About This Team Comp
The core of this comp starts in early Stage 4, where you want to find Fizz to run a Mech as your Frontline, usually paired with an AP/Mystic Backline. Once you're stable you want to push towards Level 8/9 and start adding Legendaries to cap out your board.
A few things to remember regarding the Mech: Activating Infiltrator or Demolitionist will enable the trait for the Mech as well, making those traits quite valuable and easy to fit. You can also run a second Annie or a second Rumble and remove your Fizz from the other Pilots. This way Fizz won't be included and jumps into the enemy backline.
Mech BUS

Team Carries

Recommended Augments

Stage 2
Your Opener will change depending on your items. If you have Mana/Ap items you can run Ziggs/Ahri/Cassio + Frontline in early mid game. If you have AD/Tank Items you can open with 3 Blademaster or anything that can make use of BT/Titan.
Stage 3
Depending on your items you usually run either 4 Vanguard + Cassio as item dump for Viktor or give Jayce/Darius BT/Titan. You can also run Protector/Celestial with Items on Xin or Rumble instead.
Stage 4
Should be Level 7 in early Stage 4, depending on your game you might be able to push Level 8 in either 4-2 or 4-5. You should roll for Fizz and run the Mech (Annie/Rumble/Fizz) in your frontline. Can Swap AP/Mana items to Viktor once you find him. Good additions are usually Karma/Shaco to activate Infiltrator and Dark Star. You can run Bard instead of Soraka to push Level 8 faster if you are stable.
Stage 5+
Once you have stable setup you want to push towards Level 9 and add Legendaries. Ekko can replace Shaco, Gangplank adds Demolitionist for the Mech and Aurelion acts as a Blitzcrank counter and a strong utility unit with his mana deny.
Alternative Items
Viktor can take any of your AP items like Shojin, Rabadon etc, but if your final opponent is running a lot of Infiltrator you should consider giving him an Edge of Night and isolate him in a corner. Gangplank requires an Edge of NIght to ensure his cast and he can also take any leftover AP items. The Mech in this setup usually works better as an off tank, so if you don't need Quicksilver you can run Sterak instead.
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