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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Someone has a viable "usual" Itembuild for Midlane AP Ekko ?

Posted in Items | Tags: Ekko 5,029

  • N1ngendo

    Someone has a viable "usual" Itembuild for Midlane AP Ekko ?

    Yo Guys, I just played Ekko after a long time and went 13/3 in Midlane (Platin IV) so I decided to keep playing him mid. Now I got a question to you Ekkomains out there. Do you have a regular AP Itembuild you go or just some recomended "must have" Items for him and can you pls tell me why you go them ?
  • Answers (2)

    DisturbedFox (62) | May 3, 2016 5:15am
    Abyssal rush if against AP, Seeker's if AD into Morello. After that Zhonya's and Lich bane
    redhaze_2010 | May 3, 2016 9:19am
    check out my ekko build guide
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