League of Legends (LoL) Question: Should I main Malzahar ?
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Should I main Malzahar ?
(Sry bad English)
After Malzahar reworked, I play him a lot. And now, he has several nerf and h doesn't strong as he used to be. Every AP/ AD when fed are alaways spend gold for a QSS. He has a lot of bad matchups too. So, should I play him even I can't win every game I pick him?
After Malzahar reworked, I play him a lot. And now, he has several nerf and h doesn't strong as he used to be. Every AP/ AD when fed are alaways spend gold for a QSS. He has a lot of bad matchups too. So, should I play him even I can't win every game I pick him?
There was a guy who told me that he loved Malz , collected IP for him and eventually one day bought him.As he said,he took malz in the rift and scored approximate 0/9/1 (real score are quite worse then that) but he loved it and played as much as he could.If you think you can love him even playing him badly then main him but remember no one is forcing you.(just in case, he is op support not op mid laner)
In my own long-winded way, if you find him fun, play him! But keep in mind he's an awesome support! :)
QSS on AP midlaners isn't optimal either way, and if they rush it just farm and don't bother fighting them, they delayed their own item power spike so who cares?
As for QSS, lategame you're not supposed to be diving carries to use
QSS is always going to be a counter to Malzahar but most ADs/APs dont build QSS that early into the game so that's when you'll be strongest. Even if they do have QSS maybe try ulting someone who doesn't have a QSS or watch out if they use if for another reason in a team fight and then ult them.
The main thing is that if you enjoy playing Malzahar you should play him. Hope this helped :)
The same will happen with every champion you main. The more time you put on it, the more problems you'll find.