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Ability Order
Power Chord (PASSIVE)
Sona Passive Ability
This build / playstyle is aimed for ranked games, and I've used it a fair amount in both ranked and normals. You may not have impressive kills but your assists will be through the roof and you'll be carrying your team by keeping their butts alive. If this more supporty playstyle doesn't suit your taste then check out some other more damage oriented guides here on mobafire.
My Skills and Early/Mid/Late Game sections contain all my tips, tricks and playstyle walkthroughs, so please read them if you could use help in that area.
So my Sona build was out of date and I pretty much just redid everything, so I will go over the changes with you. I don't have time to go through and edit the whole guide now, so if there's discrepancies later in the guide the information in this section is correct.
Summoners - Exhaust is the usual spell for supports now. Typically the carry will take heal so he can get more benefit from it, and you as the support take exhaust to help with kills / trades. Exhaust is a great summoner for protect your carry / securing kills. Exhausting the enemy carry in lane will make him do almost no damage for the duration.
Items - Oracles is important to get as a support so that you can put a big dent in their map awareness. Most of the time the enemy will get this too, so you don't want them to have a bunch of wards and you have none. Zeke's is the item I usually get because there tends to be more ad / bruisers on the team than ap's with the current meta and this item is really useful for them. Always have a spot to keep wards, and if you get done with those items buy merc treads to replace your cdr boots.
Masteries / Runes - Switched to defensive masteries since overall they're stronger than support masteries. These defensive runes / masteries let you harass the enemy carry / support better and zone them better. Since you take defensive masteries you can lose the health quints I used to have for gp10 quints.

Playstyle / Laning:
Grab your items and group up with your team to protect your jungler. Use

Now you are in your lane and the creeps are rolling out. The goal of early game is to babysit your lane partner, let them have all the creep kills (yes I mean ALL of them), and harass the enemy so they leave your lane partner alone.
Sona can put out some formidable deepz with her Q + power chord and give quite a surprise to the enemy. I usually level my Q and W up equally, but depending on how you're doing in lane you might want to max one before the other. If you lane with a champ that has a good early game (stuns / high damage) you can probably net some kills, and you might want to max your Q first. If you are laning with a passive lane partner that just needs to farm, just focus on healing them up and harassing the enemy by yourself (this means you would level your W first).
Once you hit 6 you can almost always get a kill by harassing the enemy down, then coordinating with your lane partner / jungler that you are going to try to get a kill with your ult. When trying to get a kill keep in mind to have your Q + powerchord ready to burst them down. If you don't think you can get a kill with your ult just save it in case you need to save your lane partner from a gank.
If your lane partner wants to roam / gank another lane hold the lane for them. You have very good lanestay with your heal and mana regen. At this point you can kill creeps! ;D
If at the end of the phase neither you or your partner has died, you have 0 CS, and your partner has a ton, it's a GREAT SUCCESSS! (Just keep this in mind if you didn't manage to get any kills early game)
First Return:
Always always ALWAYS get a philosopher's stone first. Since you are giving all the CS to your lane partner you will need the gold per 10 secs. If your team's not warding dragon try to buy 1 ward for dragon, but you will be very low on money since you have no CS, so if you can't afford it that's ok.
Sona's Role in Teamfights:
During teamfights focus first and foremost on healing on every CD, then on damage, then on using your E for mobility. By this I mean W > Q > E. However, you should be spamming all of these skills on CD if mana allows. If you run out of mana only use your W! You can get by with your passive mana regen and only using W when your mana comes back up. Stick by your carry and make sure they are safe. Save your R until you can hit 2 or 3 enemies, or if one of your teammates has a good aoe ult (such as

Moar wards plz? Kthx!:
At this stage in the game, even though you are gold-starved, you need to start warding. The philosopher's stone should help you afford to buy wards. As a support you are helping your team out by buying wards so your carries / tanks don't have to and can be stronger. Here is a guide about warding by Awwgasm, and it gives extensive picture references of the places to put wards to maximize their potential. I will tell you this, wards win games.

Combo your E with

Keep in mind when to use your ult and CV's as described in the Mid Game section. Make sure baron is ALWAYS warded, as a free baron can mean gg. If you can buy

Dependent on Your Team Composition:

Zeke's Herald - This is a nice buff to your ad carries and tanky DPS. I take this item a lot since it works well in the current meta. Don't worry about going over CDR cap, it doesn't really matter you mostly want to buff your team.
Will of the Ancient's - This item works very well in teamcomps with double AP, though you will find most of the time one of the AP's will get this item anyways. In double AP comps they will often go 2 WOTA's on each of them, so this item may be unnecessary. Just ask if you're not sure.
Items Other People Like but I Don't:



Greater Seal of Replenishment - These will help you stay in lane and keep up the harass. Sona is very mana hungry during / after teamfights.

As you can see, my runes focus on early game advantage, which I feel like is very important for Sona. Her damage is pretty good early game, and these runes also give her the ability to sustain both herself and her teammate.
Haven't thoroughly tested yet but theoretically these seem best to me. I like the armor masteries in defense tree (you will be laning against a primarily AD damage dealer) and the hp also helps you be more of an asset to your team.
All of the masteries I took in the utility tree I felt like were requirements. Supports need mana regen, better wards, improved CV/Flash, gold gen, and experience.
6/23/2011 - Switched merc treads to CDR boots and took soul shroud out of the main lineup.
11/2/2011 - Switched CDR glyphs for MR glyphs. Switched Mpen marks for armor marks.
11/16/2011 - Updated masteries to reflect masteries implemented this patch.
12/20/2011 - Changed out Abyssal Scepter for WOTA
SixSonatas - Helping fix my build / illuminating the difference between different supports, and what role Sona should fill (look at intro).
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