blademaster if you have Blademaster Emblem. If you don't have Emblem/Riven/Irelia then add Chrono and run 3 Blademaster for now.
Stage 4
With Emblem you can add 2 Celestial with Level 6, otherwise you simply run 6 Blademaster + 3 Rebel with Level 7. Slow roll for Master Yi*3 and Zed*3 (with Emblem). Can also roll for Shen*3 and Yasuo*3 though they are somewhat optional.
Stage 5+
Once you finish rolling for Master Yi*3 you can push towards Level 8. Add Thresh + Urgot on Bench to cap out your board. Run Irelia to activate Mana Reaver with Thresh and add Blitzcrank or other utility unit to cap your board.
Alternative Item Builds
Instead of Blademaster Zed you can also run Infiltrator Master Yi with Zed/Fizz
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