League of Legends (LoL) Question: Soraka in the the Championship
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Soraka in the the Championship
In between games yesterday, the analysts were talking about how strong Zed would be in the Worlds and were discussing means of countering him. Krepo dropped a comment about Soraka, since she is almost a perfect counter to his burst. Armor buff and a heal through Astral Blessing, along with a silence, would in my opinion be enough to make a carry survive Zed's burst. To add to that, with the tri-force Corki dominating yesterday, who has ridiculous amounts of early game magic damage, the MR through her passive Consecration could play a big role in bottom lane fights. I was wondering if these two factors would make up for her lack of CC and make her viable?
TL;DR Are Soraka's armor and MR buffs strong enough to counter Zed and Corki, the current dominators of the meta?
TL;DR Are Soraka's armor and MR buffs strong enough to counter Zed and Corki, the current dominators of the meta?