About This Team Comp
In early game you usually run a mix of Star Guardian and Sorcerer with Ahri as your main AP item dump. You want to be Level 7 in early Stage 4 and have 6 Sorcerer + Riven on the board to stabilize. From here you push towards Level 8, upgrade your units and look out for Xerath/Janna to help you close out the game.
If you find a Star Guardian Emblem you can give it to Viktor and aim for 6 SG + 6 Sorcerer as an alternative win condition. With Level 9 you can add other units that profit from the high bonus AP like Gangplank or Fizz, or simply add Thresh with Urgot on the bench to get rid of Exodia units.
Riven Sorcerer

Team Carries

Recommended Augments

Stage 2
Open 3 Starguardian + Vanguard and use Ahri as AP item dump
Stage 3
Push Level 6 in Stage 3-2 and add 4 Sorcerer, replace Leona for better Vanguard like Mordekaiser
Stage 4
Push Level 7 in early Stage 4, best case scenario is to find early Riven and/or Viktor to run your core setup. Transfer items to Viktor.
Stage 5+
Push for Level 8, upgrade Riven and Viktor. Look for Xerath and Janna and set them up as your final win condition. Can add Fizz/Gangplank or Thresh (with Urgot Bench) Level 9 to cap out your board.
If you find Star Guardian Emblem, give it to Viktor. You can aim for 6 Sorc / 6 SG in late game.
Alternative Item Builds
If you find Star Guardian Emblem, give it to Viktor. You can aim for 6 Sorc / 6 SG in late game.
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