About This Team Comp
Once you have Shaco*3 you can push towards Level 9 to add more units for Dark Star. Both Dark Star Emblem and Celestial Emblem are quite useful in this comp, to reach your powerspike earlier. Shaco alone is usually not enough to carry the entire game, so you will either need chase traits or a 3 Star Tier 4 unit in late game to cap out your board.
Shaco has a guaranteed critical strike in his cast, so you don't have to build Infinity Edge on him, but it's not a terrible item on him either. If you get lucky with your items or Augments you can also give him other AD items like Deathblade.
Dark Star Shaco

Team Carries

Recommended Augments

Stage 2
Opener can be either Open Fort with stabilizing roll down in Stage 3-2 or you pick up 2-4 Celestials with an AD item dump for Shaco.
Stage 3
Push Level 6 in Stage 3-2 and roll a bit for your core setup. Having 4 Dark Star should help a lot with Stage 4, while Infiltrator is useful, it only adds a small amount of attack speed and isn't required.
Stage 4
Should be Level 7 in early Stage 4 and have Shaco*2 at this point. Add Infiltrator and slow roll for Shaco*3. You can roll for Rakan/Xin/Morde as well if you found a lot of them. Don't bother with upgrading Karma, usually you want her to die anyways.
Stage 5+
Once you have Shaco*3 you want to push towards Level 9 to add more units for Dark Star. Pick up Dark Star or Celestial Emblem on the way if you find it, as it will make it easier to include all of your units. Set up Jhin as secondary carry and give leftover items to Jarvan or Fizz.
Usually Dark Star Emblem goes on Ashe or Fizz and you should try adding 6 Dark Star for an additional power spike. You can also run Irelia or Gangplank with the Emblem, as they both excel with the bonus stats you get from the trait. Celestial Emblem is global, so you can put it on any frontliner.
Alternative Item Builds
Shaco has a guaranteed critical strike in his kit, which is why you don't have to build IE on him. While Deathblade is a good item, you need so many BF Swords between Shaco and Jhin that it's likely you will be able to build it.
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