Return Catalyst to Banshee plz. We need dmg to Ryze, not this ****.
You're out of your mind. Idk about Ryze specifically, but as a whole, the passive makes perfect sense. Spirit Visage and Banshee's Veil are both tailored to stopping burst damage. Health, MR, and extra health regen are the exact things that stop mages.
AAAH. Such beatifull item). I hope Riot won't change it a lot. Cause all champs that rushed Warmog's can now rush SV. And I hate Warmog's as defence item (pure health is not best option IMO)
Very, very, very excited for this. This is exactly what we needed, more MR options, and it's also cheap! I thank you while playing Maokai, and I'm sure as other champs in the future. :)
The most useless passive ever...
Return Catalyst to Banshee plz. We need dmg to Ryze, not this ****.
You're out of your mind. Idk about Ryze specifically, but as a whole, the passive makes perfect sense.
Return Catalyst to Banshee plz. We need dmg to Ryze, not this ****.