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Sivir Ability (LoL): Spell Shield

Spell Shield Sivir

Sivir Ability: Spell Shield
Cooldown: 24 / 22.5 / 21 / 19.5 / 18
Sivir creates a magical barrier for 1.5 seconds that blocks the next incoming enemy ability. If an ability is blocked, Sivir restores 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80% AD (+50% of ability power) health and triggers Fleet of Foot.

Sivir's Abilities

Sivir Ability: Spell Shield Sivir Ability: Spell Shield Sivir Ability: Spell Shield Sivir Ability: Spell Shield
Spell Shield is used by Sivir

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pimoz (3) | March 15, 2014 2:20am
good when you are oom, you get into a minor-damaging trap, +120 mana.
you got to know when and WHY you use it.
TremorMK (5) | July 29, 2012 3:25am
Good timing saves your day
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