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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Spell Intercation with brushes

Posted in General | Tags: Veigar 2,527

  • Tranchant

    Spell Intercation with brushes

    Hey summoners !
    I have very specific questions. The example that depicts the most the issue is Veigar.
    - Does firing auto-attacks from brush reveal one's champion from enemy point of view ?
    - Does firing untargeted no-damaging spell (e.g. Veigar's E) from brush reveal one's champion from enemy point of view ?
    - Does firing untargeted damaging spell (e.g. Veigar's Q) from brush reveal one's champion from enemy point of view ?
    - Does firing targeted damaging (e.g. Veigar's R) from brush reveal one's champion from enemy point of view ?
    My questions come from a situation where I died knowing I could survived by killing from brush:
  • Answers (2)

    MyWheels | September 6, 2023 10:48am
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    Katasandra (101) | April 2, 2022 11:38pm
    Generally, targeted spells/attacks (so autoattacks, Veigar R) will reveal you. Untargeted spells will not ( Veigar Q/E).

    In the situation in the the clip you provided, it doesn't matter. Teemo R also reveals your location, so even if you try to hide in the bush, Teemo will still be able to see & Q you.
    Tranchant | April 4, 2022 1:58am
    Thank you for your answer !
    Yes obviously it was hard to survive. Still, I could have tried firing my spells before he walked in range of killing me.
    This situation raised these general questions about the game mechanics.
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