About This Team Comp
This comp is not really based around Shaco, since you want to rush towards Level 9 and find Xerath/Janna to stabilize. They don't need to upgraded as they are already extremely powerful as 1 Star. Playing around an early Jhin is usually your best bet in combination with Dark Star/Celestial/Sniper.
If you find a Dark Star Emblem you will also have a much easier time reaching late game, since units like Irelia are extremely powerful with the Emblem, since she has amazing AP and AD Ratios and allows you to reach the 6 Dark Star Power spike in mid game.

Team Carries

Recommended Augments

Stage 2
Potential opener can be Xayah with BM/Celestial/Prot or simply a Bard with a Guinsoo to rush higher Level
Stage 3
Can continue the Xayah Opener or swap into Dark Star if you have early Emblem/Jhin.
Stage 4
If possible, swap into Dark Star Celestial Sniper Setup with Level 7 in early Stage 4. Guinsoo can go on Ashe until you find Xerath
Stage 5+
You can run Celestial Dark Star Mix until you find Xerath or Dark Star Emblem, then you want to fit in 6 Dark Star. Connect Karma to Xerath and add Janna once you find her. Even as 1 Star this combo is extremely powerful. Pushf or Level 9 and upgrade your Legendaries and add Lulu for Celestial/Mystic.
Celestial Emblem is global, so can put it on random Frontliner. Dark Star Emblem is good on Ashe if you find early, very powerful on Irelia to stabilize or on Gangplank in late game.
Alternative Item Builds
Can run Infinity Edge instead of Giant Slayer on Jhin. Xerath mainly cares about Attack Speed, he is cc immune during his cast, so you don't have to build QSS on him. It's often better on Janna against Blitzcrank, as this will grant her Mana and gives her perfect positioning to buff your team
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