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Your core setup is to push for Level 6 in Stage 3-2 and run either 4 Celestial or 4 Protector in mid game. Stay above 50 gold and slow roll for Xin Zhao, Rakan and Ashe. Once you finished upgrading your frontline you can push for Level 7 and finish rolling for Ashe*3. Afterwards you want to push for Level 8, replace Xayah for Lulu, build up a strong Jhin and cap out your board with Urgot.
If you have a Spatula then use it to build a Celestial Emblem and aim for the powerful 6 Celestial Trait as an additional win condition in late game.
Celestial Ashe

Team Carries

Recommended Augments

Stage 2
Opener isn't that important, you mainly want to maximize your goal and prepare for larger roll down in Stage 3-2 while collecting core units on the way
Stage 3
Push Level 6 in Stage 3-2 and roll for 4 Celestial + 2 Sniper. Having early Ashe*2 helps a lot to stabilize for mid game. Recover your economy to 50 gold and slow roll for 3 stars.
Stage 4
Slow roll gold for Xin Zhao*3 and Rakan*3. Once you have them push for Level 7 and finish rolling for Ashe*3
Stage 5+
Once you have Ashe*3 push towards Level 8/9 and add Lulu/Urgot. If you have Protector Emblem can put it on Thresh or Aurelion and replace weaker Protector.
Celestial Emblem is global so it can go on any unit. Protector Emblem is good on Aurelion / Thresh. Aim for 6 Celestial or 6 Protector with double Emblem.
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