League of Legends (LoL) Question: Some ?s about Fiora
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Some ?s about Fiora
I have a few qusetions about
Fiora (I'm learning how to play her).
1: What's your suggestion about mana problems? even when I'm fed and doing good I have mana problems. Sometimes I even get blue buff but it goes away fast so I'm looking for a better option. I see many people choosing
on her to solve this problem. I've been wondering if
can solve it too. I usually go for sorcery runes if I don't have enemies who can poke me well so I can use
for late game.
2: does it worth to get
on her? (When there's no Assassin or heavy CC)
3: When I'm being punished early or my enemy has so much poke, should I still go for Core items or buy defensive Items? When I go for defensive items after getting
it feels like I don't have damage and I don't really feel like I'm safer :/. For example, I had a game against
Quinn and she didn't let me farm at all. I engaged and died. (I'm very good with her W yet. If I could block
Quinn's blind I could probably manage to kill her easily but that skill just makes me confused... What should I do when I'm behind? They usually freeze the lane so farming under tower isn't really available. I find it pretty easy to comeback as
Fiora but sometimes the laning phase can be a pain... (people say that
Fiora isn't good in teamfights but I didn't really feel like that. Her mobility makes her great for everywhere.)
hmmm... generally, I want some suggestions for playing
Fiora as a player who only has 22k points on her.
I have a few qusetions about

1: What's your suggestion about mana problems? even when I'm fed and doing good I have mana problems. Sometimes I even get blue buff but it goes away fast so I'm looking for a better option. I see many people choosing

2: does it worth to get

3: When I'm being punished early or my enemy has so much poke, should I still go for Core items or buy defensive Items? When I go for defensive items after getting

hmmm... generally, I want some suggestions for playing

about mana problem, I really don't spam abilities much and I have late game mana problems. If I'm split pushing, I want to get towers as fast as possible so I use Q and E on them (And the CD is really low on them late game so I end up using a lot of mana). I found Presence of Mind rune the best for this my play style. If I get some takedowns it really solves the mana problems and I can even use skill to push waves faster since I'm sure I'm not gonna run out of mana easily.
About you item build, I'm used to finish Tiamat into Ravenous Hydra as 1st item because of the lifesteal. But I'll try ur build path to see how it goes for me.
thank you for help :)
2. From personal experience and from other
3. For poke matchups, go defensive items at the start depending on what kind of rune page you're going for (
4. If you're behind, you're behind. There's not really much you can do about it. I would suggest to keep farming in your lane, if your botlane is doing well for example, you can also ask them for a lane swap so that you can chill down at the botlane where you don't have to get as much pressure when trying to farm.
Thank you for the tips. I tried
I don't usually spam abilities for farming but I always use Q and E for Towers. Does it even worth to use Q on towers?
I'll try