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Yorick Ability (LoL): Shepherd of Souls

Shepherd of Souls Yorick

Yorick Ability: Shepherd of Souls
Range: 1000
Yorick raises a grave for every 12th / 6th / 2nd enemies that die near him. Champions and large monsters always leave a grave.

These graves can be used to summon Mist Walkers with Awakening and Eulogy of the Isles. Mist Walkers have 110-212 (+20% maximum health) health and 2-88 (+0.25 of attack damage) attack damage, and Yorick can control up to 4 in an area (depedning on level).

Yorick's Abilities

Yorick Ability: Shepherd of Souls Yorick Ability: Shepherd of Souls Yorick Ability: Shepherd of Souls Yorick Ability: Shepherd of Souls
Shepherd of Souls is used by Yorick

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brokerZIP | April 1, 2020 10:56am
Where's ghoul's hp and damage scalings?
Fruxo (326) | April 1, 2020 11:54am
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