League of Legends (LoL) Question: Should I get Jhin or Varus
Answers (7)

I'm not an ADC main, but if you have played other champs such as Caitlyn, Jinx, Ashe... you should get Jhin it's something completely different, same with Khalista. I might be wrong but if you have played those champs and want to try something new I'd go for Jhin.

Sadly Jhin does not scale nearly as hard as varus, jhin has a better early game but he falls off pretty hard late game, his full build is bad compared to a varus full build no doubbt about it, and also enchanter supports like janna lulu sona ect are not gonna benefit you as much compared too if you were playing varus mainly because of how broken ardent is right now coming from a full meta perspective i would say varus is better personally!

It depends on your playstyle, Jhin cannot hard carry as much as varus.

In personal opinion jhin is really strong if you can use well the bullets he has a extremely good early game burst so get kills in the start and learn positioning you can carry a game.

Jhin is way more fun to me and I'm pretty sure better than varus so I would say Jhin

If you just want to have a good cs then go for Varus. If you want to be a little bit more risky and try and go for kills and skillshots go for Jhin I would say

In my opinion Jhin is a bot adc with very good pros and cons. if you are into pocking and rooting down your enemies with your Q and R, Varus is the choice for you (He can be used to Lane control). If you want some high damage and HIgh CS but wait a couple seconds to reload Jhin is your option. (He is a very hard pressuring champ)
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