Shen Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities - Patch 14.12
Shen Eye of Twilight
Find the best Shen build guides for League of Legends S14 Patch 14.12. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Shen build for the S14 meta. Learn more about Shen's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community!
My IMMORTAL Shen Build (All Lanes: Top/Mid/Jungle/Bot)
Freya's Shinobi Support Guide
[14.12] The Ultimate All Roles Shen Guide
Loading Screen Shen Jungle
Raen's Shen Tips & Build (☯‿☯)
#1 Shen Jungler Guide (Counterplay into all Champions)
[14.10] xPetu's Challenger Shen Guide
[14.10] Absolute ballsy scaling duelist Shen guide (we are so back)
Leolynn's Shen Guide v9 / TOP - JUNG / All Kinds
Shen Support Guide...yes it works trust me it does
Shentastic guide
Panoonez's Guide to Rank #1 Shen
Shen Maximized | by Polkadog | 14.2
AA Spam Reset Shen
[14.10] Shield Bash Eclipse Mathematical Analysis
Shen best simple build
Shen Support for Draven ADC
Shen Build & Runes
If you're looking for the best rune build for Shen we've got you covered. Below you can find the best items and runes to build for Shen, as determined by calculations of thousands of Plat+ League of Legends games. If you are already familiar with how to play Shen this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch 14.12. However, if you are a new Shen player we highly recommend reading through some of the guides above to learn why this build is strong on Shen!
Shen's Runes
Second Best
Win Rate 18% Pickrate
Third Best
Win Rate 2% Pickrate
Shen's Summoner Spells
Shen's Starters
Shen's Core Items
Shen's Luxury Items
Shen's Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Passive Ability
Second Best
Win Rate 14% Pickrate
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Passive Ability
Third Best
Win Rate 5% Pickrate
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Passive Ability
Shen's Runes
Second Best
Win Rate 9% Pickrate
Third Best
Win Rate 8% Pickrate
Shen's Summoner Spells
Shen's Starters
Shen's Core Items
Shen's Luxury Items
Shen's Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Passive Ability
Second Best
Win Rate 13% Pickrate
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Passive Ability
Third Best
Win Rate 11% Pickrate
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Passive Ability
Shen Counters
Learn Shen's counters and discover matchups where they have an advantage! When you're starting a game of League of Legends you should always keep in mind if you'll be at an advantage or disadvantage against your opponent, so you can know whether to bully them or play safe. You can find detailed breakdowns of each matchup on CounterStats, and you can also check out some Shen guides to see how to build and play against other champions you may find yourself up against!
This counter data is for Shen TOP in Plat+ games. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Shen. Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills, overall kills, early lead ratio, comeback ratio, and win percent to give the whole picture of that champion's effectiveness as a counter pick.
Best Against Shen
Worst Against Shen
Shen Skins
Find Shen's skins and when they were last on sale. Never miss a sale for your favorite skin by using our Wish List feature! You can also find all Shen skins and chromas on Shen's skins page.
Shen's Abilities
Shen's power manifests as a spirit blade that he can control with abilities.
If Shen hit an enemy champion with the Spirit Blade, the damage is increased to 10 / 16 / 22 / 28 / 34 / 40 (at levels 1 / 4 / 7 / 10 / 13 / 16) plus 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6% (+2% per 100 ability power) max health as magic damage and he gains 50% attack speed for those Attacks.
Active: Shen dashes to a target location, taunting champions and monsters he collides with for 1.5 seconds and dealing 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+15% of bonus Health) physical damage to them.
After channeling for 3 seconds, Shen teleports to his ally's location with his Spirit Blade.
Questions About Shen
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