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Viego Build Guide by Akotanya

Jungle Simple Viego Build

Jungle Simple Viego Build

Updated on June 25, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Akotanya Build Guide By Akotanya 3 5 26,335 Views 0 Comments
3 5 26,335 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Akotanya Viego Build Guide By Akotanya Updated on June 25, 2024
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  • LoL Champion: Viego
  • LoL Champion: Viego

Champion Build Guide

Simple Viego Build

By Akotanya

Full Clear

Raptors>Krugs>Red >Wolves>Gromp>Blue>Scuttle
  • Look for gank after Red, if no guaranteed gank available continue clearing while looking for opportunities.
  • After Blue or Scuttle, try to gank. If no gank available again go base.
  • After leaving base you have 2 options:
    -Krugs>Raptors(if you will full clear 2nd time and go for Grubs)
    -Raptors>Krugs(if you plan to gank side)
    Note: You can gank before taking camp.
  • If no gank available again clear until your Gromp. Then go for Grubs (1 grub will make you lvl 6 if only thing you did was clearing)
    NOTE: If you are on the Red team you can take free drake (if enemy on Grubs) or you can directly go for Grubs to contest.
  • Don't force plays in enemy jungle or in enemy territory where they have prio.
  • Don't waste too much time waiting for a gank even if it can work.
  • If enemy shows on the different side of the map you can invade his jungle and take his camps if you think the camps are up.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Akotanya
Akotanya Viego Guide
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