League of Legends Summoner Spell: Smite
Level: 9
Range: 500
Cooldown: 90
Level: 9
Range: 500
Cooldown: 90

Deals 600 true damage to the target medium / large monster or enemy minion. Against pets, deals 40 true damage instead.
Transforms into Unleashed Smite once a jungle pet is fed 20 treats.
Transforms into Unleashed Smite once a jungle pet is fed 20 treats.
I always use Smite with Warwick whether I plan to jungle or not. I usually end up jungling a little bit no matter how the game is going and nothing frustrates me more than when I have the dragon almost dead and someone on the enemy team jumps in at the last minute and steals it so I keep Smite with me to be sure I get the last hit. It also comes in handy to work the other way around and steal those jungle kills from the other team XD