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LeBlanc Ability (LoL): Sigil of Malice

Sigil of Malice LeBlanc

LeBlanc Ability: Sigil of Malice
Range: 700
Cooldown: 6
Cost: 50
LeBlanc projects a sigil to an enemy, dealing 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 (+45% of ability power) magic damage and marking them for 3.5 seconds. Damaging the marked enemy with an ability detonates the sigil, dealing the same magic damage again.

If either part kills the target, Leblanc refunds 100% of the mana cost and 30% of the this spell's remaining cooldown.

The initial sigil deals an additional 10-146 magic damage to minions.

LeBlanc's Abilities

LeBlanc Ability: Sigil of Malice LeBlanc Ability: Sigil of Malice LeBlanc Ability: Sigil of Malice LeBlanc Ability: Sigil of Malice
Sigil of Malice is used by LeBlanc

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Hopesedge (8) | January 12, 2015 4:10am
Can be controlled by holding Ctrl and clicking where you want it to move, quite an effective distraction.
Needlous (20) | January 1, 2012 10:24pm
On-hit LB <3
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