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Aside from those two you can also roll for Rakan, Xin Zhao or Fiora and in some rares cases Caitlyn, but usually don't have the Bench Space to include all of them. Once you have your core 3 Stars you want to push for Level 6/7 so you can include 4 Celestial for more sustain. In late game you can replace Xin for Lulu and add Soraka for Mystic.
Xayah Shredder

Team Carries

Recommended Augments

Stage 2
In early game your focus is to maximize your economy and prepare for large roll down in Stage 3-1.
Stage 3
Roll in Stage 3-1 for Xayah*3 and Jarvan*3. If you had a really good opener you can also slow roll in Stage 3 for your 3 Stars instead. You can also roll for Fiora*3, Caitlyn*3 and Rakan/Xin, but in most cases you won't have the gold or the Bench Space to support rolling for all of these units.
Stage 4
Push for Level 6 and add Rakan/Caitlyn to finish your core setup.
Stage 5+
Push towards Level 8/9, add Ashe + Xin/Lulu for 4 Celestial. Can run Thresh + Urgot on Bench in late game to deal with Exodia tanks.
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